Enum Cpg.NodePropertyName

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    com.google.protobuf.Internal.EnumLite, com.google.protobuf.ProtocolMessageEnum, java.io.Serializable, java.lang.Comparable<Cpg.NodePropertyName>
    Enclosing class:

    public static enum Cpg.NodePropertyName
    extends java.lang.Enum<Cpg.NodePropertyName>
    implements com.google.protobuf.ProtocolMessageEnum
    Protobuf enum cpg.NodePropertyName
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
      This property holds the fully qualified name of the type that the node is a type alias of.
      AST-children of CALL nodes have an argument index, that is used to match call-site arguments with callee parameters.
      For calls involving named parameters, the `ARGUMENT_NAME` field holds the name of the parameter initialized by the expression.
      This field holds the FULL_NAME of the AST parent of an entity.
      The type of the AST parent.
      This field holds the canonical name of a `FIELD_IDENTIFIER`.
      CLASS_NAME = 104;
      CLASS_SHORT_NAME = 132;
      This field holds the code snippet that the node represents.
      This optional fields provides the column number of the program construct represented by the node.
      This optional fields provides the column number at which the program construct represented by the node ends.
      References to other nodes.
      The `CONTROL_STRUCTURE_TYPE` field indicates which kind of control structure a `CONTROL_STRUCTURE` node represents.
      This field holds the dispatch type of a call, which is either `STATIC_DISPATCH` or `DYNAMIC_DISPATCH`.
      For formal method input parameters, output parameters, and return parameters, this field holds the evaluation strategy, which is one of the following: 1) `BY_REFERENCE` indicates that the parameter is passed by reference, 2) `BY_VALUE` indicates that it is passed by value, that is, a copy is made, 3) `BY_SHARING` the parameter is a pointer/reference and it is shared with the caller/callee.
      The absolute path of the source file this node was generated from.
      This is the fully-qualified name of an entity, e.g., the fully-qualified name of a method or type.
      This property contains a hash value in the form of a string.
      The static types a TYPE_DECL inherits from.
      Indicates that the construct (METHOD or TYPE_DECL) is external, that is, it is referenced but not defined in the code (applies both to insular parsing and to library functions where we have header files only)
      Specifies whether a parameter is the variadic argument handling parameter of a variadic method.
      This property denotes a key of a key-value pair.
      This field indicates which CPG language frontend generated the CPG.
      This optional field provides the line number of the program construct represented by the node.
      This optional fields provides the line number at which the program construct represented by the node ends.
      The FULL_NAME of a method.
      METHOD_SHORT_NAME = 102;
      The modifier type is a free-form string.
      Name of represented object, e.g., method name (e.g.
      NODE_LABEL = 105;
      This integer indicates the position of the node among its siblings in the AST.
      The field contains the names of the overlays applied to this CPG, in order of their application.
      PACKAGE_NAME = 103;
      AST node type name emitted by parser.
      The method signature encodes the types of parameters in a string.
      SYMBOL = 100;
      The static type decl of a TYPE.
      This field contains the fully-qualified static type name of the program construct represented by a node.
      This property denotes a string value as used in a key-value pair.
      A version, given as a string.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      This property holds the fully qualified name of the type that the node is a type alias of.
      static int ARGUMENT_INDEX_VALUE
      AST-children of CALL nodes have an argument index, that is used to match call-site arguments with callee parameters.
      static int ARGUMENT_NAME_VALUE
      For calls involving named parameters, the `ARGUMENT_NAME` field holds the name of the parameter initialized by the expression.
      This field holds the FULL_NAME of the AST parent of an entity.
      static int AST_PARENT_TYPE_VALUE
      The type of the AST parent.
      static int CANONICAL_NAME_VALUE
      This field holds the canonical name of a `FIELD_IDENTIFIER`.
      static int CLASS_NAME_VALUE
      CLASS_NAME = 104;
      static int CLASS_SHORT_NAME_VALUE
      CLASS_SHORT_NAME = 132;
      static int CODE_VALUE
      This field holds the code snippet that the node represents.
      static int COLUMN_NUMBER_END_VALUE
      This optional fields provides the column number at which the program construct represented by the node ends.
      static int COLUMN_NUMBER_VALUE
      This optional fields provides the column number of the program construct represented by the node.
      static int CONTAINED_REF_VALUE
      References to other nodes.
      The `CONTROL_STRUCTURE_TYPE` field indicates which kind of control structure a `CONTROL_STRUCTURE` node represents.
      static int DISPATCH_TYPE_VALUE
      This field holds the dispatch type of a call, which is either `STATIC_DISPATCH` or `DYNAMIC_DISPATCH`.
      For formal method input parameters, output parameters, and return parameters, this field holds the evaluation strategy, which is one of the following: 1) `BY_REFERENCE` indicates that the parameter is passed by reference, 2) `BY_VALUE` indicates that it is passed by value, that is, a copy is made, 3) `BY_SHARING` the parameter is a pointer/reference and it is shared with the caller/callee.
      static int FILENAME_VALUE
      The absolute path of the source file this node was generated from.
      static int FULL_NAME_VALUE
      This is the fully-qualified name of an entity, e.g., the fully-qualified name of a method or type.
      static int HASH_VALUE
      This property contains a hash value in the form of a string.
      The static types a TYPE_DECL inherits from.
      static int IS_EXTERNAL_VALUE
      Indicates that the construct (METHOD or TYPE_DECL) is external, that is, it is referenced but not defined in the code (applies both to insular parsing and to library functions where we have header files only)
      static int IS_VARIADIC_VALUE
      Specifies whether a parameter is the variadic argument handling parameter of a variadic method.
      static int KEY_VALUE
      This property denotes a key of a key-value pair.
      static int LANGUAGE_VALUE
      This field indicates which CPG language frontend generated the CPG.
      static int LINE_NUMBER_END_VALUE
      This optional fields provides the line number at which the program construct represented by the node ends.
      static int LINE_NUMBER_VALUE
      This optional field provides the line number of the program construct represented by the node.
      static int METHOD_FULL_NAME_VALUE
      The FULL_NAME of a method.
      static int METHOD_SHORT_NAME_VALUE
      METHOD_SHORT_NAME = 102;
      static int MODIFIER_TYPE_VALUE
      The modifier type is a free-form string.
      static int NAME_VALUE
      Name of represented object, e.g., method name (e.g.
      static int NODE_LABEL_VALUE
      NODE_LABEL = 105;
      static int ORDER_VALUE
      This integer indicates the position of the node among its siblings in the AST.
      static int OVERLAYS_VALUE
      The field contains the names of the overlays applied to this CPG, in order of their application.
      static int PACKAGE_NAME_VALUE
      PACKAGE_NAME = 103;
      static int PARSER_TYPE_NAME_VALUE
      AST node type name emitted by parser.
      static int SIGNATURE_VALUE
      The method signature encodes the types of parameters in a string.
      static int SYMBOL_VALUE
      SYMBOL = 100;
      static int TYPE_DECL_FULL_NAME_VALUE
      The static type decl of a TYPE.
      static int TYPE_FULL_NAME_VALUE
      This field contains the fully-qualified static type name of the program construct represented by a node.
      static int VALUE_VALUE
      This property denotes a string value as used in a key-value pair.
      static int VERSION_VALUE
      A version, given as a string.
    • Enum Constant Detail


