Enum Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    com.google.protobuf.Internal.EnumLite, com.google.protobuf.ProtocolMessageEnum, java.io.Serializable, java.lang.Comparable<Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType>
    Enclosing class:

    public static enum Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType
    extends java.lang.Enum<Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType>
    implements com.google.protobuf.ProtocolMessageEnum
     Logical node type.
    Protobuf enum cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
      `BINDING` nodes represent name-signature pairs that can be resolved at a type declaration (`TYPE_DECL`).
      This node represents a compound statement.
      A (function/method/procedure) call.
      Represents the binding of a LOCAL or METHOD_PARAMETER_IN into the closure of a method
      A source code comment
      This node type represent a configuration file, where `NAME` is the name of the file and `content` is its content.
      This node represents a control structure as introduced by control structure statements as well as conditional and unconditional jumps.
      This node represents a dependency
      This node represents the field accessed in a field access, e.g., in `a.b`, it represents `b`.
      File nodes represent source files or a shared objects from which the CPG was generated.
      Finding nodes may be used to store analysis results in the graph that are to be exposed to an end-user, e.g., information about potential vulnerabilities or dangerous programming practices.
      This node represents an identifier as used when referring to a variable by name.
      A jump target is any location in the code that has been specifically marked as the target of a jump, e.g., via a label.
      This node represents a key value pair, where both the key and the value are strings.
      This node represents a literal such as an integer or string constant.
      This node represents a local variable.
      A location node summarizes a source code location.
      This node represents a type member of a class, struct or union, e.g., for the type declaration `class Foo{ int i ; }`, it represents the declaration of the variable `i`.
      This node contains the CPG meta data.
      Programming languages offer many closely-related concepts for describing blocks of code that can be executed with input parameters and return output parameters, possibly causing side effects.
      This node represents a formal input parameter.
      This node represents a formal output parameter.
      This node represents a reference to a method/function/procedure as it appears when a method is passed as an argument in a call.
      This node represents an (unnamed) formal method return parameter.
      This field represents a (language-dependent) modifier such as `static`, `private` or `public`.
      This node represents a namespace.
      A reference to a namespace.
      This node represents a return instruction, e.g., `return x`.
      This node represents a tag.
      This node contains an arbitrary node and an associated tag node.
      This node represents a type instance, that is, a concrete instantiation of a type declaration.
      An (actual) type argument as used to instantiate a parametrized type, in the same way an (actual) arguments provides concrete values for a parameter at method call sites.
      This node represents a type declaration as for example given by a class-, struct-, or union declaration.
      This node represents a formal type parameter, that is, the type parameter as given in a type-parametrized method or type declaration.
      Reference to a type/class
      Any AST node that the frontend would like to include in the AST but for which no suitable AST node is specified in the CPG specification may be included using a node of type `UNKNOWN`.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int BINDING_VALUE
      `BINDING` nodes represent name-signature pairs that can be resolved at a type declaration (`TYPE_DECL`).
      static int BLOCK_VALUE
      This node represents a compound statement.
      static int CALL_VALUE
      A (function/method/procedure) call.
      static int CLOSURE_BINDING_VALUE
      Represents the binding of a LOCAL or METHOD_PARAMETER_IN into the closure of a method
      static int COMMENT_VALUE
      A source code comment
      static int CONFIG_FILE_VALUE
      This node type represent a configuration file, where `NAME` is the name of the file and `content` is its content.
      This node represents a control structure as introduced by control structure statements as well as conditional and unconditional jumps.
      static int DEPENDENCY_VALUE
      This node represents a dependency
      This node represents the field accessed in a field access, e.g., in `a.b`, it represents `b`.
      static int FILE_VALUE
      File nodes represent source files or a shared objects from which the CPG was generated.
      static int FINDING_VALUE
      Finding nodes may be used to store analysis results in the graph that are to be exposed to an end-user, e.g., information about potential vulnerabilities or dangerous programming practices.
      static int IDENTIFIER_VALUE
      This node represents an identifier as used when referring to a variable by name.
      static int JUMP_TARGET_VALUE
      A jump target is any location in the code that has been specifically marked as the target of a jump, e.g., via a label.
      static int KEY_VALUE_PAIR_VALUE
      This node represents a key value pair, where both the key and the value are strings.
      static int LITERAL_VALUE
      This node represents a literal such as an integer or string constant.
      static int LOCAL_VALUE
      This node represents a local variable.
      static int LOCATION_VALUE
      A location node summarizes a source code location.
      static int MEMBER_VALUE
      This node represents a type member of a class, struct or union, e.g., for the type declaration `class Foo{ int i ; }`, it represents the declaration of the variable `i`.
      static int META_DATA_VALUE
      This node contains the CPG meta data.
      This node represents a formal input parameter.
      This node represents a formal output parameter.
      static int METHOD_REF_VALUE
      This node represents a reference to a method/function/procedure as it appears when a method is passed as an argument in a call.
      static int METHOD_RETURN_VALUE
      This node represents an (unnamed) formal method return parameter.
      static int METHOD_VALUE
      Programming languages offer many closely-related concepts for describing blocks of code that can be executed with input parameters and return output parameters, possibly causing side effects.
      static int MODIFIER_VALUE
      This field represents a (language-dependent) modifier such as `static`, `private` or `public`.
      static int NAMESPACE_BLOCK_VALUE
      A reference to a namespace.
      static int NAMESPACE_VALUE
      This node represents a namespace.
      static int RETURN_VALUE
      This node represents a return instruction, e.g., `return x`.
      static int TAG_NODE_PAIR_VALUE
      This node contains an arbitrary node and an associated tag node.
      static int TAG_VALUE
      This node represents a tag.
      static int TYPE_ARGUMENT_VALUE
      An (actual) type argument as used to instantiate a parametrized type, in the same way an (actual) arguments provides concrete values for a parameter at method call sites.
      static int TYPE_DECL_VALUE
      This node represents a type declaration as for example given by a class-, struct-, or union declaration.
      static int TYPE_PARAMETER_VALUE
      This node represents a formal type parameter, that is, the type parameter as given in a type-parametrized method or type declaration.
      static int TYPE_REF_VALUE
      Reference to a type/class
      static int TYPE_VALUE
      This node represents a type instance, that is, a concrete instantiation of a type declaration.
      static int UNKNOWN_NODE_TYPE_VALUE
      static int UNKNOWN_VALUE
      Any AST node that the frontend would like to include in the AST but for which no suitable AST node is specified in the CPG specification may be included using a node of type `UNKNOWN`.
    • Enum Constant Detail

