
Type members


sealed abstract class AccessElement(name: String) extends Comparable[AccessElement]
object AccessPath
case class AccessPath(elements: Elements, exclusions: Seq[Elements])
case object AddressOf extends AccessElement
case class ConstantAccess(constant: String) extends AccessElement
object Elements

For handling of invertible elements, cf The general rule is that elements concatenate normally, except for:

For handling of invertible elements, cf The general rule is that elements concatenate normally, except for:

Elements(&) ++ Elements() == Elements() Elements() ++ Elements(&) == Elements() Elements(<0>) == Elements() Elements() ++ Elements() == Elements(<i+j>) Elements() ++ Elements() == Elements() Elements() ++ Elements() == Elements() Elements() ++ Elements() == Elements(<?>)

From this, once can see that , * and & are invertible, <?> is idempotent and <0> is a convoluted way of describing and empty sequence of tokens. Nevertheless, we mostly consider * as noninvertible (because it is, in real computers!) and <?> as invertible (because it is in real computers, we just don't know the offset)

Elements get a private constructor. Users should use the no-argument Elements.apply() factory method to get an empty path, and the specific concat operators for building up pathes. The Elements.normalized(iter) factory method serves to build this in bulk.

The unnormalized factory method is more of an escape hatch.

The elements field should never be mutated outside of this file: We compare and hash Elements by their contents, not by identity, and this breaks in case of mutation.

The reason for using a mutable Array instead of an immutable Vector is that this is the lightest weight datastructure for the job.

The reason for making this non-private is simply that it is truly annoying to write wrappers for all possible uses.

final class Elements(val elements: Array[AccessElement]) extends Comparable[Elements]
case class FullMatchResult(stepOverPath: Option[AccessPath], stepIntoPath: Option[AccessPath], extensionDiff: Elements)

Result of matchFull comparison

Result of matchFull comparison

Value parameters:

extensionDiff is non empty if and only if a proper subset is affected. Outside of over tainting, if extensionDiff is non empty then: path.elements ++ path.matchFull(other).extensionDiff == other.elements path.matchFull(other).stepIntoPath.get.elements.isEmpty Invariants:

  • Exclusions have no invertible tail
  • Only paths without overTaint can have exclusions TODO: Figure out sensible assertions to defend these invariants

The affected part of the access path, mapped to be relative to this stepIntoPath.isDefined if and only if there is a match in paths, i.e. if the call can affect the tracked variable at all. Outside of overtainting, if stepIntoPath.isDefined && stepIntoPath.elements.nonEmpty then: path.elements == other.elements ++ path.matchFull(other).stepIntoPath.get.elements extensionDiff.isEmpty


the unaffected part of the access path. Some(this) for no match, None for perfect match; may have additional exclusions to this.

case object IndirectionAccess extends AccessElement
sealed trait MatchResult
object MatchResult extends Enumeration
case class PointerShift(logicalOffset: Int) extends AccessElement
case class TrackedAlias(argIndex: Int) extends TrackedBase
case class TrackedLiteral(literal: Literal) extends TrackedBase
case class TrackedMethodOrTypeRef(methodOrTypeRef: StoredNode & HasCode) extends TrackedBase
case class TrackedNamedVariable(name: String) extends TrackedBase
case class TrackedReturnValue(call: CallRepr) extends TrackedBase
case object VariableAccess extends AccessElement