        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName UNKNOWN_NODE_PROPERTY

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName LINE_NUMBER
         This optional field provides the line number of the program construct
        represented by the node. 
        LINE_NUMBER = 2;

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName PARSER_TYPE_NAME
         AST node type name emitted by parser. 
        PARSER_TYPE_NAME = 3;
      • ORDER

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName ORDER
         This integer indicates the position of the node among
        its siblings in the AST. The left-most child has an
        order of 0. 
        ORDER = 4;
      • NAME

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName NAME
         Name of represented object, e.g., method name (e.g. "run") 
        NAME = 5;
      • FULL_NAME

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName FULL_NAME
         This is the fully-qualified name of an entity, e.g., the fully-qualified
        name of a method or type. The details of what constitutes a fully-qualified
        name are language specific. This field SHOULD be human readable. 
        FULL_NAME = 6;

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName IS_EXTERNAL
         Indicates that the construct (METHOD or TYPE_DECL) is external, that is,
        it is referenced but not defined in the code (applies both to insular
        parsing and to library functions where we have header files only) 
        IS_EXTERNAL = 7;
      • VALUE

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName VALUE
         This property denotes a string value as used in a key-value pair. 
        VALUE = 8;

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName COLUMN_NUMBER
         This optional fields provides the column number of the program construct
        represented by the node. 
        COLUMN_NUMBER = 11;

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName LINE_NUMBER_END
         This optional fields provides the line number at which the program construct
        represented by the node ends. 
        LINE_NUMBER_END = 12;
      • VERSION

