
Type members


case class ExportResult(nodeCount: Int, edgeCount: Int, files: Seq[Path], additionalInfo: Option[String])
trait Exporter

Base functionality to export a given OverflowDB graph to various export formats. Because ODB relies on domain specific implementations, specifically the NodeFactories and EdgeFactories from the domain-specific generated classes (typically generated by by https://github.com/ShiftLeftSecurity/overflowdb-codegen) need to be passed in.

Base functionality to export a given OverflowDB graph to various export formats. Because ODB relies on domain specific implementations, specifically the NodeFactories and EdgeFactories from the domain-specific generated classes (typically generated by by https://github.com/ShiftLeftSecurity/overflowdb-codegen) need to be passed in.

object Format extends Enumeration
trait Importer
object ImporterMain extends App

Base functionality import a given list of input file(s) of various formats into an OverflowDB binary. Because ODB relies on domain specific implementations, specifically the NodeFactories and EdgeFactories from the domain-specific generated classes (typically generated by by https://github.com/ShiftLeftSecurity/overflowdb-codegen) need to be passed in.

Base functionality import a given list of input file(s) of various formats into an OverflowDB binary. Because ODB relies on domain specific implementations, specifically the NodeFactories and EdgeFactories from the domain-specific generated classes (typically generated by by https://github.com/ShiftLeftSecurity/overflowdb-codegen) need to be passed in.

Value members

Concrete methods

def isList(clazz: Class[_]): Boolean

true if the given class is either array or a (subclass of) Java Iterable or Scala IterableOnce

def writeFile(file: Path, content: String): Unit

Concrete fields

val iterableForList: PartialFunction[Any, Iterable[_]]