Interface WorkflowClient

  • public interface WorkflowClient
    Client to the Temporal service used to start and query workflows by external processes. Also, it supports creation of ActivityCompletionClient instances used to complete activities asynchronously. Do not create this object for each request, keep it for the duration of the process.

    Given a workflow interface executing a workflow requires initializing a WorkflowClient instance, creating a client side stub to the workflow, and then calling a method annotated with @WorkflowMethod.

     WorkflowClient workflowClient =  WorkflowClient.newInstance(service, clientOptions);
     // Create a workflow stub.
     FileProcessingWorkflow workflow = workflowClient.newWorkflowStub(FileProcessingWorkflow.class);
    There are two ways to start workflow execution: synchronously and asynchronously. Synchronous invocation starts a workflow and then waits for its completion. If the process that started the workflow crashes or stops waiting, the workflow continues executing. Because workflows are potentially long-running, and crashes of clients happen, it is not very commonly found in production use. Asynchronous start initiates workflow execution and immediately returns to the caller. This is the most common way to start workflows in production code.

    Synchronous start:

     // Start a workflow and wait for a result.
     // Note that if the waiting process is killed, the workflow will continue executing.
     String result = workflow.processFile(workflowArgs);
    Asynchronous when the workflow result is not needed:
     // Returns as soon as the workflow is scheduled to start on the server.
     WorkflowExecution workflowExecution = WorkflowClient.start(workflow::processFile, workflowArgs);
     System.out.println("Started process file workflow with workflowId=\"" + workflowExecution.getWorkflowId()
                         + "\" and runId=\"" + workflowExecution.getRunId() + "\"");
    Asynchronous when the result is needed:
     // Returns a CompletableFuture<String> on the workflow result as soon as the workflow is scheduled to start on the server.
     CompletableFuture<String> result = WorkflowClient.execute(workflow::helloWorld, "User");
    If you need to wait for a workflow completion after an asynchronous start, maybe even from a different process, the simplest way is to call the blocking version again. If WorkflowOptions.getWorkflowIdReusePolicy() is not AllowDuplicate then instead of throwing WorkflowExecutionAlreadyStarted, it reconnects to an existing workflow and waits for its completion. The following example shows how to do this from a different process than the one that started the workflow. All this process needs is a WorkflowId.
     FileProcessingWorkflow workflow = workflowClient.newWorkflowStub(FileProcessingWorkflow.class, workflowId);
     // Returns result potentially waiting for workflow to complete.
     String result = workflow.processFile(workflowArgs);
    See Also:
    Workflow, Activity, Worker
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static java.lang.String QUERY_TYPE_REPLAY_ONLY
      Replays workflow to the current state and returns empty result or error if replay failed.
      static java.lang.String QUERY_TYPE_STACK_TRACE
      Use this constant as a query type to get a workflow stack trace.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static <R> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<R> execute​(Functions.Func<R> workflow)
      Executes zero argument workflow.
      static <A1,​R>
      execute​(Functions.Func1<A1,​R> workflow, A1 arg1)
      Executes one argument workflow asynchronously.
      static <A1,​A2,​R>
      execute​(Functions.Func2<A1,​A2,​R> workflow, A1 arg1, A2 arg2)
      Executes two argument workflow asynchronously.
      static <A1,​A2,​A3,​R>
      execute​(Functions.Func3<A1,​A2,​A3,​R> workflow, A1 arg1, A2 arg2, A3 arg3)
      Executes three argument workflow asynchronously.
      static <A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​R>
      execute​(Functions.Func4<A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​R> workflow, A1 arg1, A2 arg2, A3 arg3, A4 arg4)
      Executes four argument workflow asynchronously.
      static <A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5,​R>
      execute​(Functions.Func5<A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5,​R> workflow, A1 arg1, A2 arg2, A3 arg3, A4 arg4, A5 arg5)
      Executes five argument workflow asynchronously.
      static <A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5,​A6,​R>
      execute​(Functions.Func6<A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5,​A6,​R> workflow, A1 arg1, A2 arg2, A3 arg3, A4 arg4, A5 arg5, A6 arg6)
      Executes six argument workflow asynchronously.
      static java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> execute​(Functions.Proc workflow)
      Executes zero argument workflow with void return type
      static <A1> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> execute​(Functions.Proc1<A1> workflow, A1 arg1)
      Executes one argument workflow with void return type
      static <A1,​A2>
      execute​(Functions.Proc2<A1,​A2> workflow, A1 arg1, A2 arg2)
      Executes two argument workflow with void return type
      static <A1,​A2,​A3>
      execute​(Functions.Proc3<A1,​A2,​A3> workflow, A1 arg1, A2 arg2, A3 arg3)
      Executes three argument workflow with void return type
      static <A1,​A2,​A3,​A4>
      execute​(Functions.Proc4<A1,​A2,​A3,​A4> workflow, A1 arg1, A2 arg2, A3 arg3, A4 arg4)
      Executes four argument workflow with void return type
      static <A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5>
      execute​(Functions.Proc5<A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5> workflow, A1 arg1, A2 arg2, A3 arg3, A4 arg4, A5 arg5)
      Executes five argument workflow with void return type
      static <A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5,​A6>
      execute​(Functions.Proc6<A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5,​A6> workflow, A1 arg1, A2 arg2, A3 arg3, A4 arg4, A5 arg5, A6 arg6)
      Executes six argument workflow with void return type
      WorkflowExecutionHistory fetchHistory​(java.lang.String workflowId)
      Downloads workflow execution history for the provided workflowId.
