
sealed trait UrlWithAuthority extends Url

Represents absolute URLs with an authority (i.e. URLs with a host), examples include:

  •      Absolute URL: `http://example.com`
  • Protocol Relative URL: //example.com
trait Url
trait Uri
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

Concrete methods

def host: Host
def hostOption: Option[Host]
def longestSubdomain: Option[String]

Returns the longest subdomain for this URL's host. E.g. for http://a.b.c.example.com returns a.b.c.example

Returns the longest subdomain for this URL's host. E.g. for http://a.b.c.example.com returns a.b.c.example


the longest subdomain for this URL's host

override def mapPassword(f: String => String): Self

Transforms this URL by applying the specified Function to the password if it exists

Transforms this URL by applying the specified Function to the password if it exists

Definition Classes
override def mapUser(f: String => String): Self

Transforms this URL by applying the specified Function to the user if it exists

Transforms this URL by applying the specified Function to the user if it exists

Definition Classes
def password: Option[String]
def port: Option[Int]
def publicSuffix: Option[String]

Returns the longest public suffix for the host in this URI. Examples include: com for www.example.com co.uk for www.example.co.uk

Returns the longest public suffix for the host in this URI. Examples include: com for www.example.com co.uk for www.example.co.uk


the longest public suffix for the host in this URI

def publicSuffixes: Vector[String]

Returns all longest public suffixes for the host in this URI. Examples include: com for www.example.com co.uk and uk for www.example.co.uk

Returns all longest public suffixes for the host in this URI. Examples include: com for www.example.com co.uk and uk for www.example.co.uk


all public suffixes for the host in this URI

Removes any password from this URL

Removes any password from this URL


This URL without the password

Removes any user from this URL

Removes any user from this URL


This URL without the user

def shortestSubdomain: Option[String]

Returns the shortest subdomain for this URL's host. E.g. for http://a.b.c.example.com returns a

Returns the shortest subdomain for this URL's host. E.g. for http://a.b.c.example.com returns a


the shortest subdomain for this URL's host

def subdomain: Option[String]

Returns the second largest subdomain for this URL's host.

Returns the second largest subdomain for this URL's host.

E.g. for http://a.b.c.example.com returns a.b.c

Note: In the event there is only one subdomain (i.e. the host is the apex domain), this method returns None. E.g. This method will return None for http://example.com.


the second largest subdomain for this URL's host

def subdomains: Vector[String]

Returns all subdomains for this URL's host. E.g. for http://a.b.c.example.com returns a, a.b, a.b.c and a.b.c.example

Returns all subdomains for this URL's host. E.g. for http://a.b.c.example.com returns a, a.b, a.b.c and a.b.c.example


all subdomains for this URL's host

override def toStringPunycode: String

the URL as a String. If the URI has a domain name for a host, any unicode characters will be returned in ASCII Compatible Encoding (ACE), as defined by the ToASCII operation of RFC 3490.

Definition Classes
def user: Option[String]
def userInfo: Option[UserInfo]
def withHost(host: Host): Self
def withPassword(password: String): Self

Copies this Url but with the password set as the given value.

Copies this Url but with the password set as the given value.

Value parameters:

the new password to set


a new Url with the specified password

def withPort(port: Int): Self

Copies this Url but with the port set as the given value.

Copies this Url but with the port set as the given value.

Value parameters:

the new port to set


a new Url with the specified port

def withUser(user: String): Self

Copies this Url but with the user set as the given value.

Copies this Url but with the user set as the given value.

Value parameters:

the new user to set


a new Url with the specified user

def withUserInfo(ui: Option[UserInfo]): Self

Inherited methods

def addParam[K : QueryKey, V : QueryValue](k: K, v: V): Self

Adds a new Query String parameter key-value pair.

Adds a new Query String parameter key-value pair.

Pairs with values, such as Some("value"), represent query params with values, i.e ?param=value

By default, pairs without values, i.e None, represent query params without values, i.e ?param Using a UriConfig(renderQuery = ExcludeNones), will cause pairs with None values not to be rendered

Value parameters:

value that provides a name pair for the parameter. Can be a any basic value type or a custom type if you provide a QueryKey type-class


value that provides a value for the parameter. Can be a any basic value type or a custom type if you provide a QueryValue type-class


A new Url with the new Query String parameter

Inherited from:
def addParam[A : QueryKeyValue](a: A): Self

Adds a new Query String parameter key-value pair.

Adds a new Query String parameter key-value pair.

