
trait AstGenRunnerBase(config: X2CpgConfig[_] & AstGenConfig[_])


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

protected def runAstGenNative(in: String, out: File, exclude: String)(implicit metaData: AstGenProgramMetaData): Try[Seq[String]]
protected def skippedFiles(in: File, astGenOut: List[String]): List[String]

Concrete methods

protected def astGenCommand(implicit metaData: AstGenProgramMetaData): String
protected def executableName(implicit metaData: AstGenProgramMetaData): String

Determines the name of the executable to run, based on the host system. Usually, AST GEN binaries support three operating systems, and two architectures. Some binaries are multiplatform, in which case the suffix for x86 is used for both architectures.

Determines the name of the executable to run, based on the host system. Usually, AST GEN binaries support three operating systems, and two architectures. Some binaries are multiplatform, in which case the suffix for x86 is used for both architectures.


def execute(out: File): AstGenRunnerResult
protected def fileFilter(file: String, out: File): Boolean
protected def filterFiles(files: List[String], out: File): List[String]
protected def isIgnoredByUserConfig(filePath: String): Boolean

Concrete fields

protected val LinuxArm: String
protected val LinuxX86: String
protected val MacArm: String
protected val MacX86: String

All the supported combinations of architectures.

All the supported combinations of architectures.


protected val WinArm: String
protected val WinX86: String