      WorkflowExecutionHistory fetchHistory​(java.lang.String workflowId, java.lang.String runId)
      Downloads workflow execution history for the provided workflowId and runId.
      java.lang.Object getInternal()
      For SDK Internal usage only.
      WorkflowClientOptions getOptions()  
      WorkerBuildIdVersionSets getWorkerBuildIdCompatability​(java.lang.String taskQueue)
      Returns the worker-build-id based version sets for a particular task queue.
      io.temporal.serviceclient.WorkflowServiceStubs getWorkflowServiceStubs()<WorkflowExecutionMetadata> listExecutions​(java.lang.String query)
      A wrapper around {WorkflowServiceStub#listWorkflowExecutions(ListWorkflowExecutionsRequest)}
      ActivityCompletionClient newActivityCompletionClient()
      Creates new ActivityCompletionClient that can be used to complete activities asynchronously.
      static WorkflowClient newInstance​(io.temporal.serviceclient.WorkflowServiceStubs service)
      Creates client that connects to an instance of the Temporal Service.
      static WorkflowClient newInstance​(io.temporal.serviceclient.WorkflowServiceStubs service, WorkflowClientOptions options)
      Creates client that connects to an instance of the Temporal Service.
      BatchRequest newSignalWithStartRequest()
      Creates BatchRequest that can be used to signal an existing workflow or start a new one if not running.
      WorkflowStub newUntypedWorkflowStub​(io.temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution execution, java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> workflowType)
      Creates workflow untyped client stub for a known execution.
      WorkflowStub newUntypedWorkflowStub​(java.lang.String workflowId)
      Creates workflow untyped client stub that can be used to start a single workflow execution.
      WorkflowStub newUntypedWorkflowStub​(java.lang.String workflowType, WorkflowOptions options)
      Creates workflow untyped client stub that can be used to start a single workflow execution.
      WorkflowStub newUntypedWorkflowStub​(java.lang.String workflowId, java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> runId, java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> workflowType)
      Creates workflow untyped client stub for a known execution.
      <T> T newWorkflowStub​(java.lang.Class<T> workflowInterface, WorkflowOptions options)
      Creates workflow client stub that can be used to start a single workflow execution.
      <T> T newWorkflowStub​(java.lang.Class<T> workflowInterface, java.lang.String workflowId)
      Creates workflow client stub for a known execution.
      <T> T newWorkflowStub​(java.lang.Class<T> workflowInterface, java.lang.String workflowId, java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> runId)
      Creates workflow client stub for a known execution.
      io.temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution signalWithStart​(BatchRequest signalWithStartBatch)
      Invoke SignalWithStart operation.
      static <R> io.temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution start​(Functions.Func<R> workflow)
      Executes zero argument workflow.
      static <A1,​R>
      start​(Functions.Func1<A1,​R> workflow, A1 arg1)
      Executes one argument workflow asynchronously.
      static <A1,​A2,​R>
      start​(Functions.Func2<A1,​A2,​R> workflow, A1 arg1, A2 arg2)
      Executes two argument workflow asynchronously.
      static <A1,​A2,​A3,​R>
      start​(Functions.Func3<A1,​A2,​A3,​R> workflow, A1 arg1, A2 arg2, A3 arg3)
      Executes three argument workflow asynchronously.
      static <A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​R>
      start​(Functions.Func4<A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​R> workflow, A1 arg1, A2 arg2, A3 arg3, A4 arg4)
      Executes four argument workflow asynchronously.
      static <A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5,​R>
      start​(Functions.Func5<A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5,​R> workflow, A1 arg1, A2 arg2, A3 arg3, A4 arg4, A5 arg5)
      Executes five argument workflow asynchronously.
      static <A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5,​A6,​R>
      start​(Functions.Func6<A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5,​A6,​R> workflow, A1 arg1, A2 arg2, A3 arg3, A4 arg4, A5 arg5, A6 arg6)
      Executes six argument workflow asynchronously.
      static io.temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution start​(Functions.Proc workflow)
      Executes zero argument workflow with void return type
      static <A1> io.temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution start​(Functions.Proc1<A1> workflow, A1 arg1)
      Executes one argument workflow with void return type
      static <A1,​A2>
      start​(Functions.Proc2<A1,​A2> workflow, A1 arg1, A2 arg2)
      Executes two argument workflow with void return type
      static <A1,​A2,​A3>
      start​(Functions.Proc3<A1,​A2,​A3> workflow, A1 arg1, A2 arg2, A3 arg3)
      Executes three argument workflow with void return type
      static <A1,​A2,​A3,​A4>
      start​(Functions.Proc4<A1,​A2,​A3,​A4> workflow, A1 arg1, A2 arg2, A3 arg3, A4 arg4)
      Executes four argument workflow with void return type
      static <A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5>
      start​(Functions.Proc5<A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5> workflow, A1 arg1, A2 arg2, A3 arg3, A4 arg4, A5 arg5)
      Executes five argument workflow with void return type
      static <A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5,​A6>
      start​(Functions.Proc6<A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5,​A6> workflow, A1 arg1, A2 arg2, A3 arg3, A4 arg4, A5 arg5, A6 arg6)
      Executes six argument workflow with void return type<io.temporal.api.history.v1.HistoryEvent> streamHistory​(java.lang.String workflowId)
      Streams history events for a workflow execution for the provided workflowId.<io.temporal.api.history.v1.HistoryEvent> streamHistory​(java.lang.String workflowId, java.lang.String runId)
      Streams history events for a workflow execution for the provided workflowId and runId.
      void updateWorkerBuildIdCompatability​(java.lang.String taskQueue, BuildIdOperation operation)
      Allows you to update the worker-build-id based version sets for a particular task queue.
    • Field Detail


