Class ApplicationFailure

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class ApplicationFailure
    extends TemporalFailure
    Application failure is used to communicate application specific failures between workflows and activities.

    Throw this exception to have full control over type and details if the exception delivered to the caller workflow or client.

    Any unhandled exception which doesn't extend TemporalFailure is converted to an instance of this class before being returned to a caller.

    The type property is used by RetryOptions to determine if an instance of this exception is non retryable. Another way to avoid retrying an exception of this type is by setting nonRetryable flag to @{code true}.

    The conversion of an exception that doesn't extend TemporalFailure to an ApplicationFailure is done as following:

    • type is set to the exception full type name.
    • message is set to the exception message
    • nonRetryable is set to false
    • details are set to null
    • stack trace is copied from the original exception
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Method Detail

      • newFailure

        public static ApplicationFailure newFailure​(java.lang.String message,
                                                    java.lang.String type,
                                                    java.lang.Object... details)
        New ApplicationFailure with isNonRetryable() flag set to false.

        Note that this exception still may not be retried by the service if its type is included in the doNotRetry property of the correspondent retry policy.

        message - optional error message
        type - optional error type that is used by RetryOptions.Builder.setDoNotRetry(String...).
        details - optional details about the failure. They are serialized using the same approach as arguments and results.
      • newFailureWithCause

        public static ApplicationFailure newFailureWithCause​(java.lang.String message,
                                                             java.lang.String type,
                                                             java.lang.Throwable cause,
                                                             java.lang.Object... details)
        New ApplicationFailure with isNonRetryable() flag set to false.

        Note that this exception still may not be retried by the service if its type is included in the doNotRetry property of the correspondent retry policy.

        message - optional error message
        type - optional error type that is used by RetryOptions.Builder.setDoNotRetry(String...).
        details - optional details about the failure. They are serialized using the same approach as arguments and results.
        cause - failure cause. Each element of the cause chain will be converted to ApplicationFailure for network transmission across network if it doesn't extend TemporalFailure
      • newNonRetryableFailure

        public static ApplicationFailure newNonRetryableFailure​(java.lang.String message,
                                                                java.lang.String type,
                                                                java.lang.Object... details)
        New ApplicationFailure with isNonRetryable() flag set to true.

        It means that this exception is not going to be retried even if it is not included into retry policy doNotRetry list.

        message - optional error message
        type - error type
        details - optional details about the failure. They are serialized using the same approach as arguments and results.
      • newNonRetryableFailureWithCause

        public static ApplicationFailure newNonRetryableFailureWithCause​(java.lang.String message,
                                                                         java.lang.String type,
                                                                         java.lang.Throwable cause,
                                                                         java.lang.Object... details)
        New ApplicationFailure with isNonRetryable() flag set to true.

        This exception will not be retried even if it is absent from the retry policy doNotRetry list.

        message - optional error message
        type - error type
        details - optional details about the failure. They are serialized using the same approach as arguments and results.
        cause - failure cause. Each element of the cause chain will be converted to ApplicationFailure for network transmission across network if it doesn't extend TemporalFailure
      • getType

        public java.lang.String getType()
      • getDetails

        public Values getDetails()
      • setNonRetryable

        public void setNonRetryable​(boolean nonRetryable)
      • isNonRetryable

        public boolean isNonRetryable()