


package skuber

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. skuber
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class APIVersions(kind: String, versions: List[String]) extends Product with Serializable
  2. case class ConfigMap(kind: String = "ConfigMap", apiVersion: String = v1, metadata: ObjectMeta, data: Map[String, String] = Map()) extends ObjectResource with Product with Serializable

  3. type ConfigMapList = ListResource[ConfigMap]
  4. case class Container(name: String, image: String, command: List[String] = List(), args: List[String] = List(), workingDir: Option[String] = None, ports: List[Port] = List(), env: List[EnvVar] = List(), resources: Option[Requirements] = None, volumeMounts: List[Mount] = List(), livenessProbe: Option[Probe] = None, readinessProbe: Option[Probe] = None, lifecycle: Option[Lifecycle] = None, terminationMessagePath: String = "/var/log/termination", imagePullPolicy: Container.PullPolicy.Value = Container.PullPolicy.IfNotPresent, securityContext: Option[Context] = None) extends Limitable with Product with Serializable

  5. case class CoreResourceSpecification(group: Option[String] = None, version: String = "v1", scope: ResourceSpecification.Scope.Value, names: Names) extends ResourceSpecification with Product with Serializable
  6. case class Endpoints(kind: String = "Endpoints", apiVersion: String = v1, metadata: ObjectMeta, subsets: List[Subset] = Nil) extends ObjectResource with Product with Serializable

  7. type EndpointsList = ListResource[Endpoints]
  8. case class EnvVar(name: String, value: Value = "") extends Product with Serializable

  9. case class Event(kind: String = "Event", metadata: ObjectMeta, apiVersion: String = v1, involvedObject: ObjectReference, reason: Option[String] = None, message: Option[String] = None, source: Option[Source] = None, firstTimestamp: Option[Timestamp] = None, lastTimestamp: Option[Timestamp] = None, count: Option[Int] = None) extends ObjectResource with Product with Serializable

  10. type EventList = ListResource[Event]
  11. case class ExecAction(command: List[String]) extends Handler with Product with Serializable
  12. type Finalizer = String
  13. case class HTTPGetAction(port: NameablePort, host: String = "", path: String = "", schema: String = "HTTP") extends Handler with Product with Serializable
  14. sealed trait Handler extends AnyRef
  15. type IntOrString = Either[Int, String]
  16. type K8SException = skuber.api.client.K8SException
  17. type K8SRequestContext = RequestContext
  18. type K8SWatchEvent[I <: ObjectResource] = WatchEvent[I]
  19. sealed abstract class KList[K <: KListItem] extends TypeMeta
  20. type KListItem = ObjectResource
  21. case class LabelSelector(requirements: Requirement*) extends Product with Serializable

  22. case class Lifecycle(postStart: Option[Handler] = None, preStop: Option[Handler] = None) extends Product with Serializable
  23. case class LimitRange(kind: String = "LimitRange", apiVersion: String = v1, metadata: ObjectMeta = ObjectMeta(), spec: Option[Spec] = None) extends ObjectResource with Product with Serializable

  24. type LimitRangeList = ListResource[LimitRange]
  25. trait Limitable extends AnyRef
  26. case class ListMeta(selfLink: String = "", resourceVersion: String = "") extends Product with Serializable
  27. case class ListResource[K <: KListItem](apiVersion: String, kind: String, metadata: Option[ListMeta], items: List[K]) extends KList[K] with Product with Serializable
  28. case class LocalObjectReference(name: String) extends Product with Serializable
  29. type NameablePort = Either[Int, String]
  30. case class Namespace(kind: String = "Namespace", apiVersion: String = v1, metadata: ObjectMeta, spec: Option[Spec] = None, status: Option[Status] = None) extends ObjectResource with Product with Serializable

  31. type NamespaceList = ListResource[Namespace]
  32. case class Node(kind: String = "Node", apiVersion: String = v1, metadata: ObjectMeta, spec: Option[Spec] = None, status: Option[Status] = None) extends ObjectResource with Product with Serializable

  33. type NodeList = ListResource[Node]
  34. case class NonCoreResourceSpecification(group: Option[String], version: String, scope: ResourceSpecification.Scope.Value, names: Names) extends ResourceSpecification with Product with Serializable
  35. trait ObjectEditor[O <: ObjectResource] extends AnyRef
  36. case class ObjectMeta(name: String = emptyS, generateName: String = emptyS, namespace: String = "default", uid: String = emptyS, selfLink: String = emptyS, resourceVersion: String = emptyS, creationTimestamp: Option[Timestamp] = None, deletionTimestamp: Option[Timestamp] = None, labels: Map[String, String] = Map(), annotations: Map[String, String] = Map(), generation: Int = 0) extends Product with Serializable
  37. case class ObjectReference(kind: String = "", apiVersion: String = "", namespace: String = "", name: String = "", uid: String = "", resourceVersion: String = "", fieldPath: String = "") extends Product with Serializable
  38. abstract class ObjectResource extends TypeMeta
  39. case class PersistentVolume(kind: String = "PersistentVolume", apiVersion: String = v1, metadata: ObjectMeta = ObjectMeta(), spec: Option[Spec] = None, status: Option[Status] = None) extends ObjectResource with Product with Serializable

  40. case class PersistentVolumeClaim(kind: String = "PersistentVolumeClaim", apiVersion: String = v1, metadata: ObjectMeta = ObjectMeta(), spec: Option[Spec] = None, status: Option[Status] = None) extends ObjectResource with Product with Serializable

