

package sql

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By inheritance
  1. sql
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. case class AQPDataFrame(sqlContext: SnappyContext, qe: QueryExecution) extends DataFrame with Product with Serializable

  2. abstract class ClusterMode extends AnyRef

  3. case class DMLExternalTable(tableName: QualifiedTableName, child: LogicalPlan, command: String) extends LogicalPlan with Command with Product with Serializable

  4. final class DataFrameWithTime extends DataFrame with Serializable

  5. class DummyRDD extends RDD[InternalRow]

  6. case class ExternalClusterMode(sc: SparkContext, url: String) extends ClusterMode with Product with Serializable

    A regular Spark/Yarn/Mesos or any other non-snappy cluster.

  7. case class ExternalEmbeddedMode(sc: SparkContext, url: String) extends ClusterMode with Product with Serializable

    This is for the "old-way" of starting GemFireXD inside an existing Spark/Yarn cluster where cluster nodes themselves boot up as GemXD cluster.

  8. case class LocalMode(sc: SparkContext, url: String) extends ClusterMode with Product with Serializable

    The local mode which hosts the data, executor, driver (and optionally even jobserver) all in the same node.

  9. final class SampleDataFrame extends DataFrame with Serializable

  10. trait SampleDataFrameContract extends AnyRef

  11. class SnappyContext extends SQLContext with Serializable with Logging

    Main entry point for SnappyData extensions to Spark.

  12. case class SnappyEmbeddedMode(sc: SparkContext, url: String) extends ClusterMode with Product with Serializable

    The regular snappy cluster where each node is both a Spark executor as well as GemFireXD data store.

  13. final class SnappyLexical extends SqlLexical

  14. class SnappyParserBase extends SqlParserBase

  15. case class SnappyShellMode(sc: SparkContext, url: String) extends ClusterMode with Product with Serializable

    This is for the two cluster mode: one is the normal snappy cluster, and this one is a separate local/Spark/Yarn/Mesos cluster fetching data from the snappy cluster on demand that just remains like an external datastore.

  16. type Strategy = GenericStrategy[SparkPlan]

  17. class TableNotFoundException extends AnalysisException with Serializable

  18. class TimeEpoch extends AnyRef

    Manages a time epoch and how to index into it.

  19. type SchemaRDD = DataFrame


    (Since version 1.3.0) use DataFrame

Value Members

  1. object GlobalSnappyInit

  2. object LockUtils

  3. object SampleDataFrameContract

  4. object SnappyContext extends Logging with Serializable

  5. object SnappyParser extends SnappyParserBase

  6. object SnappyParserCaseSensitive extends SnappyParserBase

  7. package aqp

  8. package collection

  9. package columnar

  10. package execution

  11. package hive

  12. package row

  13. object snappy extends Serializable

    Implicit conversions used by Snappy.

  14. package sources

  15. package store

  16. package streaming

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
