
Instrument that tracks the distribution of latency values within a configured range and precision. Timers are just a special case of histograms that provide special APIs dedicated to recording latency measurements.

trait Tagging[Timer]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class Atomic

Value members

Abstract methods

def record(nanos: Long): Timer

Records one occurrence of the provided latency value. Keep in mind that the provided value will not be recorded as-is on the resulting Histogram but will be rather adjusted to a bucket within the configured precision. By default, all Kamon histograms are configured to achieve up to 1% error margin across the entire range.

Records one occurrence of the provided latency value. Keep in mind that the provided value will not be recorded as-is on the resulting Histogram but will be rather adjusted to a bucket within the configured precision. By default, all Kamon histograms are configured to achieve up to 1% error margin across the entire range.

def record(duration: Duration): Timer

Records one occurrence of the provided duration. Keep in mind that the provided value will not be recorded as-is on the resulting Histogram but will be rather adjusted to a bucket within the configured precision. By default, all Kamon histograms are configured to achieve up to 1% error margin across the entire range.

Records one occurrence of the provided duration. Keep in mind that the provided value will not be recorded as-is on the resulting Histogram but will be rather adjusted to a bucket within the configured precision. By default, all Kamon histograms are configured to achieve up to 1% error margin across the entire range.

def record(elapsed: Long, unit: TimeUnit): Timer

Records one occurrence of the provided duration. Keep in mind that the provided value will not be recorded as-is on the resulting Histogram but will be rather adjusted to a bucket within the configured precision. By default, all Kamon histograms are configured to achieve up to 1% error margin across the entire range.

Records one occurrence of the provided duration. Keep in mind that the provided value will not be recorded as-is on the resulting Histogram but will be rather adjusted to a bucket within the configured precision. By default, all Kamon histograms are configured to achieve up to 1% error margin across the entire range.

def start(): Started

Starts counting elapsed time from the instant this method is called and until the returned Timer.Started instance is stopped.

Starts counting elapsed time from the instant this method is called and until the returned Timer.Started instance is stopped.

Inherited methods

def autoUpdate(consumer: Timer => Unit): Timer

Schedules a call to the provided consumer with a reference to this histogram as parameter. The schedule uses the default auto-update interval. See the kamon.metric.instrument-factory configuration settings for more details.

Schedules a call to the provided consumer with a reference to this histogram as parameter. The schedule uses the default auto-update interval. See the kamon.metric.instrument-factory configuration settings for more details.

Inherited from:
def autoUpdate(consumer: Consumer[Timer], interval: Duration): Timer

Schedules a call to the provided consumer with a reference to this histogram as parameter, overriding the metric's auto-update interval.

Schedules a call to the provided consumer with a reference to this histogram as parameter, overriding the metric's auto-update interval.

Inherited from:
def autoUpdate(consumer: Consumer[Timer]): Timer

Schedules a call to the provided consumer with a reference to this histogram as parameter. The schedule uses the default auto-update interval. See the kamon.metric.instrument-factory configuration settings for more details.

Schedules a call to the provided consumer with a reference to this histogram as parameter. The schedule uses the default auto-update interval. See the kamon.metric.instrument-factory configuration settings for more details.

Inherited from:
def autoUpdate(consumer: Timer => Unit, interval: Duration): Timer

Schedules a call to the provided consumer with a reference to this histogram as parameter, overriding the metric's auto-update interval.

Schedules a call to the provided consumer with a reference to this histogram as parameter, overriding the metric's auto-update interval.

Inherited from:

Returns the metric to which this instrument belongs.

Returns the metric to which this instrument belongs.

Inherited from:
def remove(): Boolean

Removes this instrument from the metric.

Removes this instrument from the metric.

Inherited from:

Returns the tags used to create this instrument.

Returns the tags used to create this instrument.

Inherited from:
override def withTag(key: String, value: Long): Timer
Definition Classes
Inherited from:
override def withTag(key: String, value: Boolean): Timer
Definition Classes
Inherited from:
override def withTag(key: String, value: String): Timer
Definition Classes
Inherited from:
override def withTags(tags: TagSet): Timer
Definition Classes
Inherited from: