

package laserdisc

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. laserdisc
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final type ==>[A, B] = Read[A, B]
  2. final type Arr = laserdisc.protocol.Arr
  3. final type Bulk = laserdisc.protocol.Bulk
  4. trait Client[F[_], Env] extends ClientBase[F, Env] with ClientExt[F, Env]
  5. trait ClientBase[F[_], Env] extends AnyRef
  6. trait ClientExt[F[_], Env] extends AnyRef
  7. final type ConnectionName = Refined[String, ConnectionNameRef]
  8. final type ConnectionNameRef = And[OneOrMoreRef, Forall[And[NoWhitespace, NoControlChar]]]
  9. final case class ControlChar() extends Product with Serializable
  10. final type DbIndex = Refined[Int, DbIndexRef]
  11. final type DbIndexRef = And[GreaterEqual[Int(0)], LessEqual[(DbIndexMaxValueWit)#T]]
  12. sealed trait Direction extends AnyRef
  13. final type Err = laserdisc.protocol.Err
  14. trait Functor[F[_]] extends AnyRef
  15. final type GeoHash = Refined[String, GeoHashRef]
  16. final type GeoHashRef = MatchesRegex[(GeoHashRegexWit)#T]
  17. final type GlobPattern = Refined[String, GlobPatternRef]
  18. final type GlobPatternRef = MatchesRegex[(GlobPatternRegexWit)#T]
  19. trait Handler[F[_], Env, In <: HList] extends DepFn2[Env, In]
  20. final type Host = Refined[String, HostRef]
  21. final type HostRef = Or[Or[Or[Or[Or[Or[Equal[(AllNICsEqWit)#T], Equal[(LoopbackEqWit)#T]], And[And[Not[IPv4], MaxSize[(Rfc1123HostnameMaxLengthWit)#T]], MatchesRegex[(Rfc1123HostnameRegexWit)#T]]], Rfc1918PrivateSpec], Rfc5737TestnetSpec], Rfc3927LocalLinkSpec], Rfc2544BenchmarkSpec]
  22. final type Index = Refined[Long, IndexRef]
  23. final type IndexRef = True
  24. final case class KV[A](key: Key, value: A) extends Product with Serializable
  25. final type Key = Refined[String, KeyRef]
  26. final type KeyRef = And[OneOrMoreRef, Forall[NoControlChar]]
  27. final type Latitude = Refined[Double, LatitudeRef]
  28. final type LatitudeRef = And[GreaterEqual[(LatitudeMinValueWit)#T], LessEqual[(LatitudeMaxValueWit)#T]]
  29. final type Longitude = Refined[Double, LongitudeRef]
  30. final type LongitudeRef = And[GreaterEqual[(LongitudeMinValueWit)#T], LessEqual[(LongitudeMaxValueWit)#T]]
  31. final type Maybe[A] = Either[Throwable, A]
  32. final type NOKEY = Refined[String, NOKEYRef]
  33. final type NOKEYRef = Equal[(NOKEYEqWit)#T]
  34. final type NilArr = laserdisc.protocol.NilArr.type
  35. final type NodeId = Refined[String, NodeIdRef]
  36. final type NodeIdRef = MatchesRegex[(NodeIdRegexWit)#T]
  37. final type NonNegDouble = Refined[Double, NonNegDoubleRef]
  38. final type NonNegDoubleRef = And[ValidDoubleRef, NonNegRef]
