
Type members


abstract class DefaultAstVisitor(lexicalContext: LexicalContext) extends NodeVisitor[LexicalContext]
class GeneralizingAstVisitor[T] extends TranslatorNodeVisitor[LexicalContext, T]

This visitor mapped the enterXXX methods to the visit() to provide an interface which is closer to the original pattern. Furthermore, a not overridden visit() implementation calls the visit() method for the next type in the class hierarchy to allow using code to handle certain AST parts in a generalized way on any part of the class hierarchy.

This visitor mapped the enterXXX methods to the visit() to provide an interface which is closer to the original pattern. Furthermore, a not overridden visit() implementation calls the visit() method for the next type in the class hierarchy to allow using code to handle certain AST parts in a generalized way on any part of the class hierarchy.

object JsSource
class JsSource(val srcDir: File, val projectDir: Path, val source: Source)