package uri

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package config
  2. package decoding
  3. package dsl
  4. package encoding

    Date: 28/08/2013 Time: 21:08

  5. package inet
  6. package parsing
  7. package typesafe

Type Members

  1. sealed trait AbsoluteOrEmptyPath extends UrlPath

    This trait has two subclasses; AbsolutePath and EmptyPath.

    This trait has two subclasses; AbsolutePath and EmptyPath. This encompasses the paths allowed to be used in URLs that have an Authority. As per RFC 3986:

    When authority is present, the path must either be empty or begin with a slash ("/") character.

  2. final case class AbsolutePath(parts: Vector[String])(implicit config: UriConfig = UriConfig.default) extends AbsoluteOrEmptyPath with Product with Serializable

    An AbsolutePath is a path that starts with a slash

  3. final case class AbsoluteUrl(scheme: String, authority: Authority, path: AbsoluteOrEmptyPath, query: QueryString, fragment: Option[String])(implicit config: UriConfig = UriConfig.default) extends UrlWithAuthority with Product with Serializable

    Represents absolute URLs, for example:

  4. case class Authority(userInfo: Option[UserInfo], host: Host, port: Option[Int])(implicit config: UriConfig = UriConfig.default) extends Product with Serializable
  5. final case class DataUrl(mediaType: MediaType, base64: Boolean, data: Array[Byte])(implicit config: UriConfig = UriConfig.default) extends UrlWithoutAuthority with Product with Serializable

    Represents URLs with the data scheme, for example: data:text/plain;charset=UTF-8;page=21,the%20data:1234,5678

  6. final case class DomainName(value: String)(implicit conf: UriConfig = UriConfig.default) extends Host with PunycodeSupport with Product with Serializable
  7. sealed trait Host extends AnyRef
  8. final case class IpV4(octet1: Byte, octet2: Byte, octet3: Byte, octet4: Byte)(implicit conf: UriConfig = UriConfig.default) extends Host with Product with Serializable
  9. final case class IpV6(piece1: Char, piece2: Char, piece3: Char, piece4: Char, piece5: Char, piece6: Char, piece7: Char, piece8: Char)(implicit conf: UriConfig = UriConfig.default) extends Host with Product with Serializable
  10. case class MediaType(rawValue: Option[String], parameters: Vector[(String, String)]) extends Product with Serializable
  11. sealed trait Path extends Product with Serializable
  12. final case class ProtocolRelativeUrl(authority: Authority, path: AbsoluteOrEmptyPath, query: QueryString, fragment: Option[String])(implicit config: UriConfig = UriConfig.default) extends UrlWithAuthority with Product with Serializable

    Represents protocol relative URLs, for example: //

  13. case class QueryString(params: Vector[(String, Option[String])])(implicit config: UriConfig = UriConfig.default) extends Product with Serializable
  14. final case class RelativeUrl(path: UrlPath, query: QueryString, fragment: Option[String])(implicit config: UriConfig = UriConfig.default) extends Url with Product with Serializable

    Represents Relative URLs which do not contain an authority.

    Represents Relative URLs which do not contain an authority. Examples include:

    • Root Relative: /index.html?a=b
    • Rootless Relative: index.html?a=b
    • Rootless Relative (with dot segment): ../index.html?a=b
  15. final case class RootlessPath(parts: Vector[String])(implicit config: UriConfig = UriConfig.default) extends UrlPath with Product with Serializable
  16. final case class ScpLikeUrl(user: Option[String], host: Host, path: UrlPath)(implicit config: UriConfig = UriConfig.default) extends UrlWithAuthority with Product with Serializable

    Represents scp-like URLs, for example: [email protected]:lemonlabsuk/scala-uri.git

    Represents scp-like URLs, for example: [email protected]:lemonlabsuk/scala-uri.git

    From the scp manpage: [user@]host:[path]

  17. final case class SimpleUrlWithoutAuthority(scheme: String, path: UrlPath, query: QueryString, fragment: Option[String])(implicit config: UriConfig = UriConfig.default) extends UrlWithoutAuthority with Product with Serializable

    Represents URLs that do not have an authority, for example: mailto:[email protected]

  18. sealed trait Uri extends Product with Serializable

    Represents a URI.

    Represents a URI. See RFC 3986

    Can either be a URL or a URN

    URLs will be one of these forms:

    • Absolute:
    • Protocol Relative: //
    • Without Authority: mailto:[email protected]
    • Root Relative: /index.html?a=b
    • Rootless Relative: index.html?a=b
    • Rootless Relative (with doc segment): ../index.html?a=b

    URNs will be in the form urn:example:example2

  19. class UriConversionException extends UriException
  20. class UriException extends Exception
  21. sealed trait Url extends Uri

    Represents a URL, which will be one of these forms:

    Represents a URL, which will be one of these forms:

    • Absolute:
    • Protocol Relative: //
    • Without Authority: mailto:[email protected]
    • Root Relative: /index.html?a=b
    • Rootless Relative: index.html?a=b
    • Rootless Relative (with doc segment): ../index.html?a=b
  22. sealed trait UrlPath extends Path
  23. sealed trait UrlWithAuthority extends Url

    Represents absolute URLs with an authority (i.e.

    Represents absolute URLs with an authority (i.e. URLs with a host), examples include:

    • Absolute URL:
    • Protocol Relative URL: //
  24. sealed trait UrlWithoutAuthority extends Url

    Represents URLs that do not have an authority, for example: mailto:[email protected] and data:text/plain;charset=UTF-8;page=21,the%20data:1234,5678

  25. final case class Urn(path: UrnPath)(implicit config: UriConfig = UriConfig.default) extends Uri with Product with Serializable

    Represents a URN.

    Represents a URN. See RFC 2141 and RFC 8141

    URNs will be in the form urn:nid:nss

  26. final case class UrnPath(nid: String, nss: String)(implicit config: UriConfig = UriConfig.default) extends Path with Product with Serializable
  27. case class UserInfo(user: String, password: Option[String])(implicit config: UriConfig = UriConfig.default) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object AbsoluteOrEmptyPath extends Serializable
  2. object AbsolutePath extends Serializable
  3. object AbsoluteUrl extends Serializable
  4. object Authority extends Serializable
  5. object DataUrl extends Serializable
  6. object DomainName extends Serializable
  7. case object EmptyPath extends AbsoluteOrEmptyPath with Product with Serializable
  8. object Host
  9. object IpV4 extends Serializable
  10. object IpV6 extends Serializable
  11. object MediaType extends Serializable
  12. object Path extends Serializable
  13. object PathParts
  14. object ProtocolRelativeUrl extends Serializable
  15. object QueryString extends Serializable
  16. object RelativeUrl extends Serializable
  17. object RootlessPath extends Serializable
  18. object ScpLikeUrl extends Serializable
  19. object SimpleUrlWithoutAuthority extends Serializable
  20. object Uri extends Serializable
  21. object Url extends Serializable
  22. object UrlPath extends Serializable
  23. object UrlWithAuthority extends Serializable
  24. object UrlWithoutAuthority extends Serializable
  25. object Urn extends Serializable
  26. object UrnPath extends Serializable
  27. object UserInfo extends Serializable
