
package passes

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. abstract class ConcurrentWriterCpgPass[T <: AnyRef] extends NewStyleCpgPassBase[T]
  2. class Converters extends AnyRef
  3. abstract class CpgPass extends ForkJoinParallelCpgPass[AnyRef]
  4. trait CpgPassBase extends AnyRef
  5. abstract class ForkJoinParallelCpgPass[T <: AnyRef] extends NewStyleCpgPassBase[T]
  6. class IntervalKeyPool extends KeyPool

    A key pool that returns the integers of the interval [first, last] in a thread-safe manner.

  7. trait KeyPool extends overflowdb.BatchedUpdate.KeyPool

    A pool of long integers that serve as node ids.

    A pool of long integers that serve as node ids. Using the method next, the pool provides the next id in a thread-safe manner.

  8. abstract class NewStyleCpgPassBase[T <: AnyRef] extends CpgPassBase

    NewStyleCpgPassBase is the shared base between ForkJoinParallelCpgPass and ConcurrentWriterCpgPass, containing shared boilerplate.

    NewStyleCpgPassBase is the shared base between ForkJoinParallelCpgPass and ConcurrentWriterCpgPass, containing shared boilerplate. We don't want ConcurrentWriterCpgPass as a subclass of ForkJoinParallelCpgPass because that would make it hard to whether an instance is non-racy.

    Please don't subclass this directly. The only reason it's not sealed is that this would mess with our file hierarchy.

  9. class ParallelIteratorExecutor[T] extends AnyRef
  10. class SequenceKeyPool extends KeyPool

    A key pool that returns elements of seq in order in a thread-safe manner.

Deprecated Type Members

  1. abstract class SimpleCpgPass extends CpgPass

Value Members

  1. object ConcurrentWriterCpgPass
  2. object CpgPassBase
  3. object KeyPoolCreator