  41. type PersistentVolumeClaimList = ListResource[PersistentVolumeClaim]
  42. type PersistentVolumeList = ListResource[PersistentVolume]
  43. type Phase = String
  44. case class Pod(kind: String = "Pod", apiVersion: String = v1, metadata: ObjectMeta, spec: Option[Spec] = None, status: Option[Status] = None) extends ObjectResource with Limitable with Product with Serializable

  45. type PodList = ListResource[Pod]
  46. type PodTemplateList = ListResource[Template]
  47. case class Probe(action: Handler, initialDelaySeconds: Int = 0, timeoutSeconds: Int = 0, periodSeconds: Option[Int] = None, successThreshold: Option[Int] = None, failureThreshold: Option[Int] = None) extends Product with Serializable
  48. case class ReplicationController(kind: String = "ReplicationController", apiVersion: String = v1, metadata: ObjectMeta = ObjectMeta(), spec: Option[Spec] = None, status: Option[Status] = None) extends ObjectResource with Product with Serializable

  49. type ReplicationControllerList = ListResource[ReplicationController]
  50. trait ResourceDefinition[T <: TypeMeta] extends AnyRef
  51. type ResourceQuotaList = ListResource[Quota]
  52. abstract class ResourceSpecification extends AnyRef

  53. case class Scale(kind: String = "Scale", apiVersion: String, metadata: ObjectMeta, spec: Spec = Scale.Spec(), status: Option[Status] = None) extends ObjectResource with Product with Serializable

  54. case class Secret(kind: String = "Secret", apiVersion: String = v1, metadata: ObjectMeta, data: Map[String, Array[Byte]] = Map(), type: String = "") extends ObjectResource with Product with Serializable

  55. type SecretList = ListResource[Secret]
  56. case class Service(kind: String = "Service", apiVersion: String = v1, metadata: ObjectMeta, spec: Option[Spec] = None, status: Option[Status] = None) extends ObjectResource with Product with Serializable

  57. case class ServiceAccount(kind: String = "ServiceAccount", apiVersion: String = "v1", metadata: ObjectMeta, secrets: List[ObjectReference] = List(), imagePullSecrets: List[LocalObjectReference] = List()) extends ObjectResource with Product with Serializable

  58. type ServiceAccountList = ListResource[ServiceAccount]
  59. type ServiceList = ListResource[Service]
  60. case class TCPSocketAction(port: NameablePort) extends Handler with Product with Serializable
  61. type Timestamp = ZonedDateTime
  62. abstract class TypeMeta extends AnyRef
  63. case class Volume(name: String, source: Source) extends Product with Serializable

  64. case class WatchedEvent(eventType: WatchedEventType.Value, eventObject: ObjectResource) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. val K8SAuthInfo: AuthInfo.type
  2. val K8SCluster: Cluster.type
  3. val K8SConfiguration: Configuration.type
  4. val K8SContext: Context.type
  5. def PodList(items: List[Pod]): ListResource[Pod]
  6. def ReplicationControllerList(items: List[ReplicationController]): ListResource[ReplicationController]
  7. def ServiceList(items: List[Service]): ListResource[Service]
  8. implicit def dblToQuantity(value: Double): Quantity
  9. val emptyB: Boolean
  10. def emptyL[T]: List[T]
  11. def emptyM[V]: Map[String, V]
  12. val emptyS: String
  13. implicit def fltToQuantity(value: Float): Quantity
  14. implicit def ianaNameToNameablePort(n: String): NameablePort
  15. implicit def intToQuantity(value: Int): Quantity
  16. def k8sInit(config: Configuration)(implicit actorSystem: ActorSystem, actorMaterializer: ActorMaterializer): RequestContext
  17. def k8sInit(implicit actorSystem: ActorSystem, actorMaterializer: ActorMaterializer): RequestContext
  18. def listResourceFromItems[K <: KListItem](items: List[K])(implicit rd: ResourceDefinition[K]): ListResource[K]
  19. implicit def objResourceToRef(obj: ObjectResource): ObjectReference
  20. implicit def portNumToNameablePort(p: Int): NameablePort
  21. implicit def strToQuantity(value: String): Quantity
  22. implicit def toList[I <: KListItem](resource: KList[I]): List[I]
  23. def v1: String
  24. object ConfigMap extends Serializable
  25. object Container extends Serializable
  26. object DNSPolicy extends Enumeration
  27. object Endpoints extends Serializable
  28. object EnvVar extends Serializable
  29. object Event extends Serializable
  30. object HTTPGetAction extends Serializable
  31. object LabelSelector extends Serializable
  32. object LimitRange extends Serializable
  33. object Namespace extends Serializable
  34. object Node extends Serializable
  35. object PersistentVolume extends Serializable
  36. object PersistentVolumeClaim extends Serializable
  37. object Pod extends Serializable
  38. object Protocol extends Enumeration
  39. object ReplicationController extends Serializable
  40. object Resource
  41. object ResourceSpecification
  42. object RestartPolicy extends Enumeration
  43. object Scale extends Serializable
  44. object Secret extends Serializable
  45. object Security

  46. object Service extends Serializable
  47. object ServiceAccount extends Serializable
  48. object Volume extends Serializable
  49. object WatchedEventType extends Enumeration

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