        static final java.lang.String QUERY_TYPE_STACK_TRACE
        Use this constant as a query type to get a workflow stack trace.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final java.lang.String QUERY_TYPE_REPLAY_ONLY
        Replays workflow to the current state and returns empty result or error if replay failed.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • newInstance

        static WorkflowClient newInstance​(io.temporal.serviceclient.WorkflowServiceStubs service)
        Creates client that connects to an instance of the Temporal Service.
        service - client to the Temporal Service endpoint.
      • newInstance

        static WorkflowClient newInstance​(io.temporal.serviceclient.WorkflowServiceStubs service,
                                          WorkflowClientOptions options)
        Creates client that connects to an instance of the Temporal Service.
        service - client to the Temporal Service endpoint.
        options - Options (like DataConverterer override) for configuring client.
      • getWorkflowServiceStubs

        io.temporal.serviceclient.WorkflowServiceStubs getWorkflowServiceStubs()
      • newWorkflowStub

        <T> T newWorkflowStub​(java.lang.Class<T> workflowInterface,
                              WorkflowOptions options)
        Creates workflow client stub that can be used to start a single workflow execution. The first call must be to a method annotated with @WorkflowMethod. After workflow is started it can be also used to send signals or queries to it. IMPORTANT! Stub is per workflow instance. So new stub should be created for each new one.
        workflowInterface - interface that given workflow implements
        options - options that will be used to configure and start a new workflow. At least WorkflowOptions.Builder.setTaskQueue(String) needs to be specified.
        Stub that implements workflowInterface and can be used to start workflow and signal or query it after the start.
      • newWorkflowStub