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName VERSION
         A version, given as a string. Used, for example, in the META_DATA node to
        indicate which version of the CPG spec this CPG conforms to 
        VERSION = 13;

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName EVALUATION_STRATEGY
         For formal method input parameters, output parameters, and return parameters,
        this field holds the evaluation strategy, which is one of the following:
        1) `BY_REFERENCE` indicates that the parameter is passed by reference, 2)
        `BY_VALUE` indicates that it is passed by value, that is, a copy is made,
        3) `BY_SHARING` the parameter is a pointer/reference and it is shared with
        the caller/callee. While a copy of the pointer is made, a copy of the object
        that it points to is not made. 

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName COLUMN_NUMBER_END
         This optional fields provides the column number at which the program construct
        represented by the node ends. 
        COLUMN_NUMBER_END = 16;
      • LANGUAGE

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName LANGUAGE
         This field indicates which CPG language frontend generated the CPG.
        Frontend developers may freely choose a value that describes their frontend
        so long as it is not used by an existing frontend. Reserved values are to date:
        C, LLVM, GHIDRA, PHP. 
        LANGUAGE = 19;
      • CODE

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName CODE
         This field holds the code snippet that the node represents. 
        CODE = 21;

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName SIGNATURE
         The method signature encodes the types of parameters in a string.
        The string SHOULD be human readable and suitable for differentiating methods
        with different parameter types sufficiently to allow for resolving of
        function overloading. The present specification does not enforce a strict
        format for the signature, that is, it can be chosen by the frontend
        implementor to fit the source language. 
        SIGNATURE = 22;

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName DISPATCH_TYPE
         This field holds the dispatch type of a call, which is either `STATIC_DISPATCH` or
        `DYNAMIC_DISPATCH`. For statically dispatched method calls, the call target is known
        at compile time while for dynamically dispatched calls, it can only be determined at
        runtime as it may depend on the type of an object (as is the case for virtual method
        calls) or calculation of an offset. 
        DISPATCH_TYPE = 25;

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName MODIFIER_TYPE
         The modifier type is a free-form string. The following are known modifier types:
        MODIFIER_TYPE = 26;

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName CONTROL_STRUCTURE_TYPE
         The `CONTROL_STRUCTURE_TYPE` field indicates which kind of control structure
        a `CONTROL_STRUCTURE` node represents. The available types are the following:

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName ARGUMENT_INDEX
         AST-children of CALL nodes have an argument index, that is used to match
        call-site arguments with callee parameters. Explicit parameters are numbered
        from 1 to N, while index 0 is reserved for implicit self / this parameter.
        CALLs without implicit parameter therefore have arguments starting with index 1.
        AST-children of BLOCK nodes may have an argument index as well; in this case,
        the last argument index determines the return expression of a BLOCK expression.
        If the `PARAMETER_NAME` field is set, then the `ARGUMENT_INDEX` field is
        ignored. It is suggested to set it to -1. 
        ARGUMENT_INDEX = 40;

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName TYPE_FULL_NAME
         This field contains the fully-qualified static type name of the program
        construct represented by a node. It is the name of an instantiated type, e.g.,
        `java.util.List<Integer>`, rather than `java.util.List[T]`. If the type
        cannot be determined, this field should be set to the empty string. 
        TYPE_FULL_NAME = 51;

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName TYPE_DECL_FULL_NAME
         The static type decl of a TYPE. This property is matched against the FULL_NAME
        of TYPE_DECL nodes. It is required to have exactly one TYPE_DECL for each
        different TYPE_DECL_FULL_NAME 
        TYPE_DECL_FULL_NAME = 52;

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName INHERITS_FROM_TYPE_FULL_NAME
         The static types a TYPE_DECL inherits from. This property is matched against the
        FULL_NAME of TYPE nodes and thus it is required to have at least one TYPE node
        for each TYPE_FULL_NAME 

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName METHOD_FULL_NAME
         The FULL_NAME of a method. Used to link CALL and METHOD nodes. It is required
        to have exactly one METHOD node for each METHOD_FULL_NAME 
        METHOD_FULL_NAME = 54;

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName AST_PARENT_TYPE
         The type of the AST parent. Since this is only used in some parts of the graph,
        the list does not include all possible parents by intention.
        Possible parents: METHOD, TYPE_DECL, NAMESPACE_BLOCK. 
        AST_PARENT_TYPE = 56;

