
object codecs


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def arr[A](tpe: Type)(using mapping: Mapping[A, String]): Codec[Arr[A]]
def arr[A](tpe: Type)(f: A => String)(using Aux[A, A]): Codec[Arr[A]]
def enumeration[A](tpe: Type)(f: A => String)(using Aux[A, A]): Codec[A]
def enumeration[A, B](codec: Codec[A])(f: B => A)(using evidence$1: Hash[A], Aux[B, B]): Codec[B]
def mapping[A](tpe: Type)(using mapping: Mapping[A, String]): Codec[A]
def mapping[A, B](codec: Codec[A])(using mapping: Mapping[B, A]): Codec[B]
def record[A](value: Codec[A]): Codec[Record[A]]

Concrete fields

val _citext: Codec[Arr[CIString]]
val _identifier: Codec[Arr[Identifier]]
val citext: Codec[CIString]
val identifier: Codec[Identifier]
val instant: Codec[Instant]

A postgres TIMESTAMPTZ does not actually store the timezone information, but instead normalizes the time to UTC, which (in some cases) is better represented by Instant

A postgres TIMESTAMPTZ does not actually store the timezone information, but instead normalizes the time to UTC, which (in some cases) is better represented by Instant