        <T> T newWorkflowStub​(java.lang.Class<T> workflowInterface,
                              java.lang.String workflowId)
        Creates workflow client stub for a known execution. Use it to send signals or queries to a running workflow. Do not call methods annotated with @WorkflowMethod.
        workflowInterface - interface that given workflow implements.
        workflowId - Workflow id.
        Stub that implements workflowInterface and can be used to signal or query it.
      • newWorkflowStub

        <T> T newWorkflowStub​(java.lang.Class<T> workflowInterface,
                              java.lang.String workflowId,
                              java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> runId)
        Creates workflow client stub for a known execution. Use it to send signals or queries to a running workflow. Do not call methods annotated with @WorkflowMethod.
        workflowInterface - interface that given workflow implements.
        workflowId - Workflow id.
        runId - Run id of the workflow execution.
        Stub that implements workflowInterface and can be used to signal or query it.
      • newUntypedWorkflowStub

        WorkflowStub newUntypedWorkflowStub​(java.lang.String workflowId)
        Creates workflow untyped client stub that can be used to start a single workflow execution. Use it to send signals or queries to a running workflow. Do not call methods annotated with @WorkflowMethod.
        workflowId - Workflow id.
        Stub that can be used to start workflow and later to signal or query it.
      • newUntypedWorkflowStub

        WorkflowStub newUntypedWorkflowStub​(java.lang.String workflowType,
                                            WorkflowOptions options)
        Creates workflow untyped client stub that can be used to start a single workflow execution. After workflow is started it can be also used to send signals or queries to it. IMPORTANT! Stub is per workflow instance. So new stub should be created for each new one.
        workflowType - name of the workflow type
        options - options used to start a workflow through returned stub
        Stub that can be used to start workflow and later to signal or query it.
      • newUntypedWorkflowStub

        WorkflowStub newUntypedWorkflowStub​(java.lang.String workflowId,
                                            java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> runId,
                                            java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> workflowType)
        Creates workflow untyped client stub for a known execution. Use it to send signals or queries to a running workflow. Do not call methods annotated with @WorkflowMethod.
        workflowId - workflow id and optional run id for execution
        runId - runId of the workflow execution. If not provided the last workflow with the given workflowId is assumed.
        workflowType - type of the workflow. Optional as it is used for error reporting only.
        Stub that can be used to start workflow and later to signal or query it.
      • newUntypedWorkflowStub

        WorkflowStub newUntypedWorkflowStub​(io.temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution execution,
                                            java.util.Optional<java.lang.String> workflowType)
        Creates workflow untyped client stub for a known execution. Use it to send signals or queries to a running workflow. Do not call methods annotated with @WorkflowMethod.
        execution - workflow id and optional run id for execution
        workflowType - type of the workflow. Optional as it is used for error reporting only.
        Stub that can be used to start workflow and later to signal or query it.
      • newSignalWithStartRequest

        BatchRequest newSignalWithStartRequest()
        Creates BatchRequest that can be used to signal an existing workflow or start a new one if not running. The batch before invocation must contain exactly two operations. One annotated with @WorkflowMethod and another with @SignalMethod.
        batch request used to call signalWithStart(BatchRequest)
      • signalWithStart

        io.temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution signalWithStart​(BatchRequest signalWithStartBatch)
        Invoke SignalWithStart operation.
        signalWithStartBatch - Must be created with newSignalWithStartRequest()
        workflowId and runId of the signaled or started workflow.
      • listExecutions<WorkflowExecutionMetadata> listExecutions​(@Nullable
                                                                          java.lang.String query)
        A wrapper around {WorkflowServiceStub#listWorkflowExecutions(ListWorkflowExecutionsRequest)}
        query - Temporal Visibility Query, for syntax see Visibility docs
        sequential stream that performs remote pagination under the hood
      • streamHistory<io.temporal.api.history.v1.HistoryEvent> streamHistory​(@Nonnull
                                                                                       java.lang.String workflowId)
        Streams history events for a workflow execution for the provided workflowId.
        workflowId - Workflow Id of the workflow to export the history for
        stream of history events of the workflow with the specified Workflow Id.
        See Also:
        to get a history of a specific run., for a user-friendly eager version of this method
      • streamHistory<io.temporal.api.history.v1.HistoryEvent> streamHistory​(@Nonnull
                                                                                       java.lang.String workflowId,
                                                                                       java.lang.String runId)
        Streams history events for a workflow execution for the provided workflowId and runId.
        workflowId - Workflow Id of the workflow to export the history for
        runId - Fixed Run Id of the workflow to export the history for. If not provided, the latest run will be used. Optional, can be null.
        stream of history events of the specified run of the workflow execution.
        See Also:
        to get a history of workflow excution by workflowId without providing a specific run., for a user-friendly eagert version of this method
      • updateWorkerBuildIdCompatability

