

NodeBuilders helps with node creation and is intended to be used when functions from x2cpg.AstCreatorBase are not appropriate; for example, in cases in which the node's line and column are not set from the base ASTNode type of a specific frontend.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Concrete methods

def newAnnotationLiteralNode(name: String): NewAnnotationLiteral
def newCallNode(methodName: String, typeDeclFullName: Option[String], returnTypeFullName: String, dispatchType: String, argumentTypes: Iterable[String], code: String, lineNumber: Option[Integer], columnNumber: Option[Integer]): NewCall
def newDependencyNode(name: String, groupId: String, version: String): NewDependency
def newFieldIdentifierNode(name: String, line: Option[Integer], column: Option[Integer]): NewFieldIdentifier
def newIdentifierNode(name: String, typeFullName: Option[String], line: Option[Integer], column: Option[Integer], dynamicTypeHintFullName: Seq[String]): NewIdentifier
def newMethodReturnNode(typeFullName: String, dynamicTypeHintFullName: Option[String], line: Option[Integer], column: Option[Integer]): NewMethodReturn

Create a method return node

Create a method return node


def newModifierNode(modifierType: String): NewModifier
def newOperatorCallNode(name: String, code: String, typeFullName: Option[String], line: Option[Integer], column: Option[Integer]): NewCall
def newThisParameterNode(typeFullName: String, dynamicTypeHintFullName: Seq[String], line: Option[Integer], column: Option[Integer]): NewMethodParameterIn