
class ColumnDefinitions(propertyNames: Iterable[String])
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def columnDefByPropertyName(name: String): Option[ColumnDef]
def propertiesMappingsForCypher(startIndex: Int): Seq[String]

for cypher file why does neo4j have 4 different ways to import a CSV, out of which only one works, and really the only help we get is a csv file reader, and we need to specify exactly how each column needs to be parsed and mapped...?

for cypher file why does neo4j have 4 different ways to import a CSV, out of which only one works, and really the only help we get is a csv file reader, and we need to specify exactly how each column needs to be parsed and mapped...?

def propertiesWithTypes: Seq[String]

for header file

for header file

def propertyValues(byNameAccessor: String => Option[_]): Seq[String]

for data file updates our internal _columnDefByPropertyName model with type information based on runtime values, so that we later have all metadata required for the header file

for data file updates our internal _columnDefByPropertyName model with type information based on runtime values, so that we later have all metadata required for the header file

def updateWith(propertyName: String, value: Any): ColumnDef