

package laserdisc

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. laserdisc
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final type ConnectionName = Refined[String, And[NonEmpty, Forall[Not[Whitespace]]]]
  2. final type DbIndex = Refined[Int, Closed[_0, shapeless.Nat._15]]
  3. final type GlobPattern = Refined[String, MatchesRegex[String("(\\[?[\\w\\*\\?]+\\]?)+")]]
  4. final type Host = Refined[String, Or[Or[Or[Or[Or[RFC1123HostName, Loopback], Rfc1918PrivateSpec], Rfc5737TestnetSpec], Rfc3927LocalLinkSpec], Rfc2544BenchmarkSpec]]
  5. final type Index = Refined[Long, True]
  6. final case class KV[A](key: Key, value: A) extends Product with Serializable
  7. final type Key = Refined[String, NonEmpty]
  8. final type Maybe[A] = Either[Throwable, A]
  9. final case class NaN() extends Product with Serializable
  10. final type NonNegInt = Refined[Int, NonNegative]
  11. final type NonNegLong = Refined[Long, NonNegative]
  12. final type NonZeroDouble = Refined[Double, And[NonNaN, NonZero]]
  13. final type NonZeroInt = Refined[Int, NonZero]
  14. final type NonZeroLong = Refined[Long, NonZero]
  15. final type OneOrMore[A] = Refined[List[A], NonEmpty]
  16. final type OneOrMoreKeys = Refined[List[Key], NonEmpty]
  17. final type Port = Refined[Int, Closed[Int(1024), Int(49151)]]
  18. final type PosInt = Refined[Int, Positive]
  19. final type PosLong = Refined[Long, Positive]
  20. final type Protocol = laserdisc.protocol.Protocol
  21. final type RESP = laserdisc.protocol.RESP
  22. final type RangeOffset = Refined[Int, Closed[_0, Int(536870911)]]
  23. final type Read[A, B] = laserdisc.protocol.Read[A, B]
  24. final case class Scan[A](cursor: NonNegLong, values: Option[Seq[A]]) extends Product with Serializable
  25. final case class ScanKV(cursor: NonNegLong, maybeValues: Option[Seq[KV[String]]]) extends Product with Serializable
  26. final type Show[A] = laserdisc.protocol.Show[A]
  27. final type SingletonKey[A <: XString] = Refined[A, NonEmpty]
  28. final type StringLength = Refined[Long, Closed[_0, Long(4294967295L)]]
  29. final case class Time(timestamp: NonNegLong, elapsedMicroseconds: NonNegLong) extends Product with Serializable
  30. final type TwoOrMoreKeys = Refined[List[Key], MinSize[shapeless.Nat._2]]
  31. final type TwoOrMoreWeightedKeys = Refined[List[(Key, ValidDouble)], MinSize[shapeless.Nat._2]]
  32. final type ValidDouble = Refined[Double, NonNaN]
  33. final type XString = String with Singleton

Value Members

  1. final val Key: eu.timepit.refined.types.string.NonEmptyString.type
  2. final val NonNegInt: eu.timepit.refined.types.numeric.NonNegInt.type
  3. final val NonNegLong: eu.timepit.refined.types.numeric.NonNegLong.type
  4. final val Port: eu.timepit.refined.types.net.UserPortNumber.type
  5. final val PosInt: eu.timepit.refined.types.numeric.PosInt.type
  6. final val PosLong: eu.timepit.refined.types.numeric.PosLong.type
  7. final val Protocol: laserdisc.protocol.Protocol.type
  8. final val Read: laserdisc.protocol.Read.type
  9. final val Show: laserdisc.protocol.Show.type
  10. implicit final val nanValidator: Plain[Double, NaN]
  11. object ConnectionName extends RefinedTypeOps[ConnectionName, String]
  12. object DbIndex extends RefinedTypeOps[DbIndex, Int]
  13. object GlobPattern extends RefinedTypeOps[GlobPattern, String]
  14. object Host extends RefinedTypeOps[Host, String]
  15. object Index extends RefinedTypeOps[Index, Long]
  16. object NonZeroDouble extends RefinedTypeOps[NonZeroDouble, Double]
  17. object NonZeroInt extends RefinedTypeOps[NonZeroInt, Int]
  18. object NonZeroLong extends RefinedTypeOps[NonZeroLong, Long]
  19. object OneOrMoreKeys extends RefinedTypeOps[OneOrMoreKeys, List[Key]]
  20. object RangeOffset extends RefinedTypeOps[RangeOffset, Int]
  21. object SingletonKey
  22. object StringLength extends RefinedTypeOps[StringLength, Long]
  23. object ToDouble
  24. object ToInt
  25. object ToLong
  26. object TwoOrMoreKeys extends RefinedTypeOps[TwoOrMoreKeys, List[Key]]
  27. object TwoOrMoreWeightedKeys extends RefinedTypeOps[TwoOrMoreWeightedKeys, List[(Key, ValidDouble)]]
  28. object ValidDouble extends RefinedTypeOps[ValidDouble, Double]
  29. object all extends ConnectionP with AllHashP with AllHyperLogLogP with AllKeyP with AllListP with PublishP with ServerP with AllSetP with AllSortedSetP with AllStringP
  30. object auto
  31. object connection extends ConnectionP
  32. object hashmaps extends AllHashP
  33. object hyperloglog extends AllHyperLogLogP
  34. object keys extends AllKeyP
  35. object lists extends AllListP
  36. object publish extends PublishP
  37. object server extends ServerP
  38. object sets extends AllSetP
  39. object sortedsets extends AllSortedSetP
  40. object strings extends AllStringP

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
