

root package

package root

Type Members

  1. trait MonixTaskSpec extends AssertingSyntax

    The code has been copied from cats-effect-testing and fs2 effect test support, with the difference it provides support for Task instead of IO.

    The code has been copied from cats-effect-testing and fs2 effect test support, with the difference it provides support for Task instead of IO.

    See also Provides support for testing Monix Task with scalatest AsyncTestSuite. It provides a set of implicit conversions to convert Task to Future, so the user does not need to do it for every test.


    import monix.eval.Task
    import monix.execution.Scheduler
    import org.scalatest.funsuite.AsyncFunSuite
    import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
    class DummySpec extends AsyncFunSuite with MonixTaskSpec with Matchers {
        override implicit def scheduler: Scheduler ="monix-task-support-spec")
        test("AsyncTestSuite with Task support") {
            for {
                r1 <- Task(2)
                r2 <- Task(r1 * 3)
            } yield {
                r1 shouldBe 2
                r2 shouldBe 6
        // we do not have to append `.runToFuture` as we would would using a plain [[AsyncFunSuit]].
        test("AsyncTestSuite with Task and AssertingSyntax support") {
            Task(2).flatMap(r1 => Task(r1 * 3)).asserting(_ shouldBe 6)