  39. final type NonNegInt = Refined[Int, NonNegRef]
  40. final type NonNegLong = Refined[Long, NonNegRef]
  41. final type NonNegRef = Not[Negative]
  42. final type NonZeroDouble = Refined[Double, NonZeroDoubleRef]
  43. final type NonZeroDoubleRef = And[ValidDoubleRef, Not[Equal[Double(0.0)]]]
  44. final type NonZeroInt = Refined[Int, NonZeroIntRef]
  45. final type NonZeroIntRef = Not[Equal[Int(0)]]
  46. final type NonZeroLong = Refined[Long, NonZeroLongRef]
  47. final type NonZeroLongRef = Not[Equal[Long(0L)]]
  48. final type NullBulk = laserdisc.protocol.NullBulk.type
  49. final type Num = laserdisc.protocol.Num
  50. final type OK = Refined[String, OKRef]
  51. final type OKRef = Equal[(OKEqWit)#T]
  52. final type OneOrMore[A] = Refined[List[A], OneOrMoreRef]
  53. final type OneOrMoreKeys = Refined[List[Key], OneOrMoreRef]
  54. final type OneOrMoreRef = Not[Empty]
  55. final type PONG = Refined[String, PONGRef]
  56. final type PONGRef = Equal[(PONGEqWit)#T]
  57. final type Port = Refined[Int, PortRef]
  58. final type PortRef = And[GreaterEqual[(PortMinValueWit)#T], LessEqual[(PortMaxValueWit)#T]]
  59. final type PosInt = Refined[Int, PosRef]
  60. final type PosLong = Refined[Long, PosRef]
  61. final type PosRef = Greater[_0]
  62. final type Protocol = laserdisc.protocol.Protocol
  63. final type RESP = laserdisc.protocol.RESP
  64. final type RESPDecErr = laserdisc.protocol.RESPDecErr
  65. final type RangeOffset = Refined[Int, RangeOffsetRef]
  66. final type RangeOffsetRef = And[GreaterEqual[Int(0)], LessEqual[(RangeOffsetMaxValueWit)#T]]
  67. final case class Scan[A](cursor: NonNegLong, values: Option[Seq[A]]) extends Product with Serializable
  68. final case class ScanKV(cursor: NonNegLong, maybeValues: Option[Seq[KV[String]]]) extends Product with Serializable
  69. final type Show[A] = laserdisc.protocol.Show[A]
  70. final type Slot = Refined[Int, SlotRef]
  71. final type SlotRef = And[GreaterEqual[Int(0)], LessEqual[(SlotMaxValueWit)#T]]
  72. final type Str = laserdisc.protocol.Str
  73. final type StringLength = Refined[Long, StringLengthRef]
  74. final type StringLengthRef = And[GreaterEqual[Long(0L)], LessEqual[(StringLengthMaxValueWit)#T]]
  75. final case class Time(timestamp: NonNegLong, elapsedMicroseconds: NonNegLong) extends Product with Serializable
  76. final type TwoOrMoreKeys = Refined[List[Key], TwoOrMoreRef]
  77. final type TwoOrMoreRef = Size[GreaterEqual[Int(2)]]
  78. final type TwoOrMoreWeightedKeys = Refined[List[(Key, ValidDouble)], TwoOrMoreRef]
  79. final type ValidDouble = Refined[Double, ValidDoubleRef]
  80. final type ValidDoubleRef = NonNaN
  81. final type |[+A, +B] = Either[A, B]

