Class PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • getDescriptor

        public static final getDescriptor()
      • internalGetMapField

        protected internalGetMapField​(int number)
        internalGetMapField in class<PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder>
      • internalGetMutableMapField

        protected internalGetMutableMapField​(int number)
        internalGetMutableMapField in class<PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder>
      • internalGetFieldAccessorTable

        protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
        Specified by:
        internalGetFieldAccessorTable in class<PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder>
      • getDescriptorForType

        public getDescriptorForType()
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface
        Specified by:
        getDescriptorForType in interface
        getDescriptorForType in class<PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder>
      • getDefaultInstanceForType

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse getDefaultInstanceForType()
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
      • build

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse build()
        Specified by:
        build in interface
        Specified by:
        build in interface
      • buildPartial

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse buildPartial()
        Specified by:
        buildPartial in interface
        Specified by:
        buildPartial in interface
      • setRepeatedField

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder setRepeatedField​( field,
                                                                      int index,
                                                                      java.lang.Object value)
        Specified by:
        setRepeatedField in interface
        setRepeatedField in class<PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder>
      • addRepeatedField

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder addRepeatedField​( field,
                                                                      java.lang.Object value)
        Specified by:
        addRepeatedField in interface
        addRepeatedField in class<PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder>
      • isInitialized

        public final boolean isInitialized()
        Specified by:
        isInitialized in interface
        isInitialized in class<PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder>
      • mergeFrom

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder mergeFrom​( input,
        Specified by:
        mergeFrom in interface
        Specified by:
        mergeFrom in interface
        mergeFrom in class<PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder>
      • setTaskToken

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder setTaskToken​( value)
         A unique identifier for this task
        bytes task_token = 1;
        value - The taskToken to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • getWorkflowExecutionBuilder

        public WorkflowExecution.Builder getWorkflowExecutionBuilder()
        .temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowExecution workflow_execution = 2;
      • getWorkflowTypeBuilder

        public WorkflowType.Builder getWorkflowTypeBuilder()
        .temporal.api.common.v1.WorkflowType workflow_type = 3;
      • getPreviousStartedEventId

        public long getPreviousStartedEventId()
         The last workflow task started event which was processed by some worker for this execution.
         Will be zero if no task has ever started.
        int64 previous_started_event_id = 4;
        Specified by:
        getPreviousStartedEventId in interface PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponseOrBuilder
        The previousStartedEventId.
      • setPreviousStartedEventId

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder setPreviousStartedEventId​(long value)
         The last workflow task started event which was processed by some worker for this execution.
         Will be zero if no task has ever started.
        int64 previous_started_event_id = 4;
        value - The previousStartedEventId to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearPreviousStartedEventId

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder clearPreviousStartedEventId()
         The last workflow task started event which was processed by some worker for this execution.
         Will be zero if no task has ever started.
        int64 previous_started_event_id = 4;
        This builder for chaining.
      • getStartedEventId

        public long getStartedEventId()
         The id of the most recent workflow task started event, which will have been generated as a
         result of this poll request being served.
        int64 started_event_id = 5;
        Specified by:
        getStartedEventId in interface PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponseOrBuilder
        The startedEventId.
      • setStartedEventId

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder setStartedEventId​(long value)
         The id of the most recent workflow task started event, which will have been generated as a
         result of this poll request being served.
        int64 started_event_id = 5;
        value - The startedEventId to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearStartedEventId

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder clearStartedEventId()
         The id of the most recent workflow task started event, which will have been generated as a
         result of this poll request being served.
        int64 started_event_id = 5;
        This builder for chaining.
      • setAttempt

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder setAttempt​(int value)
         Starting at 1, the number of attempts to complete this task by any worker.
        int32 attempt = 6;
        value - The attempt to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearAttempt

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder clearAttempt()
         Starting at 1, the number of attempts to complete this task by any worker.
        int32 attempt = 6;
        This builder for chaining.
      • getBacklogCountHint

        public long getBacklogCountHint()
         A hint that there are more tasks already present in this task queue. Can be used to
         prioritize draining a sticky queue before polling from a normal queue.
        int64 backlog_count_hint = 7;
        Specified by:
        getBacklogCountHint in interface PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponseOrBuilder
        The backlogCountHint.
      • setBacklogCountHint

