Interface Stream

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Stream
    A stream can be thought of as an unbounded sequence of events. A stream can be written to or read from. A stream is: Append only (Events in it are immutable once written) Unbounded (There are no limitations in how many events can go into a stream) Strongly Consistent (Events are either in the stream or they are not, and not subject to reordering once written) Scalable (The rate of events in a stream can greatly exceed the capacity of any single host)
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String getScope()
      Gets the scope of this stream.
      java.lang.String getScopedName()
      Gets the scoped name of this stream.
      java.lang.String getStreamName()
      Gets the name of this stream (Not including the scope).
      static Stream of​(java.lang.String scopedName)
      Helper utility to create a Stream object from a scopedName of a Stream.
      static Stream of​(java.lang.String scope, java.lang.String streamName)
      Helper utility to create a Stream object.
    • Method Detail

      • getScope

        java.lang.String getScope()
        Gets the scope of this stream.
        String scope name
      • getStreamName

        java.lang.String getStreamName()
        Gets the name of this stream (Not including the scope).
        String a stream name
      • getScopedName

        java.lang.String getScopedName()
        Gets the scoped name of this stream.
        String a fully scoped stream name
      • of

        static Stream of​(java.lang.String scope,
                         java.lang.String streamName)
        Helper utility to create a Stream object.
        scope - Scope of the stream.
        streamName - Name of the stream.
      • of

        static Stream of​(java.lang.String scopedName)
        Helper utility to create a Stream object from a scopedName of a Stream.
        scopedName - Scoped Name of the stream e.g: scopeName/streamName .