Value Members

  1. final val AllNICsEqWit: Aux[String("")]
  2. final val Arr: laserdisc.protocol.Arr.type
  3. final val Bulk: laserdisc.protocol.Bulk.type
  4. final val DbIndexMaxValueWit: Aux[Int(15)]
  5. final val Err: laserdisc.protocol.Err.type
  6. final val GeoHashRegexWit: Aux[String("[a-z0-9]{11}")]
  7. final val GlobPatternRegexWit: Aux[String("(\\[?[\\w\\*\\?]+\\]?)+")]
  8. final val IPv4RegexWit: Aux[String("(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|[01]?\\d\\d?)(\\.25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|[01]?\\d\\d?){3}")]
  9. final val LatitudeMaxValueWit: Aux[Double(85.05112878)]
  10. final val LatitudeMinValueWit: Aux[Double(-85.05112878)]
  11. final val LongitudeMaxValueWit: Aux[Double(180.0)]
  12. final val LongitudeMinValueWit: Aux[Double(-180.0)]
  13. final val LoopbackEqWit: Aux[String("")]
  14. final val LoopbackHost: Host
  15. final val NOKEY: NOKEY
  16. final val NOKEYEqWit: Aux[String("NOKEY")]
  17. final val NilArr: laserdisc.protocol.NilArr.type
  18. final val NodeIdRegexWit: Aux[String("[0-9a-f]{40}")]
  19. final val NullBulk: laserdisc.protocol.NullBulk.type
  20. final val Num: laserdisc.protocol.Num.type
  21. final val OK: OK
  22. final val OKEqWit: Aux[String("OK")]
  23. final val PONG: PONG
  24. final val PONGEqWit: Aux[String("PONG")]
  25. final val PortMaxValueWit: Aux[Int(49151)]
  26. final val PortMinValueWit: Aux[Int(1024)]
  27. final val Protocol: laserdisc.protocol.Protocol.type
  28. final val RESPDecErr: laserdisc.protocol.RESPDecErr.type
  29. final val RangeOffsetMaxValueWit: Aux[Int(536870911)]
  30. final val Read: laserdisc.protocol.Read.type
  31. final val Rfc1123HostnameMaxLengthWit: Aux[Int(255)]
  32. final val Rfc1123HostnameRegexWit: Aux[String("(([A-Za-z0-9][\\-A-Za-z0-9]{0,61}[A-Za-z0-9])|[A-Za-z0-9])(\\.(([A-Za-z0-9][\\-A-Za-z0-9]{0,61}[A-Za-z0-9])|[A-Za-z0-9]))*")]
  33. final val Show: laserdisc.protocol.Show.type
  34. final val SlotMaxValueWit: Aux[Int(16383)]
  35. final val StringLengthMaxValueWit: Aux[Long(4294967295L)]
  36. object ConnectionName extends RefinedTypeOps[ConnectionName, String]
  37. object ControlChar extends Serializable
  38. object DbIndex extends Numeric[DbIndex, Int]
  39. object Direction
  40. object GeoHash extends RefinedTypeOps[GeoHash, String]
  41. object GlobPattern extends RefinedTypeOps[GlobPattern, String]
  42. object Handler
  43. object Host extends RefinedTypeOps[Host, String]
  44. object Index extends Numeric[Index, Long]
  45. object Key extends RefinedTypeOps[Key, String]
  46. object Latitude extends Numeric[Latitude, Double]
  47. object Longitude extends Numeric[Longitude, Double]
  48. object NodeId extends RefinedTypeOps[NodeId, String]
  49. object NonNegDouble extends Numeric[NonNegDouble, Double]
  50. object NonNegInt extends Numeric[NonNegInt, Int]
  51. object NonNegLong extends Numeric[NonNegLong, Long]
  52. object NonZeroDouble extends Numeric[NonZeroDouble, Double]
  53. object NonZeroInt extends Numeric[NonZeroInt, Int]
  54. object NonZeroLong extends Numeric[NonZeroLong, Long]
  55. object OneOrMore
  56. object OneOrMoreKeys extends RefinedTypeOps[OneOrMoreKeys, List[Key]]
  57. object Port extends Numeric[Port, Int]
  58. object PosInt extends Numeric[PosInt, Int]
  59. object PosLong extends Numeric[PosLong, Long]
  60. object RangeOffset extends Numeric[RangeOffset, Int]
  61. object Slot extends Numeric[Slot, Int]
  62. object StringLength extends Numeric[StringLength, Long]
  63. object TwoOrMoreKeys extends RefinedTypeOps[TwoOrMoreKeys, List[Key]]
  64. object TwoOrMoreWeightedKeys extends RefinedTypeOps[TwoOrMoreWeightedKeys, List[(Key, ValidDouble)]]
  65. object ValidDouble extends Numeric[ValidDouble, Double]
  66. object all extends ClusterP with ConnectionP with GeoP with HashP with HyperLogLogP with KeyP with ListP with PublishP with ServerP with SetP with SortedSetP with StringP with TransactionP
  67. object auto
  68. object cluster extends ClusterP
  69. object connection extends ConnectionP
  70. object geo extends GeoP
  71. object hashmaps extends HashP
  72. object hyperloglog extends HyperLogLogP
  73. object keys extends KeyP
  74. object lists extends ListP
  75. object publish extends PublishP
  76. object server extends ServerP
  77. object sets extends SetP
  78. object sortedsets extends SortedSetP
  79. object strings extends StringP
  80. object transaction extends TransactionP

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