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder setBacklogCountHint​(long value)
         A hint that there are more tasks already present in this task queue. Can be used to
         prioritize draining a sticky queue before polling from a normal queue.
        int64 backlog_count_hint = 7;
        value - The backlogCountHint to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearBacklogCountHint

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder clearBacklogCountHint()
         A hint that there are more tasks already present in this task queue. Can be used to
         prioritize draining a sticky queue before polling from a normal queue.
        int64 backlog_count_hint = 7;
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasHistory

        public boolean hasHistory()
         The history for this workflow, which will either be complete or partial. Partial histories
         are sent to workers who have signaled that they are using a sticky queue when completing
         a workflow task.
        .temporal.api.history.v1.History history = 8;
        Specified by:
        hasHistory in interface PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponseOrBuilder
        Whether the history field is set.
      • getHistory

        public History getHistory()
         The history for this workflow, which will either be complete or partial. Partial histories
         are sent to workers who have signaled that they are using a sticky queue when completing
         a workflow task.
        .temporal.api.history.v1.History history = 8;
        Specified by:
        getHistory in interface PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponseOrBuilder
        The history.
      • setHistory

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder setHistory​(History value)
         The history for this workflow, which will either be complete or partial. Partial histories
         are sent to workers who have signaled that they are using a sticky queue when completing
         a workflow task.
        .temporal.api.history.v1.History history = 8;
      • setHistory

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder setHistory​(History.Builder builderForValue)
         The history for this workflow, which will either be complete or partial. Partial histories
         are sent to workers who have signaled that they are using a sticky queue when completing
         a workflow task.
        .temporal.api.history.v1.History history = 8;
      • mergeHistory

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder mergeHistory​(History value)
         The history for this workflow, which will either be complete or partial. Partial histories
         are sent to workers who have signaled that they are using a sticky queue when completing
         a workflow task.
        .temporal.api.history.v1.History history = 8;
      • clearHistory

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder clearHistory()
         The history for this workflow, which will either be complete or partial. Partial histories
         are sent to workers who have signaled that they are using a sticky queue when completing
         a workflow task.
        .temporal.api.history.v1.History history = 8;
      • getHistoryBuilder

        public History.Builder getHistoryBuilder()
         The history for this workflow, which will either be complete or partial. Partial histories
         are sent to workers who have signaled that they are using a sticky queue when completing
         a workflow task.
        .temporal.api.history.v1.History history = 8;
      • getHistoryOrBuilder

        public HistoryOrBuilder getHistoryOrBuilder()
         The history for this workflow, which will either be complete or partial. Partial histories
         are sent to workers who have signaled that they are using a sticky queue when completing
         a workflow task.
        .temporal.api.history.v1.History history = 8;
        Specified by:
        getHistoryOrBuilder in interface PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponseOrBuilder
      • getNextPageToken

        public getNextPageToken()
         Will be set if there are more history events than were included in this response. Such events
         should be fetched via `GetWorkflowExecutionHistory`.
        bytes next_page_token = 9;
        Specified by:
        getNextPageToken in interface PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponseOrBuilder
        The nextPageToken.
      • setNextPageToken

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder setNextPageToken​( value)
         Will be set if there are more history events than were included in this response. Such events
         should be fetched via `GetWorkflowExecutionHistory`.
        bytes next_page_token = 9;
        value - The nextPageToken to set.
        This builder for chaining.
      • clearNextPageToken

