Class DefaultDataConverter

    • Field Detail


        public static final PayloadConverter[] STANDARD_PAYLOAD_CONVERTERS

        public static final DataConverter STANDARD_INSTANCE
        Default data converter that is used for all objects if not overridden by WorkflowClientOptions.Builder.setDataConverter(DataConverter) or GlobalDataConverter.register(DataConverter) (less preferred).

        This data converter is also always used (regardless of whether or not users have supplied their own converter) to perform serialization of values essential for functionality of Temporal SDK, Server, tctl or WebUI:

        • Local Activity, Version, MutableSideEffect Markers metadata like id, time, name
        • Search attribute values
        • Stacktrace query return value
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultDataConverter

        public DefaultDataConverter​(PayloadConverter... converters)
        Creates instance from ordered array of converters and a default failure converter. When converting an object to payload the array of converters is iterated from the beginning until one of the converters successfully converts the value.
    • Method Detail

      • newDefaultInstance

        public static DefaultDataConverter newDefaultInstance()
        Creates a new instance of DefaultDataConverter populated with the default list of payload converters and a default failure converter.
      • withPayloadConverterOverrides

        public DefaultDataConverter withPayloadConverterOverrides​(PayloadConverter... overrideConverters)
        Modifies this DefaultDataConverter by overriding some of its PayloadConverters. Every payload converter from overrideConverters either replaces existing payload converter with the same encoding type, or is added to the end of payload converters list.
      • withFailureConverter

        public DefaultDataConverter withFailureConverter​(@Nonnull
                                                         FailureConverter failureConverter)
        Modifies this DefaultDataConverter by overriding its FailureConverter.

        WARNING: Most users should _never_ need to override the default failure converter. To encrypt the content of failures, see CodecDataConverter instead.

        failureConverter - The failure converter to use
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if failureConverter is null
      • toPayload

        public <T> java.util.Optional<io.temporal.api.common.v1.Payload> toPayload​(T value)
                                                                            throws DataConverterException
        Specified by:
        toPayload in interface DataConverter
        value - value to convert
        a Payload which is a protobuf message containing byte-array serialized representation of value. Optional here is for legacy and backward compatibility reasons. This Optional is expected to always be filled.
        DataConverterException - if conversion fails
      • toPayloads

        public java.util.Optional<io.temporal.api.common.v1.Payloads> toPayloads​(java.lang.Object... values)
                                                                          throws DataConverterException
        Description copied from interface: DataConverter
        Implements conversion of a list of values.
        Specified by:
        toPayloads in interface DataConverter
        values - Java values to convert to String.
        converted value. Return empty Optional if values are empty.
        DataConverterException - if conversion of the value passed as parameter failed for any reason.
      • fromPayloads

        public <T> T fromPayloads​(int index,
                                  java.util.Optional<io.temporal.api.common.v1.Payloads> content,
                                  java.lang.Class<T> parameterType,
                                  java.lang.reflect.Type genericParameterType)
                           throws DataConverterException
        Description copied from interface: DataConverter
        Implements conversion of a single Payload from the serialized Payloads.
        Specified by:
        fromPayloads in interface DataConverter
        index - index of the value in the payloads
        content - serialized value to convert to Java objects.
        parameterType - type of the value stored in the content
        genericParameterType - generic type of the value stored in the content
        converted Java object
        DataConverterException - if conversion of the data passed as parameter failed for any reason.
      • failureToException

        public TemporalFailure failureToException​(@Nonnull
                                                  io.temporal.api.failure.v1.Failure failure)
        Description copied from interface: DataConverter
        Instantiate an appropriate Java Exception from a serialized Failure object. The default implementation delegates the conversion process to an instance of FailureConverter, using this data converter for payload decoding.
        Specified by:
        failureToException in interface DataConverter
        failure - Failure protobuf object to deserialize into an exception
      • exceptionToFailure

        public io.temporal.api.failure.v1.Failure exceptionToFailure​(@Nonnull
                                                                     java.lang.Throwable throwable)
        Description copied from interface: DataConverter
        Serialize an existing Throwable object into a Failure object. The default implementation delegates the conversion process to an instance of FailureConverter, using this data converter for payload encoding.
        Specified by:
        exceptionToFailure in interface DataConverter
        throwable - a Throwable object to serialize into a Failure protobuf object
      • withContext

        public DataConverter withContext​(@Nonnull
                                         SerializationContext context)
        Description copied from interface: DataConverter
        A correct implementation of this interface should have a fully functional "contextless" implementation. Temporal SDK will call this method when a knowledge of the context exists, but DataConverter can be used directly by user code and sometimes SDK itself without any context.

        Note: this method is expected to be cheap and fast. Temporal SDK doesn't always cache the instances and may be calling this method very often. Users are responsible to make sure that this method doesn't recreate expensive objects like Jackson's ObjectMapper on every call.

        Specified by:
        withContext in interface DataConverter
        context - provides information to the data converter about the abstraction the data belongs to
        an instance of DataConverter that may use the provided context for serialization
        See Also: