Class StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder

  • All Implemented Interfaces:,,,, StructuredCalendarSpecOrBuilder, java.lang.Cloneable
    Enclosing class:

    public static final class StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder
    implements StructuredCalendarSpecOrBuilder
     StructuredCalendarSpec describes an event specification relative to the
     calendar, in a form that's easy to work with programmatically. Each field can
     be one or more ranges.
     A timestamp matches if at least one range of each field matches the
     corresponding fields of the timestamp, except for year: if year is missing,
     that means all years match. For all fields besides year, at least one Range
     must be present to match anything.
     TODO: add relative-to-end-of-month
     TODO: add nth day-of-week in month
    Protobuf type temporal.api.schedule.v1.StructuredCalendarSpec
    • Method Detail

      • getDescriptor

        public static final getDescriptor()
      • internalGetFieldAccessorTable

        protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
        Specified by:
        internalGetFieldAccessorTable in class<StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder>
      • clear

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder clear()
        Specified by:
        clear in interface
        Specified by:
        clear in interface
        clear in class<StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder>
      • getDescriptorForType

        public getDescriptorForType()
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface
        getDescriptorForType in class<StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder>
      • getDefaultInstanceForType

        public StructuredCalendarSpec getDefaultInstanceForType()
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
      • build

        public StructuredCalendarSpec build()
        Specified by:
        build in interface
        Specified by:
        build in interface
      • buildPartial

        public StructuredCalendarSpec buildPartial()
        Specified by:
        buildPartial in interface
        Specified by:
        buildPartial in interface
      • clone

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder clone()
        Specified by:
        clone in interface
        Specified by:
        clone in interface
        clone in class<StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder>
      • setField

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder setField​( field,
                                                       java.lang.Object value)
        Specified by:
        setField in interface
        setField in class<StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder>
      • clearField

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder clearField​( field)
        Specified by:
        clearField in interface
        clearField in class<StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder>
      • clearOneof

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder clearOneof​( oneof)
        Specified by:
        clearOneof in interface
        clearOneof in class<StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder>
      • setRepeatedField

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder setRepeatedField​( field,
                                                               int index,
                                                               java.lang.Object value)
        Specified by:
        setRepeatedField in interface
        setRepeatedField in class<StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder>
      • addRepeatedField

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder addRepeatedField​( field,
                                                               java.lang.Object value)
        Specified by:
        addRepeatedField in interface
        addRepeatedField in class<StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder>
      • isInitialized

        public final boolean isInitialized()
        Specified by:
        isInitialized in interface
        isInitialized in class<StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder>
      • mergeFrom

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder mergeFrom​( input,
        Specified by:
        mergeFrom in interface
        Specified by:
        mergeFrom in interface
        mergeFrom in class<StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder>
      • addAllSecond

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder addAllSecond​(java.lang.Iterable<? extends Range> values)
         Match seconds (0-59)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range second = 1;
      • removeSecond

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder removeSecond​(int index)
         Match seconds (0-59)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range second = 1;
      • getSecondBuilder

        public Range.Builder getSecondBuilder​(int index)
         Match seconds (0-59)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range second = 1;
      • addSecondBuilder

        public Range.Builder addSecondBuilder()
         Match seconds (0-59)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range second = 1;
      • addSecondBuilder

        public Range.Builder addSecondBuilder​(int index)
         Match seconds (0-59)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range second = 1;
      • getSecondBuilderList

        public java.util.List<Range.Builder> getSecondBuilderList()
         Match seconds (0-59)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range second = 1;
      • addAllMinute

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder addAllMinute​(java.lang.Iterable<? extends Range> values)
         Match minutes (0-59)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range minute = 2;
      • removeMinute

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder removeMinute​(int index)
         Match minutes (0-59)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range minute = 2;
      • getMinuteBuilder

        public Range.Builder getMinuteBuilder​(int index)
         Match minutes (0-59)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range minute = 2;
      • addMinuteBuilder

        public Range.Builder addMinuteBuilder()
         Match minutes (0-59)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range minute = 2;
      • addMinuteBuilder

        public Range.Builder addMinuteBuilder​(int index)
         Match minutes (0-59)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range minute = 2;
      • getMinuteBuilderList

        public java.util.List<Range.Builder> getMinuteBuilderList()
         Match minutes (0-59)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range minute = 2;
      • addAllHour

