Class WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • getDescriptor

        public static final getDescriptor()
      • internalGetFieldAccessorTable

        protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
        Specified by:
        internalGetFieldAccessorTable in class<WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes.Builder>
      • getDescriptorForType

        public getDescriptorForType()
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface
        getDescriptorForType in class<WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes.Builder>
      • getDefaultInstanceForType

        public WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes getDefaultInstanceForType()
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
      • build

        public WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes build()
        Specified by:
        build in interface
        Specified by:
        build in interface
      • buildPartial

        public WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes buildPartial()
        Specified by:
        buildPartial in interface
        Specified by:
        buildPartial in interface
      • isInitialized

        public final boolean isInitialized()
        Specified by:
        isInitialized in interface
        isInitialized in class<WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes.Builder>
      • mergeFrom

        public WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes.Builder mergeFrom​( input,
        Specified by:
        mergeFrom in interface
        Specified by:
        mergeFrom in interface
        mergeFrom in class<WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes.Builder>
      • hasTaskQueue

        public boolean hasTaskQueue()
         The task queue this workflow task was enqueued in, which could be a normal or sticky queue
        .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.TaskQueue task_queue = 1;
        Specified by:
        hasTaskQueue in interface WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributesOrBuilder
        Whether the taskQueue field is set.
      • clearTaskQueue

        public WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes.Builder clearTaskQueue()
         The task queue this workflow task was enqueued in, which could be a normal or sticky queue
        .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.TaskQueue task_queue = 1;
      • getTaskQueueBuilder

        public TaskQueue.Builder getTaskQueueBuilder()
         The task queue this workflow task was enqueued in, which could be a normal or sticky queue
        .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.TaskQueue task_queue = 1;
      • hasStartToCloseTimeout

        public boolean hasStartToCloseTimeout()
         How long the worker has to process this task once receiving it before it times out
         (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
    "to" is used to indicate interval. --)
        .google.protobuf.Duration start_to_close_timeout = 2 [(.gogoproto.stdduration) = true];
        Specified by:
        hasStartToCloseTimeout in interface WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributesOrBuilder
        Whether the startToCloseTimeout field is set.
      • getStartToCloseTimeout

        public getStartToCloseTimeout()
         How long the worker has to process this task once receiving it before it times out
         (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
    "to" is used to indicate interval. --)
        .google.protobuf.Duration start_to_close_timeout = 2 [(.gogoproto.stdduration) = true];
        Specified by:
        getStartToCloseTimeout in interface WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributesOrBuilder
        The startToCloseTimeout.
      • setStartToCloseTimeout

        public WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes.Builder setStartToCloseTimeout​( value)
         How long the worker has to process this task once receiving it before it times out
         (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
    "to" is used to indicate interval. --)
        .google.protobuf.Duration start_to_close_timeout = 2 [(.gogoproto.stdduration) = true];
      • setStartToCloseTimeout

        public WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes.Builder setStartToCloseTimeout​( builderForValue)
         How long the worker has to process this task once receiving it before it times out
         (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
    "to" is used to indicate interval. --)
        .google.protobuf.Duration start_to_close_timeout = 2 [(.gogoproto.stdduration) = true];
      • mergeStartToCloseTimeout

        public WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes.Builder mergeStartToCloseTimeout​( value)
         How long the worker has to process this task once receiving it before it times out
         (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
    "to" is used to indicate interval. --)
        .google.protobuf.Duration start_to_close_timeout = 2 [(.gogoproto.stdduration) = true];
      • clearStartToCloseTimeout

        public WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes.Builder clearStartToCloseTimeout()
         How long the worker has to process this task once receiving it before it times out
         (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
    "to" is used to indicate interval. --)
        .google.protobuf.Duration start_to_close_timeout = 2 [(.gogoproto.stdduration) = true];
      • getStartToCloseTimeoutBuilder

        public getStartToCloseTimeoutBuilder()
         How long the worker has to process this task once receiving it before it times out
         (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
    "to" is used to indicate interval. --)
        .google.protobuf.Duration start_to_close_timeout = 2 [(.gogoproto.stdduration) = true];
      • getStartToCloseTimeoutOrBuilder

        public getStartToCloseTimeoutOrBuilder()
         How long the worker has to process this task once receiving it before it times out
         (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
    "to" is used to indicate interval. --)
        .google.protobuf.Duration start_to_close_timeout = 2 [(.gogoproto.stdduration) = true];
        Specified by:
        getStartToCloseTimeoutOrBuilder in interface WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributesOrBuilder
      • setAttempt

        public WorkflowTaskScheduledEventAttributes.Builder setAttempt​(int value)
         Starting at 1, how many attempts there have been to complete this task
        int32 attempt = 3;
        value - The attempt to set.
        This builder for chaining.