
final class Apply[F[_]](val v: Boolean) extends AnyVal

See the description on IterantBuilders for the purpose of this class.

See the description on IterantBuilders for the purpose of this class.

Class defined inside object due to Scala's limitations on declaring AnyVal classes.

class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def channel[A](bufferCapacity: BufferCapacity, maxBatchSize: Int, producerType: ProducerSide)(F: Concurrent[F], cs: ContextShift[F]): F[(ProducerF[F, Option[Throwable], A], Iterant[F, A])]

Aliased builder, see documentation for

Aliased builder, see documentation for

def concatS[A](lh: F[Iterant[F, A]], rh: F[Iterant[F, A]]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.concatS.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.concatS.

def defer[A](fa: => Iterant[F, A])(F: Sync[F]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.defer.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.defer.

def delay[A](a: => A)(F: Sync[F]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.eval.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.eval.

def empty[A]: Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.empty.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.empty.

def eval[A](a: => A)(F: Sync[F]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.eval.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.eval.

def fromArray[A](xs: Array[A])(F: Applicative[F]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.fromArray.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.fromArray.

def fromBatch[A](xs: Batch[A])(F: Applicative[F]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.fromBatch.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.fromBatch.

def fromBatchCursor[A](xs: BatchCursor[A])(F: Applicative[F]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.fromBatchCursor.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.fromBatchCursor.

def fromChannel[A](channel: Channel[F, A], bufferCapacity: BufferCapacity, maxBatchSize: Int)(F: Async[F]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.fromChannel.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.fromChannel.

def fromConsumer[A](consumer: ConsumerF[F, Option[Throwable], A], maxBatchSize: Int)(F: Async[F]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.fromConsumer.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.fromConsumer.

def fromIndexedSeq[A](xs: IndexedSeq[A])(F: Applicative[F]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.fromIndexedSeq.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.fromIndexedSeq.

def fromIterable[A](xs: Iterable[A])(F: Applicative[F]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.fromIterable.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.fromIterable.

def fromIterator[A](xs: Iterator[A])(F: Applicative[F]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.fromIterator.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.fromIterator.

def fromList[A](xs: LinearSeq[A])(F: Applicative[F]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.fromList.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.fromList.

def fromReactivePublisher[A](publisher: Publisher[A], requestCount: Int, eagerBuffer: Boolean)(F: Async[F]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.fromReactivePublisher.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.fromReactivePublisher.

def fromResource[A](r: Resource[F, A])(F: Sync[F]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.fromResource.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.fromResource.

def fromSeq[A](xs: Seq[A])(F: Applicative[F]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.fromSeq.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.fromSeq.

def fromStateAction[S, A](f: S => (A, S))(seed: => S)(F: Sync[F]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.fromStateAction.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.fromStateAction.

def fromStateActionL[S, A](f: S => F[(A, S)])(seed: => F[S])(F: Sync[F]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.fromLazyStateAction.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.fromLazyStateAction.

def haltS[A](e: Option[Throwable]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.haltS.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.haltS.

def intervalAtFixedRate(period: FiniteDuration)(F: Async[F], timer: Timer[F]): Iterant[F, Long]

Aliased builder, see documentation for [Iterant.intervalAtFixedRate].

Aliased builder, see documentation for [Iterant.intervalAtFixedRate].

def intervalAtFixedRate(initialDelay: FiniteDuration, period: FiniteDuration)(F: Async[F], timer: Timer[F]): Iterant[F, Long]

Aliased builder, see documentation for [Iterant.intervalAtFixedRate].

Aliased builder, see documentation for [Iterant.intervalAtFixedRate].

def intervalWithFixedDelay(delay: FiniteDuration)(F: Async[F], timer: Timer[F]): Iterant[F, Long]

Aliased builder, see documentation for [Iterant.intervalAtFixedRate].

Aliased builder, see documentation for [Iterant.intervalAtFixedRate].

def intervalWithFixedDelay(initialDelay: FiniteDuration, delay: FiniteDuration)(F: Async[F], timer: Timer[F]): Iterant[F, Long]

Aliased builder, see documentation for [Iterant.intervalAtFixedRate].

Aliased builder, see documentation for [Iterant.intervalAtFixedRate].

def lastS[A](item: A): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.lastS.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.lastS.

def liftF[A](a: F[A])(F: Applicative[F]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.liftF.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.liftF.

def never[A](F: Async[F]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.never.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.never.

def nextBatchS[A](batch: Batch[A], rest: F[Iterant[F, A]]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.nextBatchS.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.nextBatchS.

def nextCursorS[A](cursor: BatchCursor[A], rest: F[Iterant[F, A]]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.nextCursorS.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.nextCursorS.

def nextS[A](item: A, rest: F[Iterant[F, A]]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.nextS.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.nextS.

def now[A](a: A): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for

Aliased builder, see documentation for

def of[A](elems: A*)(F: Applicative[F]): Iterant[F, A]

Given a list of elements build a stream out of it.

Given a list of elements build a stream out of it.

def pure[A](a: A): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.pure.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.pure.

def raiseError[A](ex: Throwable): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.raiseError.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.raiseError.

def range(from: Int, until: Int, step: Int)(F: Applicative[F]): Iterant[F, Int]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.range.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.range.

def repeat[A](elems: A*)(F: Sync[F]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.repeat.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.repeat.

def repeatEval[A](thunk: => A)(F: Sync[F]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.repeatEval.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.repeatEval.

def repeatEvalF[A](fa: F[A])(F: Sync[F]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.repeatEvalF.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.repeatEvalF.

def resource[A](acquire: F[A])(release: A => F[Unit])(F: Sync[F]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.resource.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.resource.

def resourceCase[A](acquire: F[A])(release: (A, ExitCase[Throwable]) => F[Unit])(F: Sync[F]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.resourceCase.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.resourceCase.

def scopeS[A, B](acquire: F[A], use: A => F[Iterant[F, B]], close: (A, ExitCase[Throwable]) => F[Unit]): Iterant[F, B]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.scopeS.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.scopeS.

def suspend[A](rest: F[Iterant[F, A]])(F: Applicative[F]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.suspend.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.suspend.

def suspend[A](fa: => Iterant[F, A])(F: Sync[F]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.suspend.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.suspend.

def suspendS[A](rest: F[Iterant[F, A]]): Iterant[F, A]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.suspendS.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.suspendS.

def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(f: A => Iterant[F, Either[A, B]])(F: Sync[F]): Iterant[F, B]

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.tailRecM.

Aliased builder, see documentation for Iterant.tailRecM.

Concrete fields

val v: Boolean