      • METHOD

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType METHOD
         Programming languages offer many closely-related concepts for describing blocks
        of code that can be executed with input parameters and return output parameters,
        possibly causing side effects. In the CPG specification, we refer to all of these
        concepts (procedures, functions, methods, etc.) as methods. A single METHOD node
        must exist for each method found in the source program.
        The `FULL_NAME` field specifies the method's fully-qualified name, including
        information about the namespace it is contained in if applicable, the name field
        is the function's short name. The field `IS_EXTERNAL` indicates whether it was
        possible to identify a method body for the method. This is true for methods that
        are defined in the source program, and false for methods that are dynamically
        linked to the program, that is, methods that exist in an external dependency.
        Line and column number information is specified in the optional fields
        the name of the source file is specified in `FILENAME`. An optional hash value
        MAY be calculated over the function contents and included in the `HASH` field.
        Finally, the fully qualified name of the program constructs that the method
        is immediately contained in is stored in the `AST_PARENT_FULL_NAME` field
        and its type is indicated in the `AST_PARENT_TYPE` field to be one of
        METHOD = 1;

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType METHOD_RETURN
         This node represents an (unnamed) formal method return parameter. It carries its
        fully qualified type name in `TYPE_FULL_NAME`. The `CODE` field MAY be set freely,
        e.g., to the constant `RET`, however, subsequent layer creators MUST NOT depend
        on this value. 
        METHOD_RETURN = 3;
      • LITERAL

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType LITERAL
         This node represents a literal such as an integer or string constant. Literals
        are symbols included in the code in verbatim form and which are immutable.
        The `TYPE_FULL_NAME` field stores the literal's fully-qualified type name,
        e.g., `java.lang.Integer`. 
        LITERAL = 8;
      • MEMBER

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType MEMBER
         This node represents a type member of a class, struct or union, e.g., for the
        type declaration `class Foo{ int i ; }`, it represents the declaration of the
        variable `i`. 
        MEMBER = 9;
      • CALL

