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Package io.opencensus.resource

API for resource information population.

See: Description

Package io.opencensus.resource Description

API for resource information population.

The resource library primarily defines a type "Resource" that captures information about the entity for which stats or traces are recorded. For example, metrics exposed by a Kubernetes container can be linked to a resource that specifies the cluster, namespace, pod, and container name.

Two environment variables are used to populate resource information:

Type, label keys, and label values MUST contain only printable ASCII (codes between 32 and 126, inclusive) and less than 256 characters. Type and label keys MUST have a length greater than zero. They SHOULD start with a domain name and separate hierarchies with / characters, e.g.

WARNING: Currently all the public classes under this package are marked as ExperimentalApi. DO NOT USE except for experimental purposes.

Please see for more details.

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