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName AST_PARENT_FULL_NAME
         This field holds the FULL_NAME of the AST parent of an entity. 
        AST_PARENT_FULL_NAME = 57;

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName METHOD_SHORT_NAME
        METHOD_SHORT_NAME = 102;
      • FILENAME

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName FILENAME
         The absolute path of the source file this node was generated from. This field
        must be set but may be set to the value `<unknown>` to indicate that no source
        file can be associated with the node, e.g., because the node represents an
        entity known to exist because it is referenced, but for which the file that
        is is declared in is unknown. 
        FILENAME = 106;
      • OVERLAYS

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName OVERLAYS
         The field contains the names of the overlays applied to this CPG, in order of their
        application. Names are free-form strings, that is, this specification does not
        dictate them but rather requires tool producers and consumers to communicate them
        between each other. 
        OVERLAYS = 118;
      • HASH

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName HASH
         This property contains a hash value in the form of a string.
        Hashes can be used to summarize data, e.g., to summarize the
        contents of source files or sub graphs. Such summaries are useful
        to determine whether code has already been analyzed in incremental
        analysis pipelines. This property is optional to allow its calculation
        to be deferred or skipped if the hash is not needed. 
        HASH = 120;

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName ARGUMENT_NAME
         For calls involving named parameters, the `ARGUMENT_NAME` field holds the
        name of the parameter initialized by the expression. For all other calls,
        this field is unset. 
        ARGUMENT_NAME = 130;
      • KEY

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName KEY
         This property denotes a key of a key-value pair. 
        KEY = 131;

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName CLASS_SHORT_NAME
        CLASS_SHORT_NAME = 132;

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName ALIAS_TYPE_FULL_NAME
         This property holds the fully qualified name of the type that the node is
        a type alias of. 
        ALIAS_TYPE_FULL_NAME = 158;

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName IS_VARIADIC
         Specifies whether a parameter is the variadic argument handling parameter of
        a variadic method. Only one parameter of a method is allowed to have this
        property set to true. 
        IS_VARIADIC = 221;

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName CANONICAL_NAME
         This field holds the canonical name of a `FIELD_IDENTIFIER`. It is typically
        identical to the CODE field, but canonicalized according to source language
        semantics. Human readable names are preferable. `FIELD_IDENTIFIER` nodes must
        share identical `CANONICAL_NAME` if and
        only if they alias, e.g., in C-style unions (if the aliasing relationship is
        unknown or there are partial overlaps, then one must make a reasonable guess,
        and trade off between false negatives and false positives). 
        CANONICAL_NAME = 2001092;

        public static final Cpg.NodePropertyName CONTAINED_REF
         References to other nodes. This is not a real property; it exists here for the sake of proto serialization only. valueType and cardinality are meaningless. 
        CONTAINED_REF = 2007161;
    • Field Detail


        public static final int UNKNOWN_NODE_PROPERTY_VALUE
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int LINE_NUMBER_VALUE
         This optional field provides the line number of the program construct
        represented by the node. 
        LINE_NUMBER = 2;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int PARSER_TYPE_NAME_VALUE
         AST node type name emitted by parser. 
        PARSER_TYPE_NAME = 3;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int ORDER_VALUE
         This integer indicates the position of the node among
        its siblings in the AST. The left-most child has an
        order of 0. 
        ORDER = 4;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • NAME_VALUE

