Class WorkflowServiceStubsOptions

    • Field Detail


        public static final java.time.Duration DEFAULT_SERVER_LONG_POLL_RPC_TIMEOUT
        RPC timeout used for all long poll calls on Temporal Server side. Long poll returns with an empty result after this server timeout.

        public static final java.time.Duration DEFAULT_POLL_RPC_TIMEOUT
        Default RPC timeout used for all long poll calls.

        public static final java.time.Duration DEFAULT_QUERY_RPC_TIMEOUT
        Default RPC timeout for workflow queries
    • Method Detail

      • getDisableHealthCheck

        public boolean getDisableHealthCheck()
        ServiceStubs don't perform health check on start anymore to allow lazy connectivity. Users that prefer old behavior should explicitly call ServiceStubs.healthCheck() on client/stubs start and wait until it returns HealthCheckResponse.ServingStatus.SERVING
        false when client checks endpoint to make sure that the server is accessible.
      • getRpcLongPollTimeout

        public java.time.Duration getRpcLongPollTimeout()
        Returns the rpc timout for long poll requests.
      • getRpcQueryTimeout

        public java.time.Duration getRpcQueryTimeout()
        Returns the rpc timout for query workflow requests.
      • getRpcRetryOptions

        public RpcRetryOptions getRpcRetryOptions()
        Returns rpc retry options for outgoing requests to the temporal server that supposed to be processed and returned fast, like start workflow (not long polls or awaits for workflow finishing).