
class ElementTraversal[E <: Element](val traversal: Traversal[E]) extends AnyVal
class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def has(key: PropertyKey[_]): Traversal[E]

Filter elements by existence of property (irrespective of value)

Filter elements by existence of property (irrespective of value)

def has(name: String): Traversal[E]

Filter elements by existence of property (irrespective of value)

Filter elements by existence of property (irrespective of value)

def has(keyValue: Property[_]): Traversal[E]

Filter elements by property value

Filter elements by property value

def has[A](key: PropertyKey[A], value: A): Traversal[E]

Filter elements by property value

Filter elements by property value

def has[A](propertyPredicate: PropertyPredicate[A]): Traversal[E]

Filter elements by property with given predicate.

Filter elements by property with given predicate.


from GenericGraphTraversalTest

.has(Name.where(P.within(Set("L1", "L2"))))
.has(Name.where(P.within("L1", "L2", "L3")))
def has(key: String, value: Any): Traversal[E]

Filter elements by property value

Filter elements by property value

def hasLabel(value: String): Traversal[E]

alias for

alias for

def hasLabel(values: String*): Traversal[E]

alias for

alias for

def hasNot(key: PropertyKey[_]): Traversal[E]

Filter elements by (non-)existence of property (irrespective of value)

Filter elements by (non-)existence of property (irrespective of value)

def hasNot(name: String): Traversal[E]

Filter elements by (non-)existence of property (irrespective of value)

Filter elements by (non-)existence of property (irrespective of value)

def hasNot(keyValue: Property[_]): Traversal[E]

Filter elements by property value

Filter elements by property value

def hasNot[A](key: PropertyKey[A], value: A): Traversal[E]

Filter elements by property value

Filter elements by property value

def hasNot(key: String, value: Any): Traversal[E]

Filter elements by property value

Filter elements by property value

def hasNot[A](propertyPredicate: PropertyPredicate[A]): Traversal[E]

Filter elements by property with given predicate.

Filter elements by property with given predicate.


from GenericGraphTraversalTest

.hasNot(Name.where(P.within(Set("L1", "L2"))))
.hasNot(Name.where(P.within("L1", "L2", "L3")))
@Doc(info = "Traverse to the element label")
def label: Traversal[String]

traverse to the element label

traverse to the element label

def label(value: String): Traversal[E]

filter by the element label Note: do not use as the first step in a traversal, e.g. traversalSource.all.label(value). Use traversalSource.label instead, it is much faster TODO: make the above an automatic optimisation

filter by the element label Note: do not use as the first step in a traversal, e.g. traversalSource.all.label(value). Use traversalSource.label instead, it is much faster TODO: make the above an automatic optimisation

def label(values: String*): Traversal[E]

filter by the element labels Note: do not use as the first step in a traversal, e.g. traversalSource.all.label(value). Use traversalSource.label instead, it is much faster TODO: make the above an automatic optimisation

filter by the element labels Note: do not use as the first step in a traversal, e.g. traversalSource.all.label(value). Use traversalSource.label instead, it is much faster TODO: make the above an automatic optimisation

def labelNot(value: String): Traversal[E]

filter by the element label (inverse)

filter by the element label (inverse)

def labelNot(value1: String, valueN: String*): Traversal[E]

filter by the element labels (inverse)

filter by the element labels (inverse)

def propertiesMap: Traversal[Map[String, Object]]
def property[A](key: PropertyKey[A]): Traversal[A]
def property[A](key: String): Traversal[A]
def propertyOption[A](key: PropertyKey[A]): Traversal[Option[A]]
def propertyOption[A](key: String): Traversal[Option[A]]

Concrete fields