        public static final int NAME_VALUE
         Name of represented object, e.g., method name (e.g. "run") 
        NAME = 5;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int FULL_NAME_VALUE
         This is the fully-qualified name of an entity, e.g., the fully-qualified
        name of a method or type. The details of what constitutes a fully-qualified
        name are language specific. This field SHOULD be human readable. 
        FULL_NAME = 6;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int IS_EXTERNAL_VALUE
         Indicates that the construct (METHOD or TYPE_DECL) is external, that is,
        it is referenced but not defined in the code (applies both to insular
        parsing and to library functions where we have header files only) 
        IS_EXTERNAL = 7;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int VALUE_VALUE
         This property denotes a string value as used in a key-value pair. 
        VALUE = 8;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int COLUMN_NUMBER_VALUE
         This optional fields provides the column number of the program construct
        represented by the node. 
        COLUMN_NUMBER = 11;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int LINE_NUMBER_END_VALUE
         This optional fields provides the line number at which the program construct
        represented by the node ends. 
        LINE_NUMBER_END = 12;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int VERSION_VALUE
         A version, given as a string. Used, for example, in the META_DATA node to
        indicate which version of the CPG spec this CPG conforms to 
        VERSION = 13;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int EVALUATION_STRATEGY_VALUE
         For formal method input parameters, output parameters, and return parameters,
        this field holds the evaluation strategy, which is one of the following:
        1) `BY_REFERENCE` indicates that the parameter is passed by reference, 2)
        `BY_VALUE` indicates that it is passed by value, that is, a copy is made,
        3) `BY_SHARING` the parameter is a pointer/reference and it is shared with
        the caller/callee. While a copy of the pointer is made, a copy of the object
        that it points to is not made. 
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int COLUMN_NUMBER_END_VALUE
         This optional fields provides the column number at which the program construct
        represented by the node ends. 
        COLUMN_NUMBER_END = 16;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int LANGUAGE_VALUE
         This field indicates which CPG language frontend generated the CPG.
        Frontend developers may freely choose a value that describes their frontend
        so long as it is not used by an existing frontend. Reserved values are to date:
        C, LLVM, GHIDRA, PHP. 
        LANGUAGE = 19;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • CODE_VALUE

        public static final int CODE_VALUE
         This field holds the code snippet that the node represents. 
        CODE = 21;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int SIGNATURE_VALUE
         The method signature encodes the types of parameters in a string.
        The string SHOULD be human readable and suitable for differentiating methods
        with different parameter types sufficiently to allow for resolving of
        function overloading. The present specification does not enforce a strict
        format for the signature, that is, it can be chosen by the frontend
        implementor to fit the source language. 
        SIGNATURE = 22;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DISPATCH_TYPE_VALUE
         This field holds the dispatch type of a call, which is either `STATIC_DISPATCH` or
        `DYNAMIC_DISPATCH`. For statically dispatched method calls, the call target is known
        at compile time while for dynamically dispatched calls, it can only be determined at
        runtime as it may depend on the type of an object (as is the case for virtual method
        calls) or calculation of an offset. 
        DISPATCH_TYPE = 25;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int MODIFIER_TYPE_VALUE
         The modifier type is a free-form string. The following are known modifier types:
        MODIFIER_TYPE = 26;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int CONTROL_STRUCTURE_TYPE_VALUE
         The `CONTROL_STRUCTURE_TYPE` field indicates which kind of control structure
        a `CONTROL_STRUCTURE` node represents. The available types are the following:
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int ARGUMENT_INDEX_VALUE
         AST-children of CALL nodes have an argument index, that is used to match
        call-site arguments with callee parameters. Explicit parameters are numbered
        from 1 to N, while index 0 is reserved for implicit self / this parameter.
        CALLs without implicit parameter therefore have arguments starting with index 1.
        AST-children of BLOCK nodes may have an argument index as well; in this case,
        the last argument index determines the return expression of a BLOCK expression.
        If the `PARAMETER_NAME` field is set, then the `ARGUMENT_INDEX` field is
        ignored. It is suggested to set it to -1. 
        ARGUMENT_INDEX = 40;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int TYPE_FULL_NAME_VALUE
         This field contains the fully-qualified static type name of the program
        construct represented by a node. It is the name of an instantiated type, e.g.,
        `java.util.List<Integer>`, rather than `java.util.List[T]`. If the type
        cannot be determined, this field should be set to the empty string. 
        TYPE_FULL_NAME = 51;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int TYPE_DECL_FULL_NAME_VALUE
         The static type decl of a TYPE. This property is matched against the FULL_NAME
        of TYPE_DECL nodes. It is required to have exactly one TYPE_DECL for each
        different TYPE_DECL_FULL_NAME 
        TYPE_DECL_FULL_NAME = 52;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int INHERITS_FROM_TYPE_FULL_NAME_VALUE
         The static types a TYPE_DECL inherits from. This property is matched against the
        FULL_NAME of TYPE nodes and thus it is required to have at least one TYPE node
        for each TYPE_FULL_NAME 
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int METHOD_FULL_NAME_VALUE
         The FULL_NAME of a method. Used to link CALL and METHOD nodes. It is required
        to have exactly one METHOD node for each METHOD_FULL_NAME 
        METHOD_FULL_NAME = 54;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int AST_PARENT_TYPE_VALUE
         The type of the AST parent. Since this is only used in some parts of the graph,
        the list does not include all possible parents by intention.
        Possible parents: METHOD, TYPE_DECL, NAMESPACE_BLOCK. 
        AST_PARENT_TYPE = 56;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int AST_PARENT_FULL_NAME_VALUE
         This field holds the FULL_NAME of the AST parent of an entity. 
        AST_PARENT_FULL_NAME = 57;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int METHOD_SHORT_NAME_VALUE
        METHOD_SHORT_NAME = 102;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int PACKAGE_NAME_VALUE
        PACKAGE_NAME = 103;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int CLASS_NAME_VALUE
        CLASS_NAME = 104;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int NODE_LABEL_VALUE
        NODE_LABEL = 105;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int FILENAME_VALUE
         The absolute path of the source file this node was generated from. This field
        must be set but may be set to the value `<unknown>` to indicate that no source
        file can be associated with the node, e.g., because the node represents an
        entity known to exist because it is referenced, but for which the file that
        is is declared in is unknown. 
        FILENAME = 106;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int OVERLAYS_VALUE
         The field contains the names of the overlays applied to this CPG, in order of their
        application. Names are free-form strings, that is, this specification does not
        dictate them but rather requires tool producers and consumers to communicate them
        between each other. 
        OVERLAYS = 118;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • HASH_VALUE

