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add(E) - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeSet
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeSet
addWildcardParameters(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Returns a type representing the class, with all type parameters the unbound wildcard ("?").
annotate(Type) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Recursively wraps a Type into an AnnotatedType using the annotations found on the erasure classes.
annotate(Type, Annotation[]) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Recursively wraps a Type into an AnnotatedType using the annotations found on the erasure classes, plus adding the provided annotations to the top level Type only.
annotatedClass(Class<?>, Annotation[]) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeFactory
annotatedInnerClass(Type, Class<?>, Annotation[]) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeFactory
AnnotatedTypeMap<K extends AnnotatedType,V> - Class in io.leangen.geantyref
A Map implementation keyed by AnnotatedType.
AnnotatedTypeMap() - Constructor for class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeMap
Constructs an instance backed by a HashMap
AnnotatedTypeMap(Map<K, V>) - Constructor for class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeMap
Constructs an instance backed by the provided map, keeping its guarantees
AnnotatedTypeSet<E extends AnnotatedType> - Class in io.leangen.geantyref
A Set implementation suited for maintaining AnnotatedType elements.
AnnotatedTypeSet() - Constructor for class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeSet
AnnotatedTypeSet(Set<E>) - Constructor for class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeSet
annotation(Class<A>, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeFactory
Creates an instance of an annotation.
AnnotationFormatException - Exception in io.leangen.geantyref
Indicates that invalid data has been encountered during annotation creation.
arrayOf(Type) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeFactory
Creates a array type.
arrayOf(AnnotatedType, Annotation[]) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeFactory
Creates an AnnotatedArrayType wrapped around an array types created by TypeFactory.arrayOf(Type)


box(Type) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector


capture(AnnotatedType) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Applies capture conversion to the given type.
capture(AnnotatedParameterizedType) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Applies capture conversion to the given type.
CaptureType - Interface in io.leangen.geantyref
CaptureType represents a wildcard that has gone through capture conversion.
clear() - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeMap
clear() - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeSet
compute(K, BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeMap
computeIfAbsent(K, Function<? super K, ? extends V>) - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeMap
computeIfPresent(K, BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeMap
contains(Object) - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeSet
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeSet
containsKey(Object) - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeMap


entrySet() - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeMap
equals(Object) - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeMap
equals(AnnotatedType, AnnotatedType) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Checks whether the two provided types are of the same structure and annotations on all levels.
equals(Object) - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeToken
equals(Object) - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeVariableImpl
erase(Type) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Returns the erasure of the given type.


forEach(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeMap


GenericTypeReflector - Class in io.leangen.geantyref
Utility class for doing reflection on types.
GenericTypeReflector() - Constructor for class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
get(Object) - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeMap
get(Class<T>) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeToken
Gets type token for the given Class instance.
get(Type) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeToken
Gets type token for the given Type instance.
getAnnotatedBounds() - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeVariableImpl
getAnnotatedType() - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeToken
getAnnotation(Class<T>) - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeVariableImpl
getAnnotations() - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeVariableImpl
getArgument() - Method in exception io.leangen.geantyref.TypeArgumentNotInBoundException
Returns the supplied argument that is not within the bound.
getArrayComponentType(AnnotatedType) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
If type is an array type, returns the annotated type of the component of the array.
getArrayComponentType(Type) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
If type is an array type, returns the type of the component of the array.
getBound() - Method in exception io.leangen.geantyref.TypeArgumentNotInBoundException
Returns the bound that was not satisfied.
getBounds() - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeVariableImpl
getDeclaredAnnotations() - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeVariableImpl
getExactFieldType(Field, AnnotatedType) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Resolves the exact type of the given field in the given type.
getExactFieldType(Field, Type) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Resolves the exact type of the given field in the given type.
getExactParameterTypes(Executable, AnnotatedType) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Resolves the exact annotated parameter types of the given method/constructor in the given type.
getExactParameterTypes(Executable, Type) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Resolves the exact parameter types of the given method/constructor in the given type.
getExactReturnType(Method, AnnotatedType) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Resolves the exact return type of the given method in the given type.
getExactReturnType(Method, Type) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Resolves the exact return type of the given method in the given type.
getExactSubType(AnnotatedType, Class<?>) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
The equivalent of getExactSubType(Type, Class) but works with AnnotatedTypes
getExactSubType(Type, Class<?>) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Finds the most specific subtype of superType whose erasure is searchSubClass.
getExactSuperType(AnnotatedType, Class<?>) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
The equivalent of getExactSuperType(Type, Class) but works with AnnotatedTypes
getExactSuperType(Type, Class<?>) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Finds the most specific supertype of subType whose erasure is searchSuperClass.
getFieldType(Field, AnnotatedType) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Resolves the type of the given field in the given type.
getFieldType(Field, Type) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Resolves the type of the given field in the given type.
getGenericDeclaration() - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeVariableImpl
getLowerBounds() - Method in interface io.leangen.geantyref.CaptureType
Returns an array of Type objects representing the lower bound(s) of this type variable.
getName() - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeVariableImpl
getOrDefault(Object, V) - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeMap
getParameter() - Method in exception io.leangen.geantyref.TypeArgumentNotInBoundException
Returns the type parameter.
getParameterTypes(Executable, AnnotatedType) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
getParameterTypes(Executable, Type) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
getReturnType(Method, AnnotatedType) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Resolves the return type of the given method in the given type.
getReturnType(Method, Type) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Resolves the return type of the given method in the given type.
getType() - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeToken
getTypeName(Type) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Returns the display name of a Type.
getTypeParameter(AnnotatedType, TypeVariable<? extends Class<?>>) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Gets the type parameter for a given type that is the value for a given type variable.
getTypeParameter(Type, TypeVariable<? extends Class<?>>) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
getTypeVariable() - Method in interface io.leangen.geantyref.CaptureType
getUpperBoundClassAndInterfaces(Type) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Returns list of classes and interfaces that are supertypes of the given type.
getUpperBounds() - Method in interface io.leangen.geantyref.CaptureType
Returns an array of Type objects representing the upper bound(s) of this capture.
getWildcardType() - Method in interface io.leangen.geantyref.CaptureType


