

package swaydb

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class Actor[-T, S] extends ActorRef[T, S] with LazyLogging
  2. sealed trait ActorQueue[T] extends AnyRef
  3. sealed trait ActorRef[-T, S] extends AnyRef
  4. final class ActorWire[I, S] extends AnyRef
  5. trait Aggregator[-A, +T] extends ForEach[A]

    scala.collection.mutable.Builder requires two implementations for 2.13 and 2.12.

    scala.collection.mutable.Builder requires two implementations for 2.13 and 2.12.

    2.13 requires addOne and 2.12 requires +=. So this type simply wrapper around Builder which is used internally to avoid having 2 implementation of Builder.

  6. sealed trait Bag[BAG[_]] extends AnyRef

    Bags implement functions for managing side-effect.

    Bags implement functions for managing side-effect. You can use any external effect type like Try, Future etc.

    Popular effect libraries in Scala like Cats, ZIO and Monix are supported internally. See examples repo for samples.

    Bag.Less can be used to disable effect types.

  7. trait Bagged[A, BAG[_]] extends AnyRef
  8. sealed trait Compression extends AnyRef
  9. sealed trait Error extends AnyRef
  10. trait ForEach[-A] extends AnyRef
  11. sealed trait IO[+L, +R] extends AnyRef

    IO.Right and IO.Left are similar to types in scala.util.Try.

    IO.Right and IO.Left are similar to types in scala.util.Try.

    IO.Defer is for performing synchronous and asynchronous IO.

  12. case class KeyVal[+K, +V](key: K, value: V) extends Pair[K, V] with Product with Serializable
  13. sealed trait OK extends AnyRef
  14. class Pair[+L, +R] extends AnyRef
  15. sealed trait Prepare[+K, +V, +F] extends AnyRef
  16. class Scheduler extends AnyRef
  17. trait Serial[T[_]] extends AnyRef
  18. trait Stream[A] extends AnyRef

    A Stream performs lazy iteration.

    A Stream performs lazy iteration. It does not cache data and fetches data only if it's required by the stream.

  19. trait Streamer[A] extends AnyRef

    Iterator that can be used to build Streams from other streaming libraries.

    Iterator that can be used to build Streams from other streaming libraries.

    This trait can be used to create async or sync streams.

Value Members

  1. object Actor
  2. object ActorQueue
  3. object Aggregator
  4. object Bag extends LazyLogging
  5. object Compression
  6. object Error
  7. object Exception

    Exception types for all known Errors that can occur.

    Exception types for all known Errors that can occur. Each Error can be converted to Exception which which can then be converted back to Error.

    SwayDB's code itself does not use these exception it uses Error type. These types are handy when converting an IO type to scala.util.Try by the client using toTry.

  8. object ForEach
  9. object IO
  10. object KeyVal extends Serializable
  11. object OK
  12. object Pair
  13. object Prepare
  14. object Scheduler
  15. object Stream

    A Stream performs lazy iteration.

    A Stream performs lazy iteration. It does not cache data and fetches data only if it's required by the stream.
