Class GetWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityResponse.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • getDescriptor

        public static final getDescriptor()
      • internalGetFieldAccessorTable

        protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
        Specified by:
        internalGetFieldAccessorTable in class<GetWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityResponse.Builder>
      • getDescriptorForType

        public getDescriptorForType()
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface
        getDescriptorForType in class<GetWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityResponse.Builder>
      • getDefaultInstanceForType

        public GetWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityResponse getDefaultInstanceForType()
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
      • build

        public GetWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityResponse build()
        Specified by:
        build in interface
        Specified by:
        build in interface
      • buildPartial

        public GetWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityResponse buildPartial()
        Specified by:
        buildPartial in interface
        Specified by:
        buildPartial in interface
      • isInitialized

        public final boolean isInitialized()
        Specified by:
        isInitialized in interface
        isInitialized in class<GetWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityResponse.Builder>
      • mergeFrom

        public GetWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityResponse.Builder mergeFrom​( input,
        Specified by:
        mergeFrom in interface
        Specified by:
        mergeFrom in interface
        mergeFrom in class<GetWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityResponse.Builder>
      • getMajorVersionSetsList

        public java.util.List<CompatibleVersionSet> getMajorVersionSetsList()
         Major version sets, in order from oldest to newest. The last element of the list will always
         be the current default major version. IE: New workflows will target the most recent version
         in that version set.
         There may be fewer sets returned than exist, if the request chose to limit this response.
        repeated .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.CompatibleVersionSet major_version_sets = 1;
        Specified by:
        getMajorVersionSetsList in interface GetWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityResponseOrBuilder
      • getMajorVersionSetsCount

        public int getMajorVersionSetsCount()
         Major version sets, in order from oldest to newest. The last element of the list will always
         be the current default major version. IE: New workflows will target the most recent version
         in that version set.
         There may be fewer sets returned than exist, if the request chose to limit this response.
        repeated .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.CompatibleVersionSet major_version_sets = 1;
        Specified by:
        getMajorVersionSetsCount in interface GetWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityResponseOrBuilder
      • getMajorVersionSets

        public CompatibleVersionSet getMajorVersionSets​(int index)
         Major version sets, in order from oldest to newest. The last element of the list will always
         be the current default major version. IE: New workflows will target the most recent version
         in that version set.
         There may be fewer sets returned than exist, if the request chose to limit this response.
        repeated .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.CompatibleVersionSet major_version_sets = 1;
        Specified by:
        getMajorVersionSets in interface GetWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityResponseOrBuilder
      • setMajorVersionSets

        public GetWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityResponse.Builder setMajorVersionSets​(int index,
                                                                                 CompatibleVersionSet value)
         Major version sets, in order from oldest to newest. The last element of the list will always
         be the current default major version. IE: New workflows will target the most recent version
         in that version set.
         There may be fewer sets returned than exist, if the request chose to limit this response.
        repeated .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.CompatibleVersionSet major_version_sets = 1;
      • setMajorVersionSets

        public GetWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityResponse.Builder setMajorVersionSets​(int index,
                                                                                 CompatibleVersionSet.Builder builderForValue)
         Major version sets, in order from oldest to newest. The last element of the list will always
         be the current default major version. IE: New workflows will target the most recent version
         in that version set.
         There may be fewer sets returned than exist, if the request chose to limit this response.
        repeated .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.CompatibleVersionSet major_version_sets = 1;
      • addMajorVersionSets

        public GetWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityResponse.Builder addMajorVersionSets​(CompatibleVersionSet value)
         Major version sets, in order from oldest to newest. The last element of the list will always
         be the current default major version. IE: New workflows will target the most recent version
         in that version set.
         There may be fewer sets returned than exist, if the request chose to limit this response.
        repeated .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.CompatibleVersionSet major_version_sets = 1;
      • addMajorVersionSets

        public GetWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityResponse.Builder addMajorVersionSets​(int index,
                                                                                 CompatibleVersionSet value)
         Major version sets, in order from oldest to newest. The last element of the list will always
         be the current default major version. IE: New workflows will target the most recent version
         in that version set.
         There may be fewer sets returned than exist, if the request chose to limit this response.
        repeated .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.CompatibleVersionSet major_version_sets = 1;
      • addMajorVersionSets

        public GetWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityResponse.Builder addMajorVersionSets​(CompatibleVersionSet.Builder builderForValue)
         Major version sets, in order from oldest to newest. The last element of the list will always
         be the current default major version. IE: New workflows will target the most recent version
         in that version set.
         There may be fewer sets returned than exist, if the request chose to limit this response.
        repeated .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.CompatibleVersionSet major_version_sets = 1;
      • addMajorVersionSets