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType CALL
         A (function/method/procedure) call. The `METHOD_FULL_NAME` property is the name of the
        invoked method (the callee) while the `TYPE_FULL_NAME` is its return type, and
        therefore, the return type of the call when viewing it as an expression. For
        languages like Javascript, it is common that we may know the (short-) name
        of the invoked method, but we do not know at compile time which method
        will actually be invoked, e.g., because it depends on a dynamic import.
        In this case, we leave `METHOD_FULL_NAME` blank but at least fill out `NAME`,
        which contains the method's (short-) name and `SIGNATURE`, which contains
        any information we may have about the types of arguments and return value. 
        CALL = 15;
      • LOCAL

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType LOCAL
         This node represents a local variable. Its fully qualified type name is stored
        in the `TYPE_FULL_NAME` field and its name in the `NAME` field. The `CODE` field
        contains the entire local variable declaration without initialization, e.g., for
        `int x = 10;`, it contains `int x`. 
        LOCAL = 23;

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType IDENTIFIER
         This node represents an identifier as used when referring to a variable by name.
        It holds the identifier's name in the `NAME` field and its fully-qualified type
        name in `TYPE_FULL_NAME`. 
        IDENTIFIER = 27;
      • RETURN

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType RETURN
         This node represents a return instruction, e.g., `return x`. Note that it does
        NOT represent a formal return parameter as formal return parameters are
        represented via `METHOD_RETURN` nodes. 
        RETURN = 30;
      • BLOCK

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType BLOCK
         This node represents a compound statement. Compound statements are used in many languages to allow
        grouping a sequence of statements. For example, in C and Java, compound statements
        are statements enclosed by curly braces. Function/Method bodies are compound
        statements. We do not use the term "compound statement" because "statement" would
        imply that the block does not yield a value upon evaluation, that is, that it is
        not an expression. This is true in languages such as C and Java, but not for languages
        such as Scala where the value of the block is given by that of the last expression it
        contains. In fact, the Scala grammar uses the term "BlockExpr" (short for
        "block expression") to describe what in the CPG we call "Block". 
        BLOCK = 31;

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType METHOD_PARAMETER_OUT
         This node represents a formal output parameter. Corresponding output parameters
        for input parameters MUST NOT be created by the frontend as they are automatically
        created upon first loading the CPG. 

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType METHOD_PARAMETER_IN
         This node represents a formal input parameter. The field `NAME` contains its
        name, while the field `TYPE_FULL_NAME` contains the fully qualified type name. 
      • FILE

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType FILE
         File nodes represent source files or a shared objects from which the CPG
        was generated. File nodes serve as indices, that is, they allow looking up all
        elements of the code by file.
        For each file, the graph MUST contain exactly one File node.
        As file nodes are root nodes of abstract syntax tress, they are AstNodes and
        their order field is set to 0. This is because they have no sibling nodes,
        not because they are the first node of the AST.
        Each CPG MUST contain a special file node with name set to
        `<unknown>`. This node is a placeholder used in cases where a file cannot be
        determined at compile time. As an example, consider external library functions.
        As their code is not available on CPG construction, the file name is unknown.
        File nodes MUST NOT be created by the language frontend. Instead, the language
        frontend is assumed to fill out the `FILENAME` field wherever possible,
        allowing File nodes to be created automatically upon first loading the CPG. 
        FILE = 38;
      • META_DATA

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType META_DATA
         This node contains the CPG meta data. Exactly one node of this type
        MUST exist per CPG. The `HASH` property MAY contain a hash value calculated
        over the source files this CPG was generated from. The `VERSION` MUST be
        set to the version of the specification ("1.1"). The language field indicates
        which language frontend was used to generate the CPG and the list property
        `OVERLAYS` specifies which overlays have been applied to the CPG. 
        META_DATA = 39;

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType NAMESPACE
         This node represents a namespace. Similar to FILE nodes, NAMESPACE nodes
        serve as indices that allow all definitions inside a namespace to be
        obtained by following outgoing edges from a NAMESPACE node.
        NAMESPACE nodes MUST NOT be created by language frontends. Instead,
        they are generated from NAMESPACE_BLOCK nodes automatically upon
        first loading of the CPG. 
        NAMESPACE = 40;

