



package context

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class Context extends AnyRef

    An immutable set of information that is tied to the processing of single operation in a service.

    An immutable set of information that is tied to the processing of single operation in a service. A Context instance can contain tags and entries.

    Context tags are built on top of the TagSet abstraction that ships with Kamon and since Kamon knows exactly what types of values can be included in a TagSet it can automatically serialize and deserialize them when going over HTTP and/or Binary transports.

    Context entries can contain any arbitrary type specified by the user, but require additional configuration and implementation of entry readers and writers if you need them to go over HTTP and/or Binary transports.

    Context instances are meant to be constructed by using the builder functions on the Context companion object.

  2. trait Propagation[ReaderMedium, WriterMedium] extends AnyRef

    Inter-process Context propagation interface.

    Inter-process Context propagation interface. Implementations are responsible from reading and writing a lossless representation of a given Context instance to the appropriate mediums. Out of the box, Kamon ships with two implementations:

    • HttpPropagation: Uses HTTP headers as the medium to transport the Context data.
    • BinaryPropagation: Uses byte streams as the medium to transport the Context data.
  3. trait Storage extends AnyRef

    A temporary space to store a Context instance.

Value Members

  1. object BinaryPropagation

    Context propagation that uses byte stream abstractions as the transport medium.

    Context propagation that uses byte stream abstractions as the transport medium. The Binary propagation uses instances of ByteStreamReader and ByteStreamWriter to decode and encode Context instances, respectively.

    Binary propagation uses the ByteStreamReader and ByteStreamWriter abstraction which closely model the APIs from InputStream and OutputStream, respectively, but without exposing additional functionality that wouldn't have any well defined behavior for Context propagation, e.g. flush or close functions on OutputStreams.

  2. object Context
  3. object HttpPropagation

    Context propagation that uses HTTP headers as the transport medium.

    Context propagation that uses HTTP headers as the transport medium. HTTP propagation mechanisms read any number of HTTP headers from incoming HTTP requests to decode a Context instance and write any number of HTTP headers on outgoing requests to transfer a context to remote services.

  4. object Propagation
  5. object Storage
