


package data

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AsyncAction[A, P <: AsyncAction[A, P]] extends Action

    Base trait for asynchronous actions.

    Base trait for asynchronous actions. Provides support for handling of multi-state actions. Implementation classes must implement result, next and state functions. If you are using Pot, consider using PotAction instead.


    case class MyAction(
      state: PotState = PotState.PotEmpty,
      result: Try[String] = Failure(new AsyncAction.PendingException)) extends AsyncAction[Int, MyAction] {
      def next(newState: PotState, newValue: Try[String]) = MyAction(newState, newValue)

    Type of action result


    Type of the actual action class

  2. trait AsyncActionRetriable[A, P <: AsyncActionRetriable[A, P]] extends AsyncAction[A, P]

    A retriable version of AsyncAction.

    A retriable version of AsyncAction. Implementation must define a retryPolicy, which is also passed on in the next method.


    Type of action result


    Type of the actual action class

  3. final case class Failed(exception: Throwable) extends Pot[Nothing] with FailedBase with Product with Serializable
  4. sealed trait FailedBase extends AnyRef
  5. final case class FailedStale[+A](x: A, exception: Throwable) extends Pot[A] with FailedBase with Product with Serializable
  6. trait Fetch[K] extends AnyRef

    Provides methods to asynchronously fetch value(s) based on key(s)

  7. final case class Pending(startTime: Long = Pot.currentTime) extends Pot[Nothing] with PendingBase with Product with Serializable
  8. sealed trait PendingBase extends AnyRef
  9. final case class PendingStale[+A](x: A, startTime: Long = Pot.currentTime) extends Pot[A] with PendingBase with Product with Serializable
  10. sealed abstract class Pot[+A] extends Product with Serializable

    Represents a potential value that may be in different states.

  11. trait PotAction[A, P <: PotAction[A, P]] extends AsyncAction[A, P]

    An async action handler for Pot values.

    An async action handler for Pot values. Combines the state and result of AsyncAction into a single Pot value.


    Type of action result


    Type of the actual action class

    See also


  12. trait PotActionRetriable[A, P <: PotActionRetriable[A, P]] extends PotAction[A, P] with AsyncActionRetriable[A, P]

    A retriable async action handler for Pot values.

    A retriable async action handler for Pot values. Combines the state and result of AsyncAction into a single Pot value.


    Type of action result


    Type of the actual action class

  13. trait PotCollection[K, V] extends AnyRef

    Trait defining common functionality for all potential collections.

    Trait defining common functionality for all potential collections. All values inside the collection are wrapped in Pot[V]


    Type of the key


    Type of the potential value

  14. class PotMap[K, V] extends PotCollection[K, V]
  15. sealed trait PotState extends AnyRef
  16. class PotStream[K, V] extends AnyRef
  17. class PotVector[V] extends PotCollection[Int, V]
  18. final case class Ready[+A](x: A) extends Pot[A] with Product with Serializable
  19. class RefTo[V] extends AnyRef

    Provides a reference to a value elsewhere in the model.

  20. final case class StreamValue[K, V](key: K, value: V, stream: PotStream[K, V], prevKey: Option[K] = None, nextKey: Option[K] = None) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object AsyncAction
  2. object AsyncActionRetriable
  3. object Empty extends Pot[Nothing] with Product with Serializable
  4. object Pot extends Serializable
  5. object PotAction
  6. object PotActionRetriable
  7. object PotMap
  8. object PotState
  9. object PotStream
  10. object PotVector
  11. object RefTo
  12. object Unavailable extends Pot[Nothing] with Product with Serializable