Pairs with values, such as Some("value"), represent query params with values, i.e ?param=value

By default, pairs without values, i.e None, represent query params without values, i.e ?param Using a UriConfig(renderQuery = ExcludeNones), will cause pairs with None values not to be rendered

Value parameters:

value that provides a name/value pair for the parameter. Can be a Tuple of any basic value types or a custom type if you provide a QueryKeyValue type-class


A new Url with the new Query String parameter

Inherited from:
def addParams[KV : QueryKeyValue](first: KV, second: KV, params: KV*): Self

Adds all the specified key-value pairs as parameters to the query

Adds all the specified key-value pairs as parameters to the query

Value parameters:

A list of key-value pairs to add as query parameters


A new Url with the new Query String parameters

Inherited from:
def addParams[A : TraversableParams](params: A): Self

Adds all the specified key-value pairs as parameters to the query

Adds all the specified key-value pairs as parameters to the query

Value parameters:

A list of key-value pairs to add as query parameters


A new Url with the new Query String parameters

Inherited from:
def addPathPart[P : PathPart](part: P): Self
Inherited from:
def addPathParts[P : PathPart](first: P, second: P, parts: P*): Self
Inherited from:
Inherited from:
def apexDomain: Option[String]

Returns the apex domain for this URL.

Returns the apex domain for this URL.

The apex domain is constructed from the public suffix for this URL's host prepended with the immediately preceding dot segment.

Examples include: example.com for www.example.com example.co.uk for www.example.co.uk


the apex domain for this URL

Inherited from:
def canEqual(that: Any): Boolean
Inherited from:
def collectQuery[KV : QueryKeyValue](f: PartialFunction[(String, Option[String]), KV]): Self

Transforms the Query String by applying the specified PartialFunction to each Query String Parameter

Transforms the Query String by applying the specified PartialFunction to each Query String Parameter

Parameters not defined in the PartialFunction will be removed.

Value parameters:

A function that returns a new Parameter when applied to each Parameter

Inherited from:
def equalsUnordered(other: Uri): Boolean

Similar to == but ignores the ordering of any query string parameters

Similar to == but ignores the ordering of any query string parameters

Inherited from:
def filterQuery(f: (String, Option[String]) => Boolean): Self

Removes any Query String Parameters that return false when applied to the given Function

Removes any Query String Parameters that return false when applied to the given Function

Inherited from:
def filterQueryNames(f: String => Boolean): Self

Removes any Query String Parameters that return false when their name is applied to the given Function

Removes any Query String Parameters that return false when their name is applied to the given Function

Inherited from:
def filterQueryValues(f: String => Boolean): Self

Removes any Query String Parameters that return false when their value is applied to the given Function

Removes any Query String Parameters that return false when their value is applied to the given Function

Inherited from:
def flatMapQuery[A : TraversableParams](f: (String, Option[String]) => A): Self

Transforms the Query String by applying the specified Function to each Query String Parameter

Transforms the Query String by applying the specified Function to each Query String Parameter

Value parameters:

A function that returns a collection of Parameters when applied to each parameter

Inherited from:
def fragment: Option[String]
Inherited from:
def mapQuery[KV : QueryKeyValue](f: PartialFunction[(String, Option[String]), KV]): Self

Transforms the Query String by applying the specified PartialFunction to each Query String Parameter

Transforms the Query String by applying the specified PartialFunction to each Query String Parameter

Parameters not defined in the PartialFunction will be left as-is.

Value parameters:

A function that returns a new Parameter when applied to each Parameter

Inherited from:
def mapQueryNames[K : QueryKey](f: String => K): Self

Transforms the Query String by applying the specified Function to each Query String Parameter name

Transforms the Query String by applying the specified Function to each Query String Parameter name

Value parameters:

A function that returns a new Parameter name when applied to each Parameter name

Inherited from:
def mapQueryValues[V : QueryValue](f: String => V): Self

Transforms the Query String by applying the specified Function to each Query String Parameter value

Transforms the Query String by applying the specified Function to each Query String Parameter value

Value parameters:

A function that returns a new Parameter value when applied to each Parameter value

Inherited from:
def normalize(removeEmptyPathParts: Boolean, slashTermination: SlashTermination): Self

Normalizes this

Normalizes this

Inherited from:
Inherited from:
def productArity: Int
Inherited from:
def productElement(n: Int): Any
Inherited from:
def productElementName(n: Int): String
Inherited from:
def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from:
def productPrefix: String
Inherited from:
Inherited from:
Inherited from:
def removeParams[K : QueryKey](k: Iterable[K]): Self