        void updateWorkerBuildIdCompatability​(@Nonnull
                                              java.lang.String taskQueue,
                                              BuildIdOperation operation)
        Allows you to update the worker-build-id based version sets for a particular task queue. This is used in conjunction with workers who specify their build id and thus opt into the feature.
        taskQueue - The task queue to update the version set(s) of.
        operation - The operation to perform. See BuildIdOperation for more.
        WorkflowServiceException - for any failures including networking and service availability issues.
      • getWorkerBuildIdCompatability

        WorkerBuildIdVersionSets getWorkerBuildIdCompatability​(@Nonnull
                                                               java.lang.String taskQueue)
        Returns the worker-build-id based version sets for a particular task queue.
        taskQueue - The task queue to fetch the version set(s) of.
        The version set(s) for the task queue.
        WorkflowServiceException - for any failures including networking and service availability issues.
      • start

        static io.temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution start​(Functions.Proc workflow)
        Executes zero argument workflow with void return type
        workflow - The only supported value is method reference to a proxy created through newWorkflowStub(Class, WorkflowOptions).
        WorkflowExecution that contains WorkflowId and RunId of the started workflow.
      • start

        static <A1> io.temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution start​(Functions.Proc1<A1> workflow,
                                                                      A1 arg1)
        Executes one argument workflow with void return type
        workflow - The only supported value is method reference to a proxy created through newWorkflowStub(Class, WorkflowOptions).
        arg1 - first workflow function parameter
        WorkflowExecution that contains WorkflowId and RunId of the started workflow.
      • start

        static <A1,​A2> io.temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution start​(Functions.Proc2<A1,​A2> workflow,
                                                                               A1 arg1,
                                                                               A2 arg2)
        Executes two argument workflow with void return type
        workflow - The only supported value is method reference to a proxy created through newWorkflowStub(Class, WorkflowOptions).
        arg1 - first workflow function parameter
        arg2 - second workflow function parameter
        WorkflowExecution that contains WorkflowId and RunId of the started workflow.
      • start

        static <A1,​A2,​A3> io.temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution start​(Functions.Proc3<A1,​A2,​A3> workflow,
                                                                                        A1 arg1,
                                                                                        A2 arg2,
                                                                                        A3 arg3)
        Executes three argument workflow with void return type
        workflow - The only supported value is method reference to a proxy created through newWorkflowStub(Class, WorkflowOptions).
        arg1 - first workflow function parameter
        arg2 - second workflow function parameter
        arg3 - third workflow function parameter
        WorkflowExecution that contains WorkflowId and RunId of the started workflow.
      • start

        static <A1,​A2,​A3,​A4> io.temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution start​(Functions.Proc4<A1,​A2,​A3,​A4> workflow,
                                                                                                 A1 arg1,
                                                                                                 A2 arg2,
                                                                                                 A3 arg3,
                                                                                                 A4 arg4)
        Executes four argument workflow with void return type
        workflow - The only supported value is method reference to a proxy created through newWorkflowStub(Class, WorkflowOptions).
        arg1 - first workflow function parameter
        arg2 - second workflow function parameter
        arg3 - third workflow function parameter
        arg4 - fourth workflow function parameter
        WorkflowExecution that contains WorkflowId and RunId of the started workflow.
      • start

        static <A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5> io.temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution start​(Functions.Proc5<A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5> workflow,
                                                                                                          A1 arg1,
                                                                                                          A2 arg2,
                                                                                                          A3 arg3,
                                                                                                          A4 arg4,
                                                                                                          A5 arg5)
        Executes five argument workflow with void return type
        workflow - The only supported value is method reference to a proxy created through newWorkflowStub(Class, WorkflowOptions).
        arg1 - first workflow function parameter
        arg2 - second workflow function parameter
        arg3 - third workflow function parameter
        arg4 - fourth workflow function parameter
        arg5 - fifth workflow function parameter
        WorkflowExecution that contains WorkflowId and RunId of the started workflow.
      • start

