Interface Meter

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Interface Description
      static class  Meter.Builder
      Fluent builder for custom meters.
      static class  Meter.Id
      A meter is uniquely identified by its combination of name and tags.
      static class  Meter.Type
      Custom meters may emit metrics like one of these types without implementing the corresponding interface.
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        Meter.Id getId()
        A unique combination of name and tags
      • measure

        java.lang.Iterable<Measurement> measure()
        Get a set of measurements. Should always return the same number of measurements and in the same order, regardless of the level of activity or the lack thereof.
        The set of measurements that represents the instantaneous value of this meter.
      • match

        default <T> T match​(java.util.function.Function<Gauge,​T> visitGauge,
                            java.util.function.Function<Counter,​T> visitCounter,
                            java.util.function.Function<Timer,​T> visitTimer,
                            java.util.function.Function<DistributionSummary,​T> visitSummary,
                            java.util.function.Function<LongTaskTimer,​T> visitLongTaskTimer,
                            java.util.function.Function<TimeGauge,​T> visitTimeGauge,
                            java.util.function.Function<FunctionCounter,​T> visitFunctionCounter,
                            java.util.function.Function<FunctionTimer,​T> visitFunctionTimer,
                            java.util.function.Function<Meter,​T> visitMeter)
        Match a Meter by type with series of dedicated functions for specific Meters and return a result from the matched function.

        NOTE: This method contract will change in minor releases if ever a new Meter type is created. In this case only, this is considered a feature. By using this method, you are declaring that you want to be sure to handle all types of meters. A breaking API change during the introduction of a new Meter indicates that there is a new meter type for you to consider and the compiler will effectively require you to consider it.

        Type Parameters:
        T - return type of function to apply
        visitGauge - function to apply for Gauge
        visitCounter - function to apply for Counter
        visitTimer - function to apply for Timer
        visitSummary - function to apply for DistributionSummary
        visitLongTaskTimer - function to apply for LongTaskTimer
        visitTimeGauge - function to apply for TimeGauge
        visitFunctionCounter - function to apply for FunctionCounter
        visitFunctionTimer - function to apply for FunctionTimer
        visitMeter - function to apply as a fallback
        return value from the applied function
      • use

        default void use​(java.util.function.Consumer<Gauge> visitGauge,
                         java.util.function.Consumer<Counter> visitCounter,
                         java.util.function.Consumer<Timer> visitTimer,
                         java.util.function.Consumer<DistributionSummary> visitSummary,
                         java.util.function.Consumer<LongTaskTimer> visitLongTaskTimer,
                         java.util.function.Consumer<TimeGauge> visitTimeGauge,
                         java.util.function.Consumer<FunctionCounter> visitFunctionCounter,
                         java.util.function.Consumer<FunctionTimer> visitFunctionTimer,
                         java.util.function.Consumer<Meter> visitMeter)
        Match a Meter with a series of dedicated functions for specific Meters and call the matching consumer.

        NOTE: This method contract will change in minor releases if ever a new Meter type is created. In this case only, this is considered a feature. By using this method, you are declaring that you want to be sure to handle all types of meters. A breaking API change during the introduction of a new Meter indicates that there is a new meter type for you to consider and the compiler will effectively require you to consider it.

        visitGauge - function to apply for Gauge
        visitCounter - function to apply for Counter
        visitTimer - function to apply for Timer
        visitSummary - function to apply for DistributionSummary
        visitLongTaskTimer - function to apply for LongTaskTimer
        visitTimeGauge - function to apply for TimeGauge
        visitFunctionCounter - function to apply for FunctionCounter
        visitFunctionTimer - function to apply for FunctionTimer
        visitMeter - function to apply as a fallback
      • close

        default void close()