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder clearNextPageToken()
         Will be set if there are more history events than were included in this response. Such events
         should be fetched via `GetWorkflowExecutionHistory`.
        bytes next_page_token = 9;
        This builder for chaining.
      • hasQuery

        public boolean hasQuery()
         Legacy queries appear in this field. The query must be responded to via
         `RespondQueryTaskCompleted`. If the workflow is already closed (queries are permitted on
         closed workflows) then the `history` field will be populated with the entire history. It
         may also be populated if this task originates on a non-sticky queue.
        .temporal.api.query.v1.WorkflowQuery query = 10;
        Specified by:
        hasQuery in interface PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponseOrBuilder
        Whether the query field is set.
      • getQuery

        public WorkflowQuery getQuery()
         Legacy queries appear in this field. The query must be responded to via
         `RespondQueryTaskCompleted`. If the workflow is already closed (queries are permitted on
         closed workflows) then the `history` field will be populated with the entire history. It
         may also be populated if this task originates on a non-sticky queue.
        .temporal.api.query.v1.WorkflowQuery query = 10;
        Specified by:
        getQuery in interface PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponseOrBuilder
        The query.
      • setQuery

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder setQuery​(WorkflowQuery value)
         Legacy queries appear in this field. The query must be responded to via
         `RespondQueryTaskCompleted`. If the workflow is already closed (queries are permitted on
         closed workflows) then the `history` field will be populated with the entire history. It
         may also be populated if this task originates on a non-sticky queue.
        .temporal.api.query.v1.WorkflowQuery query = 10;
      • setQuery

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder setQuery​(WorkflowQuery.Builder builderForValue)
         Legacy queries appear in this field. The query must be responded to via
         `RespondQueryTaskCompleted`. If the workflow is already closed (queries are permitted on
         closed workflows) then the `history` field will be populated with the entire history. It
         may also be populated if this task originates on a non-sticky queue.
        .temporal.api.query.v1.WorkflowQuery query = 10;
      • mergeQuery

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder mergeQuery​(WorkflowQuery value)
         Legacy queries appear in this field. The query must be responded to via
         `RespondQueryTaskCompleted`. If the workflow is already closed (queries are permitted on
         closed workflows) then the `history` field will be populated with the entire history. It
         may also be populated if this task originates on a non-sticky queue.
        .temporal.api.query.v1.WorkflowQuery query = 10;
      • clearQuery

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder clearQuery()
         Legacy queries appear in this field. The query must be responded to via
         `RespondQueryTaskCompleted`. If the workflow is already closed (queries are permitted on
         closed workflows) then the `history` field will be populated with the entire history. It
         may also be populated if this task originates on a non-sticky queue.
        .temporal.api.query.v1.WorkflowQuery query = 10;
      • getQueryBuilder

        public WorkflowQuery.Builder getQueryBuilder()
         Legacy queries appear in this field. The query must be responded to via
         `RespondQueryTaskCompleted`. If the workflow is already closed (queries are permitted on
         closed workflows) then the `history` field will be populated with the entire history. It
         may also be populated if this task originates on a non-sticky queue.
        .temporal.api.query.v1.WorkflowQuery query = 10;
      • getQueryOrBuilder

        public WorkflowQueryOrBuilder getQueryOrBuilder()
         Legacy queries appear in this field. The query must be responded to via
         `RespondQueryTaskCompleted`. If the workflow is already closed (queries are permitted on
         closed workflows) then the `history` field will be populated with the entire history. It
         may also be populated if this task originates on a non-sticky queue.
        .temporal.api.query.v1.WorkflowQuery query = 10;
        Specified by:
        getQueryOrBuilder in interface PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponseOrBuilder
      • hasWorkflowExecutionTaskQueue

        public boolean hasWorkflowExecutionTaskQueue()
         The task queue this task originated from, which will always be the original non-sticky name
         for the queue, even if this response came from polling a sticky queue.
        .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.TaskQueue workflow_execution_task_queue = 11;
        Specified by:
        hasWorkflowExecutionTaskQueue in interface PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponseOrBuilder
        Whether the workflowExecutionTaskQueue field is set.
      • getWorkflowExecutionTaskQueue

        public TaskQueue getWorkflowExecutionTaskQueue()
         The task queue this task originated from, which will always be the original non-sticky name
         for the queue, even if this response came from polling a sticky queue.
        .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.TaskQueue workflow_execution_task_queue = 11;
        Specified by:
        getWorkflowExecutionTaskQueue in interface PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponseOrBuilder
        The workflowExecutionTaskQueue.
      • setWorkflowExecutionTaskQueue

