
object ImporterMain extends App

Base functionality import a given list of input file(s) of various formats into an OverflowDB binary. Because ODB relies on domain specific implementations, specifically the NodeFactories and EdgeFactories from the domain-specific generated classes (typically generated by by need to be passed in.

trait App
trait DelayedInit
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply(nodeFactories: Seq[NodeFactory[_]], edgeFactories: Seq[EdgeFactory[_]], convertPropertyForPersistence: Any => Any): Array[String] => Unit

Inherited methods

final protected def args: Array[String]
Inherited from:
final def main(args: Array[String]): Unit
Inherited from:

Deprecated and Inherited methods

@deprecated(message = "the delayedInit mechanism will disappear", since = "2.11.0")
override def delayedInit(body: => Unit): Unit
[Since version 2.11.0] the delayedInit mechanism will disappear
Definition Classes
App -> DelayedInit
Inherited from:

Concrete fields

lazy val logger: Logger