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType NAMESPACE_BLOCK
         A reference to a namespace.
        We borrow the concept of a "namespace block" from C++, that is, a namespace block
        is a block of code that has been placed in the same namespace by a programmer.
        This block may be introduced via a `package` statement in Java or
        a `namespace{ }` statement in C++.
        The `FULL_NAME` field contains the namespace name in a human-readable format.
        The name should be given in dot-separated form where a dot indicates
        the the right hand side is a sub namespace of the left hand side, e.g.,
        `foo.bar` denotes the namespace `bar` contained in the namespace `foo`.
        The `NAME` field contains the name of the namespace without the names of
        its parent namespaces, e.g., for the namespace `foo.woo.bar`, the `NAME`
        field is `bar`. 
        NAMESPACE_BLOCK = 41;
      • UNKNOWN

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType UNKNOWN
         Any AST node that the frontend would like to include in the AST but for
        which no suitable AST node is specified in the CPG specification may be
        included using a node of type `UNKNOWN`. 
        UNKNOWN = 44;
      • TYPE

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType TYPE
         This node represents a type instance, that is, a concrete instantiation
        of a type declaration. 
        TYPE = 45;
      • TYPE_DECL

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType TYPE_DECL
         This node represents a type declaration as for example given by a class-, struct-,
        or union declaration. In contrast to a `TYPE` node, this node does not represent a
        concrete instantiation of a type, e.g., for the parametrized type `List[T]`, it represents
        `List[T]`, but not `List[Integer]` where `Integer` is a concrete type.
        The language frontend MUST create type declarations for all types declared in the
        source program and MAY provide type declarations for types that are not declared
        but referenced by the source program. If a declaration is present in the source
        program, the field `IS_EXTERNAL` is set to `false`. Otherwise, it is set to `true`.
        The `FULL_NAME` field specifies the type's fully-qualified name, including
        information about the namespace it is contained in if applicable, the name field
        is the type's short name. Line and column number information is specified in the
        optional fields `LINE_NUMBER`, `COLUMN_NUMBER`, `LINE_NUMBER_END`, and
        `COLUMN_NUMBER_END` and the name of the source file is specified in `FILENAME`.
        Base types can be specified via the `INHERITS_FROM_TYPE_FULL_NAME` list, where
        each entry contains the fully-qualified name of a base type. If the type is
        known to be an alias of another type (as for example introduced via the C
        `typedef` statement), the name of the alias is stored in `ALIAS_TYPE_FULL_NAME`.
        Finally, the fully qualified name of the program constructs that the type declaration
        is immediately contained in is stored in the `AST_PARENT_FULL_NAME` field
        and its type is indicated in the `AST_PARENT_TYPE` field to be one of
        TYPE_DECL = 46;

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType TYPE_PARAMETER
         This node represents a formal type parameter, that is, the type parameter
        as given in a type-parametrized method or type declaration. Examples for
        languages that support type parameters are Java (via Generics) and C++
        (via templates). Apart from the standard fields of AST nodes, the type
        parameter carries only a `NAME` field that holds the parameters name. 
        TYPE_PARAMETER = 47;

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType TYPE_ARGUMENT
         An (actual) type argument as used to instantiate a parametrized type, in the
        same way an (actual) arguments provides concrete values for a parameter
        at method call sites. As it true for arguments, the method is not expected
        to  interpret the type argument. It MUST however store its code in the
        `CODE` field. 
        TYPE_ARGUMENT = 48;

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType CONFIG_FILE
         This node type represent a configuration file, where `NAME` is the name
        of the file and `content` is its content. The exact representation of the
        name is left undefined and can be chosen as required by consumers of
        the corresponding configuration files. 
        CONFIG_FILE = 50;
      • BINDING

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType BINDING
         `BINDING` nodes represent name-signature pairs that can be resolved at a
        type declaration (`TYPE_DECL`). They are connected to `TYPE_DECL` nodes via
        incoming `BINDS` edges and to the methods they resolve to via outgoing
        `REF` edges. 
        BINDING = 146;

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType TAG_NODE_PAIR
         This node contains an arbitrary node and an associated tag node. 
        TAG_NODE_PAIR = 208;
      • FINDING

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType FINDING
         Finding nodes may be used to store analysis results in the graph
        that are to be exposed to an end-user, e.g., information about
        potential vulnerabilities or dangerous programming practices.
        A Finding node may contain an abitrary list of key value pairs
        that characterize the finding, as well as a list of nodes that
        serve as evidence for the finding. 
        FINDING = 214;

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType KEY_VALUE_PAIR
         This node represents a key value pair, where both the key and the value are strings. 
        KEY_VALUE_PAIR = 217;
      • MODIFIER