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder setWorkflowExecutionTaskQueue​(TaskQueue value)
         The task queue this task originated from, which will always be the original non-sticky name
         for the queue, even if this response came from polling a sticky queue.
        .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.TaskQueue workflow_execution_task_queue = 11;
      • setWorkflowExecutionTaskQueue

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder setWorkflowExecutionTaskQueue​(TaskQueue.Builder builderForValue)
         The task queue this task originated from, which will always be the original non-sticky name
         for the queue, even if this response came from polling a sticky queue.
        .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.TaskQueue workflow_execution_task_queue = 11;
      • mergeWorkflowExecutionTaskQueue

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder mergeWorkflowExecutionTaskQueue​(TaskQueue value)
         The task queue this task originated from, which will always be the original non-sticky name
         for the queue, even if this response came from polling a sticky queue.
        .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.TaskQueue workflow_execution_task_queue = 11;
      • clearWorkflowExecutionTaskQueue

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder clearWorkflowExecutionTaskQueue()
         The task queue this task originated from, which will always be the original non-sticky name
         for the queue, even if this response came from polling a sticky queue.
        .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.TaskQueue workflow_execution_task_queue = 11;
      • getWorkflowExecutionTaskQueueBuilder

        public TaskQueue.Builder getWorkflowExecutionTaskQueueBuilder()
         The task queue this task originated from, which will always be the original non-sticky name
         for the queue, even if this response came from polling a sticky queue.
        .temporal.api.taskqueue.v1.TaskQueue workflow_execution_task_queue = 11;
      • hasScheduledTime

        public boolean hasScheduledTime()
         When this task was scheduled by the server
        .google.protobuf.Timestamp scheduled_time = 12 [(.gogoproto.stdtime) = true];
        Specified by:
        hasScheduledTime in interface PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponseOrBuilder
        Whether the scheduledTime field is set.
      • getScheduledTime

        public getScheduledTime()
         When this task was scheduled by the server
        .google.protobuf.Timestamp scheduled_time = 12 [(.gogoproto.stdtime) = true];
        Specified by:
        getScheduledTime in interface PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponseOrBuilder
        The scheduledTime.
      • setScheduledTime

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder setScheduledTime​( value)
         When this task was scheduled by the server
        .google.protobuf.Timestamp scheduled_time = 12 [(.gogoproto.stdtime) = true];
      • setScheduledTime

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder setScheduledTime​( builderForValue)
         When this task was scheduled by the server
        .google.protobuf.Timestamp scheduled_time = 12 [(.gogoproto.stdtime) = true];
      • mergeScheduledTime

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder mergeScheduledTime​( value)
         When this task was scheduled by the server
        .google.protobuf.Timestamp scheduled_time = 12 [(.gogoproto.stdtime) = true];
      • clearScheduledTime

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder clearScheduledTime()
         When this task was scheduled by the server
        .google.protobuf.Timestamp scheduled_time = 12 [(.gogoproto.stdtime) = true];
      • getScheduledTimeBuilder

        public getScheduledTimeBuilder()
         When this task was scheduled by the server
        .google.protobuf.Timestamp scheduled_time = 12 [(.gogoproto.stdtime) = true];
      • getScheduledTimeOrBuilder

        public getScheduledTimeOrBuilder()
         When this task was scheduled by the server
        .google.protobuf.Timestamp scheduled_time = 12 [(.gogoproto.stdtime) = true];
        Specified by:
        getScheduledTimeOrBuilder in interface PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponseOrBuilder
      • hasStartedTime

        public boolean hasStartedTime()
         When the current workflow task started event was generated, meaning the current attempt.
        .google.protobuf.Timestamp started_time = 13 [(.gogoproto.stdtime) = true];
        Specified by:
        hasStartedTime in interface PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponseOrBuilder
        Whether the startedTime field is set.
      • getStartedTime

        public getStartedTime()
         When the current workflow task started event was generated, meaning the current attempt.
        .google.protobuf.Timestamp started_time = 13 [(.gogoproto.stdtime) = true];
        Specified by:
        getStartedTime in interface PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponseOrBuilder
        The startedTime.
      • setStartedTime