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder addAllHour​(java.lang.Iterable<? extends Range> values)
         Match hours (0-23)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range hour = 3;
      • getHourBuilder

        public Range.Builder getHourBuilder​(int index)
         Match hours (0-23)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range hour = 3;
      • addHourBuilder

        public Range.Builder addHourBuilder()
         Match hours (0-23)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range hour = 3;
      • addHourBuilder

        public Range.Builder addHourBuilder​(int index)
         Match hours (0-23)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range hour = 3;
      • getHourBuilderList

        public java.util.List<Range.Builder> getHourBuilderList()
         Match hours (0-23)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range hour = 3;
      • getDayOfMonthList

        public java.util.List<Range> getDayOfMonthList()
         Match days of the month (1-31)
         (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
    standard name of field --)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_month = 4;
        Specified by:
        getDayOfMonthList in interface StructuredCalendarSpecOrBuilder
      • getDayOfMonthCount

        public int getDayOfMonthCount()
         Match days of the month (1-31)
         (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
    standard name of field --)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_month = 4;
        Specified by:
        getDayOfMonthCount in interface StructuredCalendarSpecOrBuilder
      • getDayOfMonth

        public Range getDayOfMonth​(int index)
         Match days of the month (1-31)
         (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
    standard name of field --)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_month = 4;
        Specified by:
        getDayOfMonth in interface StructuredCalendarSpecOrBuilder
      • setDayOfMonth

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder setDayOfMonth​(int index,
                                                            Range value)
         Match days of the month (1-31)
         (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
    standard name of field --)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_month = 4;
      • setDayOfMonth

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder setDayOfMonth​(int index,
                                                            Range.Builder builderForValue)
         Match days of the month (1-31)
         (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
    standard name of field --)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_month = 4;
      • addDayOfMonth

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder addDayOfMonth​(Range value)
         Match days of the month (1-31)
         (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
    standard name of field --)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_month = 4;
      • addDayOfMonth

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder addDayOfMonth​(int index,
                                                            Range value)
         Match days of the month (1-31)
         (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
    standard name of field --)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_month = 4;
      • addDayOfMonth

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder addDayOfMonth​(Range.Builder builderForValue)
         Match days of the month (1-31)
         (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
    standard name of field --)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_month = 4;
      • addDayOfMonth

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder addDayOfMonth​(int index,
                                                            Range.Builder builderForValue)
         Match days of the month (1-31)
         (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
    standard name of field --)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_month = 4;
      • addAllDayOfMonth

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder addAllDayOfMonth​(java.lang.Iterable<? extends Range> values)
         Match days of the month (1-31)
         (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
    standard name of field --)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_month = 4;
      • clearDayOfMonth

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder clearDayOfMonth()
         Match days of the month (1-31)
         (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
    standard name of field --)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_month = 4;
      • removeDayOfMonth

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder removeDayOfMonth​(int index)
         Match days of the month (1-31)
         (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
    standard name of field --)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_month = 4;
      • getDayOfMonthBuilder

        public Range.Builder getDayOfMonthBuilder​(int index)
         Match days of the month (1-31)
         (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
    standard name of field --)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_month = 4;
      • getDayOfMonthOrBuilder

        public RangeOrBuilder getDayOfMonthOrBuilder​(int index)
         Match days of the month (1-31)
         (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
    standard name of field --)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_month = 4;
        Specified by:
        getDayOfMonthOrBuilder in interface StructuredCalendarSpecOrBuilder
      • getDayOfMonthOrBuilderList

        public java.util.List<? extends RangeOrBuilder> getDayOfMonthOrBuilderList()
         Match days of the month (1-31)
         (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
    standard name of field --)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_month = 4;
        Specified by:
        getDayOfMonthOrBuilderList in interface StructuredCalendarSpecOrBuilder
      • addDayOfMonthBuilder

        public Range.Builder addDayOfMonthBuilder()
         Match days of the month (1-31)
         (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
    standard name of field --)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_month = 4;
      • addDayOfMonthBuilder

        public Range.Builder addDayOfMonthBuilder​(int index)
         Match days of the month (1-31)
         (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
    standard name of field --)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_month = 4;
      • getDayOfMonthBuilderList

        public java.util.List<Range.Builder> getDayOfMonthBuilderList()
         Match days of the month (1-31)
         (-- api-linter: core::0140::prepositions=disabled
    standard name of field --)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_month = 4;
      • addAllMonth

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder addAllMonth​(java.lang.Iterable<? extends Range> values)
         Match months (1-12)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range month = 5;
      • removeMonth