        static <A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5,​A6> io.temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution start​(Functions.Proc6<A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5,​A6> workflow,
                                                                                                                   A1 arg1,
                                                                                                                   A2 arg2,
                                                                                                                   A3 arg3,
                                                                                                                   A4 arg4,
                                                                                                                   A5 arg5,
                                                                                                                   A6 arg6)
        Executes six argument workflow with void return type
        workflow - The only supported value is method reference to a proxy created through newWorkflowStub(Class, WorkflowOptions).
        arg1 - first workflow function parameter
        arg2 - second workflow function parameter
        arg3 - third workflow function parameter
        arg4 - fourth workflow function parameter
        arg5 - sixth workflow function parameter
        arg6 - sixth workflow function parameter
        WorkflowExecution that contains WorkflowId and RunId of the started workflow.
      • start

        static <R> io.temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution start​(Functions.Func<R> workflow)
        Executes zero argument workflow.
        workflow - The only supported value is method reference to a proxy created through newWorkflowStub(Class, WorkflowOptions).
        WorkflowExecution that contains WorkflowId and RunId of the started workflow.
      • start

        static <A1,​R> io.temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution start​(Functions.Func1<A1,​R> workflow,
                                                                              A1 arg1)
        Executes one argument workflow asynchronously.
        workflow - The only supported value is method reference to a proxy created through newWorkflowStub(Class, WorkflowOptions).
        arg1 - first workflow argument
        WorkflowExecution that contains WorkflowId and RunId of the started workflow.
      • start

        static <A1,​A2,​R> io.temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution start​(Functions.Func2<A1,​A2,​R> workflow,
                                                                                       A1 arg1,
                                                                                       A2 arg2)
        Executes two argument workflow asynchronously.
        workflow - The only supported value is method reference to a proxy created through newWorkflowStub(Class, WorkflowOptions).
        arg1 - first workflow function parameter
        arg2 - second workflow function parameter
        WorkflowExecution that contains WorkflowId and RunId of the started workflow.
      • start

        static <A1,​A2,​A3,​R> io.temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution start​(Functions.Func3<A1,​A2,​A3,​R> workflow,
                                                                                                A1 arg1,
                                                                                                A2 arg2,
                                                                                                A3 arg3)
        Executes three argument workflow asynchronously.
        workflow - The only supported value is method reference to a proxy created through newWorkflowStub(Class, WorkflowOptions).
        arg1 - first workflow function parameter
        arg2 - second workflow function parameter
        arg3 - third workflow function parameter
        WorkflowExecution that contains WorkflowId and RunId of the started workflow.
      • start

        static <A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​R> io.temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution start​(Functions.Func4<A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​R> workflow,
                                                                                                         A1 arg1,
                                                                                                         A2 arg2,
                                                                                                         A3 arg3,
                                                                                                         A4 arg4)
        Executes four argument workflow asynchronously.
        workflow - The only supported value is method reference to a proxy created through newWorkflowStub(Class, WorkflowOptions).
        arg1 - first workflow function parameter
        arg2 - second workflow function parameter
        arg3 - third workflow function parameter
        arg4 - fourth workflow function parameter
        WorkflowExecution that contains WorkflowId and RunId of the started workflow.
      • start

        static <A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5,​R> io.temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution start​(Functions.Func5<A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5,​R> workflow,
                                                                                                                  A1 arg1,
                                                                                                                  A2 arg2,
                                                                                                                  A3 arg3,
                                                                                                                  A4 arg4,
                                                                                                                  A5 arg5)
        Executes five argument workflow asynchronously.
        workflow - The only supported value is method reference to a proxy created through newWorkflowStub(Class, WorkflowOptions).
        arg1 - first workflow function parameter
        arg2 - second workflow function parameter
        arg3 - third workflow function parameter
        arg4 - fourth workflow function parameter
        arg5 - sixth workflow function parameter
        WorkflowExecution that contains WorkflowId and RunId of the started workflow.
      • start

