

package streaming

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final class DirectKafkaStreamRelation extends StreamBaseRelation with Logging with StreamPlan with Serializable

  2. class DirectKafkaStreamSource extends StreamPlanProvider

  3. final class FileStreamRelation extends StreamBaseRelation

  4. final class FileStreamSource extends StreamPlanProvider

  5. class HashTagToRowsConverter extends StreamToRowsConverter with Serializable

  6. final class KafkaStreamRelation extends StreamBaseRelation

  7. class KafkaStreamSource extends StreamPlanProvider

  8. case class LogicalDStreamPlan(output: Seq[Attribute], stream: DStream[InternalRow])(streamingSnappy: SnappyStreamingContext) extends LogicalPlan with MultiInstanceRelation with Product with Serializable

  9. class MyStreamConverter extends StreamConverter with Serializable

  10. case class PhysicalDStreamPlan(output: Seq[Attribute], rowStream: DStream[InternalRow]) extends SparkPlan with StreamPlan with Product with Serializable

    A PhysicalPlan wrapper of SchemaDStream, inject the validTime and generate an effective RDD of current batchDuration.

  11. final class SchemaDStream extends DStream[Row]

    A SQL based DStream with support for schema/Product This class offers the ability to manipulate SQL query on DStreams It is similar to SchemaRDD, which offers the similar functions Internally, RDD of each batch duration is treated as a small table and CQs are evaluated on those small tables Some of the abstraction and code is borrowed from the project: https://github.

  12. class SnappyStreamingContext extends StreamingContext with Serializable

    Main entry point for SnappyData extensions to Spark Streaming.

  13. final class SocketStreamRelation extends StreamBaseRelation

  14. final class SocketStreamSource extends StreamPlanProvider

  15. abstract class StreamBaseRelation extends BaseRelation with ParentRelation with StreamPlan with TableScan with DestroyRelation with Serializable with Logging

  16. trait StreamConverter extends Serializable

  17. trait StreamPlan extends AnyRef

  18. trait StreamPlanProvider extends SchemaRelationProvider

  19. trait StreamToRowsConverter extends Serializable

  20. class TweetToHashtagRow extends StreamToRowsConverter with Serializable

  21. class TweetToRetweetRow extends StreamToRowsConverter with Serializable

  22. class TweetToRowsConverter extends StreamToRowsConverter with Serializable

  23. final class TwitterStreamRelation extends StreamBaseRelation

  24. final class TwitterStreamSource extends StreamPlanProvider

  25. case class WindowLogicalPlan(windowDuration: Duration, slideDuration: Option[Duration], child: LogicalPlan) extends UnaryNode with Product with Serializable

  26. case class WindowPhysicalPlan(windowDuration: Duration, slide: Option[Duration], child: SparkPlan) extends SparkPlan with UnaryNode with StreamPlan with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object SnappyStreamingContext extends Logging with Serializable