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType MODIFIER
         This field represents a (language-dependent) modifier such as `static`, `private`
        or `public`. Unlike most other AST nodes, it is NOT an expression, that is, it
        cannot be evaluated and cannot be passed as an argument in function calls. 
        MODIFIER = 300;
      • METHOD_REF

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType METHOD_REF
         This node represents a reference to a method/function/procedure as it
        appears when a method is passed as an argument in a call. The `METHOD_FULL_NAME`
        field holds the fully-qualified name of the referenced method and the
        `TYPE_FULL_NAME` holds its fully-qualified type name. 
        METHOD_REF = 333;

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType CLOSURE_BINDING
         Represents the binding of a LOCAL or METHOD_PARAMETER_IN into the closure of a method 
        CLOSURE_BINDING = 334;

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType CONTROL_STRUCTURE
         This node represents a control structure as introduced by control structure
        statements as well as conditional and unconditional jumps. Its type is stored in the
        `CONTROL_STRUCTURE_TYPE` field to be one of several pre-defined types. These types
        are used in the construction of the control flow layer, making it possible to
        generate the control flow layer from the abstract syntax tree layer automatically.
        In addition to the `CONTROL_STRUCTURE_TYPE` field, the `PARSER_TYPE_NAME` field
        MAY be used by frontends to store the name of the control structure as emitted by
        the parser or disassembler, however, the value of this field is not relevant
        for construction of the control flow layer. 
        CONTROL_STRUCTURE = 339;

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType JUMP_TARGET
         A jump target is any location in the code that has been specifically marked
        as the target of a jump, e.g., via a label. The `NAME` field holds the name of
        the label while the `PARSER_TYPE_NAME` field holds the name of language construct
        that this jump target is created from, e.g., "Label". 
        JUMP_TARGET = 340;

        public static final Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType FIELD_IDENTIFIER
         This node represents the field accessed in a field access, e.g., in
        `a.b`, it represents `b`. The field name as it occurs in the code is
        stored in the `CODE` field. This may mean that the `CODE` field holds
        an expression. The `CANONICAL_NAME` field MAY contain the same value is
        the `CODE` field but SHOULD contain the normalized name that results
        from evaluating `CODE` as an expression if such an evaluation is
        possible for the language frontend. The objective is to store an identifier
        in `CANONICAL_NAME` that is the same for two nodes iff they refer to the
        same field, regardless of whether they use the same expression to reference
        FIELD_IDENTIFIER = 2001081;
    • Field Detail


        public static final int UNKNOWN_NODE_TYPE_VALUE
        UNKNOWN_NODE_TYPE = 0;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int METHOD_VALUE
         Programming languages offer many closely-related concepts for describing blocks
        of code that can be executed with input parameters and return output parameters,
        possibly causing side effects. In the CPG specification, we refer to all of these
        concepts (procedures, functions, methods, etc.) as methods. A single METHOD node
        must exist for each method found in the source program.
        The `FULL_NAME` field specifies the method's fully-qualified name, including
        information about the namespace it is contained in if applicable, the name field
        is the function's short name. The field `IS_EXTERNAL` indicates whether it was
        possible to identify a method body for the method. This is true for methods that
        are defined in the source program, and false for methods that are dynamically
        linked to the program, that is, methods that exist in an external dependency.
        Line and column number information is specified in the optional fields
        the name of the source file is specified in `FILENAME`. An optional hash value
        MAY be calculated over the function contents and included in the `HASH` field.
        Finally, the fully qualified name of the program constructs that the method
        is immediately contained in is stored in the `AST_PARENT_FULL_NAME` field
        and its type is indicated in the `AST_PARENT_TYPE` field to be one of
        METHOD = 1;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int METHOD_RETURN_VALUE
         This node represents an (unnamed) formal method return parameter. It carries its
        fully qualified type name in `TYPE_FULL_NAME`. The `CODE` field MAY be set freely,
        e.g., to the constant `RET`, however, subsequent layer creators MUST NOT depend
        on this value. 
        METHOD_RETURN = 3;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int LITERAL_VALUE
         This node represents a literal such as an integer or string constant. Literals
        are symbols included in the code in verbatim form and which are immutable.
        The `TYPE_FULL_NAME` field stores the literal's fully-qualified type name,
        e.g., `java.lang.Integer`. 
        LITERAL = 8;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int MEMBER_VALUE
         This node represents a type member of a class, struct or union, e.g., for the
        type declaration `class Foo{ int i ; }`, it represents the declaration of the
        variable `i`. 
        MEMBER = 9;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • CALL_VALUE