        static <A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5,​A6,​R> io.temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution start​(Functions.Func6<A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5,​A6,​R> workflow,
                                                                                                                           A1 arg1,
                                                                                                                           A2 arg2,
                                                                                                                           A3 arg3,
                                                                                                                           A4 arg4,
                                                                                                                           A5 arg5,
                                                                                                                           A6 arg6)
        Executes six argument workflow asynchronously.
        workflow - The only supported value is method reference to a proxy created through newWorkflowStub(Class, WorkflowOptions).
        arg1 - first workflow argument
        arg2 - second workflow function parameter
        arg3 - third workflow function parameter
        arg4 - fourth workflow function parameter
        arg5 - sixth workflow function parameter
        arg6 - sixth workflow function parameter
        WorkflowExecution that contains WorkflowId and RunId of the started workflow.
      • execute

        static java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> execute​(Functions.Proc workflow)
        Executes zero argument workflow with void return type
        workflow - The only supported value is method reference to a proxy created through newWorkflowStub(Class, WorkflowOptions).
        future becomes ready upon workflow completion with null value or failure
      • execute

        static <A1> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> execute​(Functions.Proc1<A1> workflow,
                                                                                   A1 arg1)
        Executes one argument workflow with void return type
        workflow - The only supported value is method reference to a proxy created through newWorkflowStub(Class, WorkflowOptions).
        arg1 - first workflow function parameter
        future becomes ready upon workflow completion with null value or failure
      • execute

        static <A1,​A2> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> execute​(Functions.Proc2<A1,​A2> workflow,
                                                                                            A1 arg1,
                                                                                            A2 arg2)
        Executes two argument workflow with void return type
        workflow - The only supported value is method reference to a proxy created through newWorkflowStub(Class, WorkflowOptions).
        arg1 - first workflow function parameter
        arg2 - second workflow function parameter
        future becomes ready upon workflow completion with null value or failure
      • execute

        static <A1,​A2,​A3> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> execute​(Functions.Proc3<A1,​A2,​A3> workflow,
                                                                                                     A1 arg1,
                                                                                                     A2 arg2,
                                                                                                     A3 arg3)
        Executes three argument workflow with void return type
        workflow - The only supported value is method reference to a proxy created through newWorkflowStub(Class, WorkflowOptions).
        arg1 - first workflow function parameter
        arg2 - second workflow function parameter
        arg3 - third workflow function parameter
        future becomes ready upon workflow completion with null value or failure
      • execute

        static <A1,​A2,​A3,​A4> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> execute​(Functions.Proc4<A1,​A2,​A3,​A4> workflow,
                                                                                                              A1 arg1,
                                                                                                              A2 arg2,
                                                                                                              A3 arg3,
                                                                                                              A4 arg4)
        Executes four argument workflow with void return type
        workflow - The only supported value is method reference to a proxy created through newWorkflowStub(Class, WorkflowOptions).
        arg1 - first workflow function parameter
        arg2 - second workflow function parameter
        arg3 - third workflow function parameter
        arg4 - fourth workflow function parameter
        future becomes ready upon workflow completion with null value or failure
      • execute

        static <A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> execute​(Functions.Proc5<A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5> workflow,
                                                                                                                       A1 arg1,
                                                                                                                       A2 arg2,
                                                                                                                       A3 arg3,
                                                                                                                       A4 arg4,
                                                                                                                       A5 arg5)
        Executes five argument workflow with void return type
        workflow - The only supported value is method reference to a proxy created through newWorkflowStub(Class, WorkflowOptions).
        arg1 - first workflow function parameter
        arg2 - second workflow function parameter
        arg3 - third workflow function parameter
        arg4 - fourth workflow function parameter
        arg5 - fifth workflow function parameter
        future becomes ready upon workflow completion with null value or failure
      • execute

        static <A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5,​A6> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<java.lang.Void> execute​(Functions.Proc6<A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5,​A6> workflow,
                                                                                                                                A1 arg1,
                                                                                                                                A2 arg2,
                                                                                                                                A3 arg3,
                                                                                                                                A4 arg4,
                                                                                                                                A5 arg5,
                                                                                                                                A6 arg6)
        Executes six argument workflow with void return type
        workflow - The only supported value is method reference to a proxy created through newWorkflowStub(Class, WorkflowOptions).
        arg1 - first workflow function parameter
        arg2 - second workflow function parameter
        arg3 - third workflow function parameter
        arg4 - fourth workflow function parameter
        arg5 - sixth workflow function parameter
        arg6 - sixth workflow function parameter
        future becomes ready upon workflow completion with null value or failure
      • execute