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder removeMonth​(int index)
         Match months (1-12)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range month = 5;
      • getMonthBuilder

        public Range.Builder getMonthBuilder​(int index)
         Match months (1-12)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range month = 5;
      • addMonthBuilder

        public Range.Builder addMonthBuilder()
         Match months (1-12)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range month = 5;
      • addMonthBuilder

        public Range.Builder addMonthBuilder​(int index)
         Match months (1-12)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range month = 5;
      • getMonthBuilderList

        public java.util.List<Range.Builder> getMonthBuilderList()
         Match months (1-12)
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range month = 5;
      • addAllYear

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder addAllYear​(java.lang.Iterable<? extends Range> values)
         Match years.
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range year = 6;
      • getYearBuilder

        public Range.Builder getYearBuilder​(int index)
         Match years.
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range year = 6;
      • addYearBuilder

        public Range.Builder addYearBuilder()
         Match years.
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range year = 6;
      • addYearBuilder

        public Range.Builder addYearBuilder​(int index)
         Match years.
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range year = 6;
      • getYearBuilderList

        public java.util.List<Range.Builder> getYearBuilderList()
         Match years.
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range year = 6;
      • setDayOfWeek

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder setDayOfWeek​(int index,
                                                           Range value)
         Match days of the week (0-6; 0 is Sunday).
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_week = 7;
      • setDayOfWeek

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder setDayOfWeek​(int index,
                                                           Range.Builder builderForValue)
         Match days of the week (0-6; 0 is Sunday).
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_week = 7;
      • addDayOfWeek

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder addDayOfWeek​(Range value)
         Match days of the week (0-6; 0 is Sunday).
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_week = 7;
      • addDayOfWeek

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder addDayOfWeek​(int index,
                                                           Range value)
         Match days of the week (0-6; 0 is Sunday).
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_week = 7;
      • addDayOfWeek

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder addDayOfWeek​(int index,
                                                           Range.Builder builderForValue)
         Match days of the week (0-6; 0 is Sunday).
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_week = 7;
      • addAllDayOfWeek

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder addAllDayOfWeek​(java.lang.Iterable<? extends Range> values)
         Match days of the week (0-6; 0 is Sunday).
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_week = 7;
      • clearDayOfWeek

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder clearDayOfWeek()
         Match days of the week (0-6; 0 is Sunday).
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_week = 7;
      • removeDayOfWeek

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder removeDayOfWeek​(int index)
         Match days of the week (0-6; 0 is Sunday).
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_week = 7;
      • getDayOfWeekBuilder

        public Range.Builder getDayOfWeekBuilder​(int index)
         Match days of the week (0-6; 0 is Sunday).
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_week = 7;
      • addDayOfWeekBuilder

        public Range.Builder addDayOfWeekBuilder()
         Match days of the week (0-6; 0 is Sunday).
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_week = 7;
      • addDayOfWeekBuilder

        public Range.Builder addDayOfWeekBuilder​(int index)
         Match days of the week (0-6; 0 is Sunday).
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_week = 7;
      • getDayOfWeekBuilderList

        public java.util.List<Range.Builder> getDayOfWeekBuilderList()
         Match days of the week (0-6; 0 is Sunday).
        repeated .temporal.api.schedule.v1.Range day_of_week = 7;
      • getComment

        public java.lang.String getComment()
         Free-form comment describing the intention of this spec.
        string comment = 8;
        Specified by:
        getComment in interface StructuredCalendarSpecOrBuilder
        The comment.
      • getCommentBytes

        public getCommentBytes()
         Free-form comment describing the intention of this spec.
        string comment = 8;
        Specified by:
        getCommentBytes in interface StructuredCalendarSpecOrBuilder
        The bytes for comment.
      • setComment

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder setComment​(java.lang.String value)
         Free-form comment describing the intention of this spec.
        string comment = 8;
        value - The comment to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearComment

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder clearComment()
         Free-form comment describing the intention of this spec.
        string comment = 8;
        This builder for chaining.
      • setCommentBytes

        public StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder setCommentBytes​( value)
         Free-form comment describing the intention of this spec.
        string comment = 8;
        value - The bytes for comment to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • setUnknownFields

        public final StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder setUnknownFields​( unknownFields)
        Specified by:
        setUnknownFields in interface
        setUnknownFields in class<StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder>
      • mergeUnknownFields

        public final StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder mergeUnknownFields​( unknownFields)
        Specified by:
        mergeUnknownFields in interface
        mergeUnknownFields in class<StructuredCalendarSpec.Builder>