
Type members


trait Exporter

Base functionality to export a given OverflowDB graph to various export formats. Because ODB relies on domain specific implementations, specifically the NodeFactories and EdgeFactories from the domain-specific generated classes (typically generated by by https://github.com/ShiftLeftSecurity/overflowdb-codegen) need to be passed in.

Base functionality to export a given OverflowDB graph to various export formats. Because ODB relies on domain specific implementations, specifically the NodeFactories and EdgeFactories from the domain-specific generated classes (typically generated by by https://github.com/ShiftLeftSecurity/overflowdb-codegen) need to be passed in.

object Format extends Enumeration
object GraphMLImport extends Importer

primitive GraphML importer which doesn't support much from the spec... only enough to get us covered for some standard test cases, really

primitive GraphML importer which doesn't support much from the spec... only enough to get us covered for some standard test cases, really

trait Importer
object ImporterMain extends App

Base functionality import a given list of input file(s) of various formats into an OverflowDB binary. Because ODB relies on domain specific implementations, specifically the NodeFactories and EdgeFactories from the domain-specific generated classes (typically generated by by https://github.com/ShiftLeftSecurity/overflowdb-codegen) need to be passed in.

Base functionality import a given list of input file(s) of various formats into an OverflowDB binary. Because ODB relies on domain specific implementations, specifically the NodeFactories and EdgeFactories from the domain-specific generated classes (typically generated by by https://github.com/ShiftLeftSecurity/overflowdb-codegen) need to be passed in.