        static <R> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<R> execute​(Functions.Func<R> workflow)
        Executes zero argument workflow.
        workflow - The only supported value is method reference to a proxy created through newWorkflowStub(Class, WorkflowOptions).
        future that contains workflow result or failure
      • execute

        static <A1,​R> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<R> execute​(Functions.Func1<A1,​R> workflow,
                                                                              A1 arg1)
        Executes one argument workflow asynchronously.
        workflow - The only supported value is method reference to a proxy created through newWorkflowStub(Class, WorkflowOptions).
        arg1 - first workflow argument
        future that contains workflow result or failure
      • execute

        static <A1,​A2,​R> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<R> execute​(Functions.Func2<A1,​A2,​R> workflow,
                                                                                       A1 arg1,
                                                                                       A2 arg2)
        Executes two argument workflow asynchronously.
        workflow - The only supported value is method reference to a proxy created through newWorkflowStub(Class, WorkflowOptions).
        arg1 - first workflow function parameter
        arg2 - second workflow function parameter
        future that contains workflow result or failure
      • execute

        static <A1,​A2,​A3,​R> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<R> execute​(Functions.Func3<A1,​A2,​A3,​R> workflow,
                                                                                                A1 arg1,
                                                                                                A2 arg2,
                                                                                                A3 arg3)
        Executes three argument workflow asynchronously.
        workflow - The only supported value is method reference to a proxy created through newWorkflowStub(Class, WorkflowOptions).
        arg1 - first workflow function parameter
        arg2 - second workflow function parameter
        arg3 - third workflow function parameter
        future that contains workflow result or failure
      • execute

        static <A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​R> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<R> execute​(Functions.Func4<A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​R> workflow,
                                                                                                         A1 arg1,
                                                                                                         A2 arg2,
                                                                                                         A3 arg3,
                                                                                                         A4 arg4)
        Executes four argument workflow asynchronously.
        workflow - The only supported value is method reference to a proxy created through newWorkflowStub(Class, WorkflowOptions).
        arg1 - first workflow function parameter
        arg2 - second workflow function parameter
        arg3 - third workflow function parameter
        arg4 - fourth workflow function parameter
        future that contains workflow result or failure
      • execute

        static <A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5,​R> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<R> execute​(Functions.Func5<A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5,​R> workflow,
                                                                                                                  A1 arg1,
                                                                                                                  A2 arg2,
                                                                                                                  A3 arg3,
                                                                                                                  A4 arg4,
                                                                                                                  A5 arg5)
        Executes five argument workflow asynchronously.
        workflow - The only supported value is method reference to a proxy created through newWorkflowStub(Class, WorkflowOptions).
        arg1 - first workflow function parameter
        arg2 - second workflow function parameter
        arg3 - third workflow function parameter
        arg4 - fourth workflow function parameter
        arg5 - sixth workflow function parameter
        future that contains workflow result or failure
      • execute

        static <A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5,​A6,​R> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<R> execute​(Functions.Func6<A1,​A2,​A3,​A4,​A5,​A6,​R> workflow,
                                                                                                                           A1 arg1,
                                                                                                                           A2 arg2,
                                                                                                                           A3 arg3,
                                                                                                                           A4 arg4,
                                                                                                                           A5 arg5,
                                                                                                                           A6 arg6)
        Executes six argument workflow asynchronously.
        workflow - The only supported value is method reference to a proxy created through newWorkflowStub(Class, WorkflowOptions).
        arg1 - first workflow argument
        arg2 - second workflow function parameter
        arg3 - third workflow function parameter
        arg4 - fourth workflow function parameter
        arg5 - sixth workflow function parameter
        arg6 - sixth workflow function parameter
        future that contains workflow result or failure
      • getInternal

        java.lang.Object getInternal()
        For SDK Internal usage only. This method should not be used by users. If implementing a proxy or an adapter over a WorkflowClient provided by the SDK, users should pass an object returned by this method as-is.