        public static final int CALL_VALUE
         A (function/method/procedure) call. The `METHOD_FULL_NAME` property is the name of the
        invoked method (the callee) while the `TYPE_FULL_NAME` is its return type, and
        therefore, the return type of the call when viewing it as an expression. For
        languages like Javascript, it is common that we may know the (short-) name
        of the invoked method, but we do not know at compile time which method
        will actually be invoked, e.g., because it depends on a dynamic import.
        In this case, we leave `METHOD_FULL_NAME` blank but at least fill out `NAME`,
        which contains the method's (short-) name and `SIGNATURE`, which contains
        any information we may have about the types of arguments and return value. 
        CALL = 15;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int LOCAL_VALUE
         This node represents a local variable. Its fully qualified type name is stored
        in the `TYPE_FULL_NAME` field and its name in the `NAME` field. The `CODE` field
        contains the entire local variable declaration without initialization, e.g., for
        `int x = 10;`, it contains `int x`. 
        LOCAL = 23;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • TAG_VALUE

        public static final int TAG_VALUE
         This node represents a tag. 
        TAG = 24;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int LOCATION_VALUE
         A location node summarizes a source code location. 
        LOCATION = 25;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int IDENTIFIER_VALUE
         This node represents an identifier as used when referring to a variable by name.
        It holds the identifier's name in the `NAME` field and its fully-qualified type
        name in `TYPE_FULL_NAME`. 
        IDENTIFIER = 27;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int RETURN_VALUE
         This node represents a return instruction, e.g., `return x`. Note that it does
        NOT represent a formal return parameter as formal return parameters are
        represented via `METHOD_RETURN` nodes. 
        RETURN = 30;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int BLOCK_VALUE
         This node represents a compound statement. Compound statements are used in many languages to allow
        grouping a sequence of statements. For example, in C and Java, compound statements
        are statements enclosed by curly braces. Function/Method bodies are compound
        statements. We do not use the term "compound statement" because "statement" would
        imply that the block does not yield a value upon evaluation, that is, that it is
        not an expression. This is true in languages such as C and Java, but not for languages
        such as Scala where the value of the block is given by that of the last expression it
        contains. In fact, the Scala grammar uses the term "BlockExpr" (short for
        "block expression") to describe what in the CPG we call "Block". 
        BLOCK = 31;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int METHOD_PARAMETER_OUT_VALUE
         This node represents a formal output parameter. Corresponding output parameters
        for input parameters MUST NOT be created by the frontend as they are automatically
        created upon first loading the CPG. 
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int METHOD_PARAMETER_IN_VALUE
         This node represents a formal input parameter. The field `NAME` contains its
        name, while the field `TYPE_FULL_NAME` contains the fully qualified type name. 
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DEPENDENCY_VALUE
         This node represents a dependency 
        DEPENDENCY = 35;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FILE_VALUE

