Class OperatorServiceGrpc.OperatorServiceFutureStub

  • Enclosing class:

    public static final class OperatorServiceGrpc.OperatorServiceFutureStub
    extends io.grpc.stub.AbstractFutureStub<OperatorServiceGrpc.OperatorServiceFutureStub>
     OperatorService API defines how Temporal SDKs and other clients interact with the Temporal server
     to perform administrative functions like registering a search attribute or a namespace.
     APIs in this file could be not compatible with Temporal Cloud, hence it's usage in SDKs should be limited by
     designated APIs that clearly state that they shouldn't be used by the main Application (Workflows & Activities) framework.
    • Method Detail

      • addSearchAttributes

        public<AddSearchAttributesResponse> addSearchAttributes​(AddSearchAttributesRequest request)
         AddSearchAttributes add custom search attributes.
         Returns ALREADY_EXISTS status code if a Search Attribute with any of the specified names already exists
         Returns INTERNAL status code with temporal.api.errordetails.v1.SystemWorkflowFailure in Error Details if registration process fails,
      • removeSearchAttributes

        public<RemoveSearchAttributesResponse> removeSearchAttributes​(RemoveSearchAttributesRequest request)
         RemoveSearchAttributes removes custom search attributes.
         Returns NOT_FOUND status code if a Search Attribute with any of the specified names is not registered
      • deleteNamespace

        public<DeleteNamespaceResponse> deleteNamespace​(DeleteNamespaceRequest request)
         DeleteNamespace synchronously deletes a namespace and asynchronously reclaims all namespace resources.
         (-- api-linter: core::0135::method-signature=disabled
    DeleteNamespace RPC doesn't follow Google API format. --)
         (-- api-linter: core::0135::response-message-name=disabled
    DeleteNamespace RPC doesn't follow Google API format. --)
      • listClusters

        public<ListClustersResponse> listClusters​(ListClustersRequest request)
         ListClusters returns information about Temporal clusters.