        public GetWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityResponse.Builder addMajorVersionSets​(int index,
                                                                                 CompatibleVersionSet.Builder builderForValue)
         Major version sets, in order from oldest to newest. The last element of the list will always
         be the current default major version. IE: New workflows will target the most recent version
         in that version set.
         There may be fewer sets returned than exist, if the request chose to limit this response.
        repeated .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.CompatibleVersionSet major_version_sets = 1;
      • addAllMajorVersionSets

        public GetWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityResponse.Builder addAllMajorVersionSets​(java.lang.Iterable<? extends CompatibleVersionSet> values)
         Major version sets, in order from oldest to newest. The last element of the list will always
         be the current default major version. IE: New workflows will target the most recent version
         in that version set.
         There may be fewer sets returned than exist, if the request chose to limit this response.
        repeated .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.CompatibleVersionSet major_version_sets = 1;
      • clearMajorVersionSets

        public GetWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityResponse.Builder clearMajorVersionSets()
         Major version sets, in order from oldest to newest. The last element of the list will always
         be the current default major version. IE: New workflows will target the most recent version
         in that version set.
         There may be fewer sets returned than exist, if the request chose to limit this response.
        repeated .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.CompatibleVersionSet major_version_sets = 1;
      • removeMajorVersionSets

        public GetWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityResponse.Builder removeMajorVersionSets​(int index)
         Major version sets, in order from oldest to newest. The last element of the list will always
         be the current default major version. IE: New workflows will target the most recent version
         in that version set.
         There may be fewer sets returned than exist, if the request chose to limit this response.
        repeated .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.CompatibleVersionSet major_version_sets = 1;
      • getMajorVersionSetsBuilder

        public CompatibleVersionSet.Builder getMajorVersionSetsBuilder​(int index)
         Major version sets, in order from oldest to newest. The last element of the list will always
         be the current default major version. IE: New workflows will target the most recent version
         in that version set.
         There may be fewer sets returned than exist, if the request chose to limit this response.
        repeated .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.CompatibleVersionSet major_version_sets = 1;
      • getMajorVersionSetsOrBuilder

        public CompatibleVersionSetOrBuilder getMajorVersionSetsOrBuilder​(int index)
         Major version sets, in order from oldest to newest. The last element of the list will always
         be the current default major version. IE: New workflows will target the most recent version
         in that version set.
         There may be fewer sets returned than exist, if the request chose to limit this response.
        repeated .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.CompatibleVersionSet major_version_sets = 1;
        Specified by:
        getMajorVersionSetsOrBuilder in interface GetWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityResponseOrBuilder
      • getMajorVersionSetsOrBuilderList

        public java.util.List<? extends CompatibleVersionSetOrBuilder> getMajorVersionSetsOrBuilderList()
         Major version sets, in order from oldest to newest. The last element of the list will always
         be the current default major version. IE: New workflows will target the most recent version
         in that version set.
         There may be fewer sets returned than exist, if the request chose to limit this response.
        repeated .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.CompatibleVersionSet major_version_sets = 1;
        Specified by:
        getMajorVersionSetsOrBuilderList in interface GetWorkerBuildIdCompatibilityResponseOrBuilder
      • addMajorVersionSetsBuilder

        public CompatibleVersionSet.Builder addMajorVersionSetsBuilder()
         Major version sets, in order from oldest to newest. The last element of the list will always
         be the current default major version. IE: New workflows will target the most recent version
         in that version set.
         There may be fewer sets returned than exist, if the request chose to limit this response.
        repeated .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.CompatibleVersionSet major_version_sets = 1;
      • addMajorVersionSetsBuilder

        public CompatibleVersionSet.Builder addMajorVersionSetsBuilder​(int index)
         Major version sets, in order from oldest to newest. The last element of the list will always
         be the current default major version. IE: New workflows will target the most recent version
         in that version set.
         There may be fewer sets returned than exist, if the request chose to limit this response.
        repeated .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.CompatibleVersionSet major_version_sets = 1;
      • getMajorVersionSetsBuilderList

        public java.util.List<CompatibleVersionSet.Builder> getMajorVersionSetsBuilderList()
         Major version sets, in order from oldest to newest. The last element of the list will always
         be the current default major version. IE: New workflows will target the most recent version
         in that version set.
         There may be fewer sets returned than exist, if the request chose to limit this response.
        repeated .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.CompatibleVersionSet major_version_sets = 1;