        public static final int FILE_VALUE
         File nodes represent source files or a shared objects from which the CPG
        was generated. File nodes serve as indices, that is, they allow looking up all
        elements of the code by file.
        For each file, the graph MUST contain exactly one File node.
        As file nodes are root nodes of abstract syntax tress, they are AstNodes and
        their order field is set to 0. This is because they have no sibling nodes,
        not because they are the first node of the AST.
        Each CPG MUST contain a special file node with name set to
        `<unknown>`. This node is a placeholder used in cases where a file cannot be
        determined at compile time. As an example, consider external library functions.
        As their code is not available on CPG construction, the file name is unknown.
        File nodes MUST NOT be created by the language frontend. Instead, the language
        frontend is assumed to fill out the `FILENAME` field wherever possible,
        allowing File nodes to be created automatically upon first loading the CPG. 
        FILE = 38;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int META_DATA_VALUE
         This node contains the CPG meta data. Exactly one node of this type
        MUST exist per CPG. The `HASH` property MAY contain a hash value calculated
        over the source files this CPG was generated from. The `VERSION` MUST be
        set to the version of the specification ("1.1"). The language field indicates
        which language frontend was used to generate the CPG and the list property
        `OVERLAYS` specifies which overlays have been applied to the CPG. 
        META_DATA = 39;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int NAMESPACE_VALUE
         This node represents a namespace. Similar to FILE nodes, NAMESPACE nodes
        serve as indices that allow all definitions inside a namespace to be
        obtained by following outgoing edges from a NAMESPACE node.
        NAMESPACE nodes MUST NOT be created by language frontends. Instead,
        they are generated from NAMESPACE_BLOCK nodes automatically upon
        first loading of the CPG. 
        NAMESPACE = 40;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int NAMESPACE_BLOCK_VALUE
         A reference to a namespace.
        We borrow the concept of a "namespace block" from C++, that is, a namespace block
        is a block of code that has been placed in the same namespace by a programmer.
        This block may be introduced via a `package` statement in Java or
        a `namespace{ }` statement in C++.
        The `FULL_NAME` field contains the namespace name in a human-readable format.
        The name should be given in dot-separated form where a dot indicates
        the the right hand side is a sub namespace of the left hand side, e.g.,
        `foo.bar` denotes the namespace `bar` contained in the namespace `foo`.
        The `NAME` field contains the name of the namespace without the names of
        its parent namespaces, e.g., for the namespace `foo.woo.bar`, the `NAME`
        field is `bar`. 
        NAMESPACE_BLOCK = 41;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int UNKNOWN_VALUE
         Any AST node that the frontend would like to include in the AST but for
        which no suitable AST node is specified in the CPG specification may be
        included using a node of type `UNKNOWN`. 
        UNKNOWN = 44;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • TYPE_VALUE