Removes all Query String parameters with a name in the specified list

Removes all Query String parameters with a name in the specified list

Value parameters:

Names of Query String parameter(s) to remove

Inherited from:
def removeParams[K : QueryKey](first: K, second: K, rest: K*): Self

Removes all Query String parameters with a name in the specified list

Removes all Query String parameters with a name in the specified list

Value parameters:

Name of a Query String parameter to remove


Name of more Query String parameter(s) to remove


Name of another Query String parameter to remove

Inherited from:
def removeParams[K : QueryKey](k: K): Self

Removes all Query String parameters with the specified key

Removes all Query String parameters with the specified key

Value parameters:

Key for the Query String parameter(s) to remove

Inherited from:

Removes all Query String parameters

Removes all Query String parameters

Inherited from:
def replaceParams[K : QueryKey, V : QueryValue](k: K, v: V): Self

Replaces the all existing Query String parameters with the specified key with a single Query String parameter with the specified value.

Replaces the all existing Query String parameters with the specified key with a single Query String parameter with the specified value.

Pairs with values, such as ("param", Some("value")), represent query params with values, i.e ?param=value

By default, pairs without values, such as ("param", None), represent query params without values, i.e ?param Using a UriConfig(renderQuery = ExcludeNones), will cause pairs with None values not to be rendered

Value parameters:

Key for the Query String parameter(s) to replace


value to replace with


A new Uri with the result of the replace

Inherited from:
def resolve(base: UrlWithScheme, strict: Boolean): UrlWithScheme

this URL resolved with the given URL as the base according to section 5.2.2 Transform References of RFC 3986.

Inherited from:
def schemeOption: Option[String]
Inherited from:
def slashTerminated(slashTermination: SlashTermination): Self
Inherited from:
Inherited from:
def toJavaURI: URI

Converts to a java.net.URI

Converts to a java.net.URI

This involves a toString and URI.parse because the specific java.net.URI constructors do not deal properly with encoded elements


a java.net.URI matching this io.lemonlabs.uri.Uri

Inherited from:
def toRedactedString(redactor: Redactor)(implicit conf: UriConfig): String
Inherited from:
Inherited from:
override def toString: String
Definition Classes
Uri -> Any
Inherited from:
def toStringRaw: String

Returns the path with no encoders taking place (e.g. non ASCII characters will not be percent encoded)

Returns the path with no encoders taking place (e.g. non ASCII characters will not be percent encoded)


String containing the raw path for this Uri

Inherited from:
def toUrl: Url
Inherited from:
def toUrn: Urn
Inherited from:

Copies this Url but with the authority set as the given value.

Copies this Url but with the authority set as the given value.

Value parameters:

the authority to set


a new Url with the specified authority

Inherited from:
def withConfig(config: UriConfig): Self

Copies this Uri but with a new UriConfig

Copies this Uri but with a new UriConfig

Value parameters:

the new config to use


a new Uri with the specified config

Inherited from:
def withFragment[T : Fragment](fragment: T): Self

Copies this Url but with the fragment set as the given value.

Copies this Url but with the fragment set as the given value.

Value parameters:

the new fragment to set


a new Url with the specified fragment

Inherited from:
def withHost(host: String): SelfWithAuthority

Copies this Url but with the host set as the given value.

Copies this Url but with the host set as the given value.

Value parameters:

the new host to set


a new Url with the specified host

Inherited from:
def withPath(path: UrlPath): Self

Copies this Url but with the path set as the given value.

Copies this Url but with the path set as the given value.

Value parameters:

the new path to set


a new Url with the specified path

Inherited from:

Copies this Url but with the path set as the given value.

Copies this Url but with the path set as the given value.

Value parameters:

the parts that make up the new path


a new Url with the specified path

Inherited from:
def withQueryString[KV : QueryKeyValue](first: KV, second: KV, params: KV*): Self

Replaces the all existing Query String parameters with a new set of query params

Replaces the all existing Query String parameters with a new set of query params

Inherited from:

Replaces the all existing Query String parameters with a new set of query params

Replaces the all existing Query String parameters with a new set of query params

Inherited from:

Copies this Url but with the query set as the given value.

Copies this Url but with the query set as the given value.

Value parameters:

the new QueryString to set


a new Url with the specified query

Inherited from:
def withScheme(scheme: String): SelfWithScheme

Copies this Uri but with the scheme set as the given value.

Copies this Uri but with the scheme set as the given value.

Value parameters:

the new scheme to set


a new Uri with the specified scheme

Inherited from:


Inherited implicits

implicit def config: UriConfig
Inherited from: