
package tools

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. class StatusClientInterceptor extends ClientInterceptor

    gRPC client interceptor that adds the returned gRPC status code to the trace attributes

  2. class StatusServerInterceptor extends ServerInterceptor

    gRPC server interceptor that adds the gRPC status codes details to the traces

  3. case class TelemetryConfig(propagators: Seq[String], otlpEndpoint: String, namespace: String, serviceName: String) extends Product with Serializable
  4. case class TelemetryTools(telemetryConfig: TelemetryConfig) extends Product with Serializable
  5. class TracedExecutorService extends ExecutorService

    A custom Executor service that wraps all tasks it receives with the current telemetry context before handing the tasks off to underlying delegate executor.

Value Members

  1. object GrpcHeadersInterceptor extends ServerInterceptor

    Intercepts gRPC headers and propagate them downstream via the gRPC context

  2. object PropagatorConfig

    PropagatorConfiguration is a helper object that provides for a way to select the trace propagators to be used in the service.

  3. object StatusClientInterceptor
  4. object StatusServerInterceptor
  5. object TracedExecutorService
  6. object TracingHelpers