        public static final int HASH_VALUE
         This property contains a hash value in the form of a string.
        Hashes can be used to summarize data, e.g., to summarize the
        contents of source files or sub graphs. Such summaries are useful
        to determine whether code has already been analyzed in incremental
        analysis pipelines. This property is optional to allow its calculation
        to be deferred or skipped if the hash is not needed. 
        HASH = 120;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int ARGUMENT_NAME_VALUE
         For calls involving named parameters, the `ARGUMENT_NAME` field holds the
        name of the parameter initialized by the expression. For all other calls,
        this field is unset. 
        ARGUMENT_NAME = 130;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • KEY_VALUE

        public static final int KEY_VALUE
         This property denotes a key of a key-value pair. 
        KEY = 131;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int CLASS_SHORT_NAME_VALUE
        CLASS_SHORT_NAME = 132;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int ALIAS_TYPE_FULL_NAME_VALUE
         This property holds the fully qualified name of the type that the node is
        a type alias of. 
        ALIAS_TYPE_FULL_NAME = 158;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int IS_VARIADIC_VALUE
         Specifies whether a parameter is the variadic argument handling parameter of
        a variadic method. Only one parameter of a method is allowed to have this
        property set to true. 
        IS_VARIADIC = 221;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int CANONICAL_NAME_VALUE
         This field holds the canonical name of a `FIELD_IDENTIFIER`. It is typically
        identical to the CODE field, but canonicalized according to source language
        semantics. Human readable names are preferable. `FIELD_IDENTIFIER` nodes must
        share identical `CANONICAL_NAME` if and
        only if they alias, e.g., in C-style unions (if the aliasing relationship is
        unknown or there are partial overlaps, then one must make a reasonable guess,
        and trade off between false negatives and false positives). 
        CANONICAL_NAME = 2001092;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int CONTAINED_REF_VALUE
         References to other nodes. This is not a real property; it exists here for the sake of proto serialization only. valueType and cardinality are meaningless. 
        CONTAINED_REF = 2007161;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static Cpg.NodePropertyName[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (Cpg.NodePropertyName c : Cpg.NodePropertyName.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static Cpg.NodePropertyName valueOf​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • getNumber

        public final int getNumber()
        Specified by:
        getNumber in interface com.google.protobuf.Internal.EnumLite
        Specified by:
        getNumber in interface com.google.protobuf.ProtocolMessageEnum
      • valueOf

        public static Cpg.NodePropertyName valueOf​(int value)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        value - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • forNumber

        public static Cpg.NodePropertyName forNumber​(int value)
        value - The numeric wire value of the corresponding enum entry.
        The enum associated with the given numeric wire value.
      • internalGetValueMap

        public static com.google.protobuf.Internal.EnumLiteMap<Cpg.NodePropertyName> internalGetValueMap()
      • getValueDescriptor

        public final com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.EnumValueDescriptor getValueDescriptor()
        Specified by:
        getValueDescriptor in interface com.google.protobuf.ProtocolMessageEnum
      • getDescriptorForType

        public final com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.EnumDescriptor getDescriptorForType()
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface com.google.protobuf.ProtocolMessageEnum
      • getDescriptor

        public static final com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.EnumDescriptor getDescriptor()
      • valueOf

        public static Cpg.NodePropertyName valueOf​(com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.EnumValueDescriptor desc)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        desc - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null