
Type members


class AstLinkerPass(cpg: Cpg) extends SimpleCpgPass
class ContainsEdgePass(cpg: Cpg) extends ConcurrentWriterCpgPass[AstNode]

This pass has MethodStubCreator and TypeDeclStubCreator as prerequisite for language frontends which do not provide method stubs and type decl stubs.

This pass has MethodStubCreator and TypeDeclStubCreator as prerequisite for language frontends which do not provide method stubs and type decl stubs.

class FileCreationPass(cpg: Cpg) extends SimpleCpgPass

For all nodes with FILENAME fields, create corresponding FILE nodes and connect node with FILE node via outgoing SOURCE_FILE edges.

For all nodes with FILENAME fields, create corresponding FILE nodes and connect node with FILE node via outgoing SOURCE_FILE edges.

class MethodDecoratorPass(cpg: Cpg) extends SimpleCpgPass

Adds a METHOD_PARAMETER_OUT for each METHOD_PARAMETER_IN to the graph and connects those with a PARAMETER_LINK edge. It also creates an AST edge from METHOD to the new METHOD_PARAMETER_OUT nodes.

Adds a METHOD_PARAMETER_OUT for each METHOD_PARAMETER_IN to the graph and connects those with a PARAMETER_LINK edge. It also creates an AST edge from METHOD to the new METHOD_PARAMETER_OUT nodes.

This pass has MethodStubCreator as prerequisite for language frontends which do not provide method stubs.

class MethodStubCreator(cpg: Cpg) extends SimpleCpgPass

This pass has no other pass as prerequisite.

This pass has no other pass as prerequisite.

case class NameAndSignature(name: String, signature: String, fullName: String)
class NamespaceCreator(cpg: Cpg) extends SimpleCpgPass

Creates NAMESPACE nodes and connects NAMESPACE_BLOCKs to corresponding NAMESPACE nodes.

Creates NAMESPACE nodes and connects NAMESPACE_BLOCKs to corresponding NAMESPACE nodes.

This pass has no other pass as prerequisite.

class TypeDeclStubCreator(cpg: Cpg) extends SimpleCpgPass

This pass has no other pass as prerequisite. For each TYPE node that does not have a corresponding TYPE_DECL node, this pass creates a TYPE_DECL node. The TYPE_DECL is considered external.

This pass has no other pass as prerequisite. For each TYPE node that does not have a corresponding TYPE_DECL node, this pass creates a TYPE_DECL node. The TYPE_DECL is considered external.

class TypeUsagePass(cpg: Cpg) extends SimpleCpgPass