        public static final int TYPE_VALUE
         This node represents a type instance, that is, a concrete instantiation
        of a type declaration. 
        TYPE = 45;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int TYPE_DECL_VALUE
         This node represents a type declaration as for example given by a class-, struct-,
        or union declaration. In contrast to a `TYPE` node, this node does not represent a
        concrete instantiation of a type, e.g., for the parametrized type `List[T]`, it represents
        `List[T]`, but not `List[Integer]` where `Integer` is a concrete type.
        The language frontend MUST create type declarations for all types declared in the
        source program and MAY provide type declarations for types that are not declared
        but referenced by the source program. If a declaration is present in the source
        program, the field `IS_EXTERNAL` is set to `false`. Otherwise, it is set to `true`.
        The `FULL_NAME` field specifies the type's fully-qualified name, including
        information about the namespace it is contained in if applicable, the name field
        is the type's short name. Line and column number information is specified in the
        optional fields `LINE_NUMBER`, `COLUMN_NUMBER`, `LINE_NUMBER_END`, and
        `COLUMN_NUMBER_END` and the name of the source file is specified in `FILENAME`.
        Base types can be specified via the `INHERITS_FROM_TYPE_FULL_NAME` list, where
        each entry contains the fully-qualified name of a base type. If the type is
        known to be an alias of another type (as for example introduced via the C
        `typedef` statement), the name of the alias is stored in `ALIAS_TYPE_FULL_NAME`.
        Finally, the fully qualified name of the program constructs that the type declaration
        is immediately contained in is stored in the `AST_PARENT_FULL_NAME` field
        and its type is indicated in the `AST_PARENT_TYPE` field to be one of
        TYPE_DECL = 46;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int TYPE_PARAMETER_VALUE
         This node represents a formal type parameter, that is, the type parameter
        as given in a type-parametrized method or type declaration. Examples for
        languages that support type parameters are Java (via Generics) and C++
        (via templates). Apart from the standard fields of AST nodes, the type
        parameter carries only a `NAME` field that holds the parameters name. 
        TYPE_PARAMETER = 47;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int TYPE_ARGUMENT_VALUE
         An (actual) type argument as used to instantiate a parametrized type, in the
        same way an (actual) arguments provides concrete values for a parameter
        at method call sites. As it true for arguments, the method is not expected
        to  interpret the type argument. It MUST however store its code in the
        `CODE` field. 
        TYPE_ARGUMENT = 48;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int CONFIG_FILE_VALUE
         This node type represent a configuration file, where `NAME` is the name
        of the file and `content` is its content. The exact representation of the
        name is left undefined and can be chosen as required by consumers of
        the corresponding configuration files. 
        CONFIG_FILE = 50;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int BINDING_VALUE
         `BINDING` nodes represent name-signature pairs that can be resolved at a
        type declaration (`TYPE_DECL`). They are connected to `TYPE_DECL` nodes via
        incoming `BINDS` edges and to the methods they resolve to via outgoing
        `REF` edges. 
        BINDING = 146;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int TAG_NODE_PAIR_VALUE
         This node contains an arbitrary node and an associated tag node. 
        TAG_NODE_PAIR = 208;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int FINDING_VALUE
         Finding nodes may be used to store analysis results in the graph
        that are to be exposed to an end-user, e.g., information about
        potential vulnerabilities or dangerous programming practices.
        A Finding node may contain an abitrary list of key value pairs
        that characterize the finding, as well as a list of nodes that
        serve as evidence for the finding. 
        FINDING = 214;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int KEY_VALUE_PAIR_VALUE
         This node represents a key value pair, where both the key and the value are strings. 
        KEY_VALUE_PAIR = 217;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int MODIFIER_VALUE
         This field represents a (language-dependent) modifier such as `static`, `private`
        or `public`. Unlike most other AST nodes, it is NOT an expression, that is, it
        cannot be evaluated and cannot be passed as an argument in function calls. 
        MODIFIER = 300;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int METHOD_REF_VALUE
         This node represents a reference to a method/function/procedure as it
        appears when a method is passed as an argument in a call. The `METHOD_FULL_NAME`
        field holds the fully-qualified name of the referenced method and the
        `TYPE_FULL_NAME` holds its fully-qualified type name. 
        METHOD_REF = 333;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int CLOSURE_BINDING_VALUE
         Represents the binding of a LOCAL or METHOD_PARAMETER_IN into the closure of a method 
        CLOSURE_BINDING = 334;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int TYPE_REF_VALUE
         Reference to a type/class 
        TYPE_REF = 335;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int CONTROL_STRUCTURE_VALUE
         This node represents a control structure as introduced by control structure
        statements as well as conditional and unconditional jumps. Its type is stored in the
        `CONTROL_STRUCTURE_TYPE` field to be one of several pre-defined types. These types
        are used in the construction of the control flow layer, making it possible to
        generate the control flow layer from the abstract syntax tree layer automatically.
        In addition to the `CONTROL_STRUCTURE_TYPE` field, the `PARSER_TYPE_NAME` field
        MAY be used by frontends to store the name of the control structure as emitted by
        the parser or disassembler, however, the value of this field is not relevant
        for construction of the control flow layer. 
        CONTROL_STRUCTURE = 339;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int JUMP_TARGET_VALUE
         A jump target is any location in the code that has been specifically marked
        as the target of a jump, e.g., via a label. The `NAME` field holds the name of
        the label while the `PARSER_TYPE_NAME` field holds the name of language construct
        that this jump target is created from, e.g., "Label". 
        JUMP_TARGET = 340;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int COMMENT_VALUE
         A source code comment 
        COMMENT = 511;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int FIELD_IDENTIFIER_VALUE
         This node represents the field accessed in a field access, e.g., in
        `a.b`, it represents `b`. The field name as it occurs in the code is
        stored in the `CODE` field. This may mean that the `CODE` field holds
        an expression. The `CANONICAL_NAME` field MAY contain the same value is
        the `CODE` field but SHOULD contain the normalized name that results
        from evaluating `CODE` as an expression if such an evaluation is
        possible for the language frontend. The objective is to store an identifier
        in `CANONICAL_NAME` that is the same for two nodes iff they refer to the
        same field, regardless of whether they use the same expression to reference
        FIELD_IDENTIFIER = 2001081;
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType c : Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType valueOf​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • getNumber

        public final int getNumber()
        Specified by:
        getNumber in interface com.google.protobuf.Internal.EnumLite
        Specified by:
        getNumber in interface com.google.protobuf.ProtocolMessageEnum
      • valueOf

        public static Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType valueOf​(int value)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        value - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • forNumber

        public static Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType forNumber​(int value)
        value - The numeric wire value of the corresponding enum entry.
        The enum associated with the given numeric wire value.
      • getValueDescriptor

        public final com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.EnumValueDescriptor getValueDescriptor()
        Specified by:
        getValueDescriptor in interface com.google.protobuf.ProtocolMessageEnum
      • getDescriptorForType

        public final com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.EnumDescriptor getDescriptorForType()
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface com.google.protobuf.ProtocolMessageEnum
      • getDescriptor

        public static final com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.EnumDescriptor getDescriptor()
      • valueOf

        public static Cpg.CpgStruct.Node.NodeType valueOf​(com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.EnumValueDescriptor desc)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        desc - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null