Interface StatsdConfig

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface StatsdConfig
    extends io.micrometer.core.instrument.config.MeterRegistryConfig
    Configuration for StatsdMeterRegistry.
    • Field Detail

      • DEFAULT

        static final StatsdConfig DEFAULT
        Accept configuration defaults
    • Method Detail

      • prefix

        default java.lang.String prefix()
        Specified by:
        prefix in interface io.micrometer.core.instrument.config.MeterRegistryConfig
      • flavor

        default StatsdFlavor flavor()
        Choose which variant of the StatsD line protocol to use.
      • enabled

        default boolean enabled()
        true if publishing is enabled. Default is true.
      • host

        default java.lang.String host()
        The host name of the StatsD agent.
      • port

        default int port()
        The port of the StatsD agent.
      • protocol

        default StatsdProtocol protocol()
        the protocol of the connection to the agent
      • maxPacketLength

        default int maxPacketLength()
        Keep the total length of the payload within your network's MTU. There is no single good value to use, but here are some guidelines for common network scenarios: 1. Fast Ethernet (1432) - This is most likely for Intranets. 2. Gigabit Ethernet (8932) - Jumbo frames can make use of this feature much more efficient. 3. Commodity Internet (512) - If you are routing over the internet a value in this range will be reasonable. You might be able to go higher, but you are at the mercy of all the hops in your route.
        The max length of the payload.
      • pollingFrequency

        default java.time.Duration pollingFrequency()
        Determines how often gauges will be polled. When a gauge is polled, its value is recalculated. If the value has changed, it is sent to the StatsD server.
        The polling frequency.
      • queueSize

        default int queueSize()
        No longer configurable and unbounded queue will be always used instead.
        Governs the maximum size of the queue of items waiting to be sent to a StatsD agent over UDP.
        Maximum queue size.
      • step

        default java.time.Duration step()
        The step size to use in computing windowed statistics like max. The default is 1 minute. To get the most out of these statistics, align the step interval to be close to your scrape interval.
      • publishUnchangedMeters

        default boolean publishUnchangedMeters()
        true if unchanged meters should be published to the StatsD server. Default is true.
      • buffered

        default boolean buffered()
        true if measurements should be buffered before sending to the StatsD server. Default is true. Measurements will be buffered until reaching the max packet length, or until the polling frequency is reached.