hashCode() - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeMap
hashCode(AnnotatedType...) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
hashCode() - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeToken
hashCode() - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeVariableImpl


innerClass(Type, Class<?>) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeFactory
Creates a type of clazz nested in owner.
io.leangen.geantyref - package io.leangen.geantyref
isEmpty() - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeMap
isEmpty() - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeSet
isFullyBound(Type) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
isMissingTypeParameters(Type) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Checks if the given type is a class that is supposed to have type parameters, but doesn't.
isSuperType(Type, Type) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Checks if the capture of subType is a subtype of superType
iterator() - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeSet


keySet() - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeMap


merge(K, V, BiFunction<? super V, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeMap
merge(Annotation[]...) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Merges an arbitrary number of annotations arrays, and removes duplicates.
mergeAnnotations(T, T) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector


parameterizedAnnotatedClass(Class<?>, Annotation[], AnnotatedType...) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeFactory
parameterizedAnnotatedInnerClass(Type, Class<?>, Annotation[], AnnotatedType...) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeFactory
parameterizedAnnotatedType(ParameterizedType, Annotation[], Annotation[]...) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeFactory
parameterizedClass(Class<?>, Type...) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeFactory
Creates a type of class clazz with arguments as type arguments.
parameterizedInnerClass(Type, Class<?>, Type...) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeFactory
Creates a type of clazz with arguments as type arguments, nested in owner.
put(K, V) - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeMap
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeMap
putIfAbsent(K, V) - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeMap


remove(Object) - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeMap
remove(Object, Object) - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeMap
remove(Object) - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeSet
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeSet
replace(K, V, V) - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeMap
replace(K, V) - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeMap
replaceAll(BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeMap
replaceAnnotations(T, Annotation[]) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Creates a new AnnotatedType of the same type as the original, but with its annotations replaced with the provided ones.
replaceParameters(AnnotatedParameterizedType, AnnotatedType[]) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Creates a new AnnotatedParameterizedType of the same raw class as the provided type by with all of its type parameters replaced by typeParameters.
resolveExactType(AnnotatedType, AnnotatedType) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
resolveExactType(Type, Type) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
resolveType(AnnotatedType, AnnotatedType) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
resolveType(Type, Type) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeSet


setUpperBounds(Type[]) - Method in interface io.leangen.geantyref.CaptureType
Overwrite the upper bounds of this capture.
size() - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeMap
size() - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeSet


toArray() - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeSet
toArray(T[]) - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeSet
toCanonical(T) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Returns an AnnotatedType functionally identical to the given one, but in a canonical form that implements equals and hashCode.
toCanonicalBoxed(T) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Returns an AnnotatedType functionally identical to the given one, but in a canonical form that implements equals and hashCode and has all the primitives replaced by their boxed form.
toString() - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeVariableImpl
transform(AnnotatedType, TypeVisitor) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
TypeArgumentNotInBoundException - Exception in io.leangen.geantyref
Thrown to indicate that a type argument for a parameterized type is not within the bound declared on the type parameter.
TypeFactory - Class in io.leangen.geantyref
Utility class for creating instances of Type.
TypeFactory() - Constructor for class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeFactory
TypeToken<T> - Class in io.leangen.geantyref
Wrapper around Type.
TypeVariableImpl<D extends GenericDeclaration> - Class in io.leangen.geantyref
TypeVisitor - Class in io.leangen.geantyref
TypeVisitor() - Constructor for class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeVisitor


unboundWildcard() - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeFactory
Returns the wildcard type without bounds.
updateAnnotations(T, Annotation[]) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.GenericTypeReflector
Creates a new AnnotatedType of the same structure as the original, but with its annotations replaced with the provided ones.


values() - Method in class io.leangen.geantyref.AnnotatedTypeMap


wildcardExtends(Type) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeFactory
Creates a wildcard type with an upper bound.
wildcardSuper(Type) - Static method in class io.leangen.geantyref.TypeFactory
Creates a wildcard type with a lower bound.
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