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder setStartedTime​( value)
         When the current workflow task started event was generated, meaning the current attempt.
        .google.protobuf.Timestamp started_time = 13 [(.gogoproto.stdtime) = true];
      • setStartedTime

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder setStartedTime​( builderForValue)
         When the current workflow task started event was generated, meaning the current attempt.
        .google.protobuf.Timestamp started_time = 13 [(.gogoproto.stdtime) = true];
      • mergeStartedTime

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder mergeStartedTime​( value)
         When the current workflow task started event was generated, meaning the current attempt.
        .google.protobuf.Timestamp started_time = 13 [(.gogoproto.stdtime) = true];
      • clearStartedTime

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder clearStartedTime()
         When the current workflow task started event was generated, meaning the current attempt.
        .google.protobuf.Timestamp started_time = 13 [(.gogoproto.stdtime) = true];
      • getStartedTimeBuilder

        public getStartedTimeBuilder()
         When the current workflow task started event was generated, meaning the current attempt.
        .google.protobuf.Timestamp started_time = 13 [(.gogoproto.stdtime) = true];
      • getStartedTimeOrBuilder

        public getStartedTimeOrBuilder()
         When the current workflow task started event was generated, meaning the current attempt.
        .google.protobuf.Timestamp started_time = 13 [(.gogoproto.stdtime) = true];
        Specified by:
        getStartedTimeOrBuilder in interface PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponseOrBuilder
      • containsQueries

        public boolean containsQueries​(java.lang.String key)
         Queries that should be executed after applying the history in this task. Responses should be
         attached to `RespondWorkflowTaskCompletedRequest::query_results`
        map<string, .temporal.api.query.v1.WorkflowQuery> queries = 14;
        Specified by:
        containsQueries in interface PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponseOrBuilder
      • getQueriesMap

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​WorkflowQuery> getQueriesMap()
         Queries that should be executed after applying the history in this task. Responses should be
         attached to `RespondWorkflowTaskCompletedRequest::query_results`
        map<string, .temporal.api.query.v1.WorkflowQuery> queries = 14;
        Specified by:
        getQueriesMap in interface PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponseOrBuilder
      • getQueriesOrDefault

        public WorkflowQuery getQueriesOrDefault​(java.lang.String key,
                                                 WorkflowQuery defaultValue)
         Queries that should be executed after applying the history in this task. Responses should be
         attached to `RespondWorkflowTaskCompletedRequest::query_results`
        map<string, .temporal.api.query.v1.WorkflowQuery> queries = 14;
        Specified by:
        getQueriesOrDefault in interface PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponseOrBuilder
      • getQueriesOrThrow

        public WorkflowQuery getQueriesOrThrow​(java.lang.String key)
         Queries that should be executed after applying the history in this task. Responses should be
         attached to `RespondWorkflowTaskCompletedRequest::query_results`
        map<string, .temporal.api.query.v1.WorkflowQuery> queries = 14;
        Specified by:
        getQueriesOrThrow in interface PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponseOrBuilder
      • removeQueries

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder removeQueries​(java.lang.String key)
         Queries that should be executed after applying the history in this task. Responses should be
         attached to `RespondWorkflowTaskCompletedRequest::query_results`
        map<string, .temporal.api.query.v1.WorkflowQuery> queries = 14;
      • getMutableQueries

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​WorkflowQuery> getMutableQueries()
        Use alternate mutation accessors instead.
      • putQueries

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder putQueries​(java.lang.String key,
                                                                WorkflowQuery value)
         Queries that should be executed after applying the history in this task. Responses should be
         attached to `RespondWorkflowTaskCompletedRequest::query_results`
        map<string, .temporal.api.query.v1.WorkflowQuery> queries = 14;
      • putAllQueries

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder putAllQueries​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​WorkflowQuery> values)
         Queries that should be executed after applying the history in this task. Responses should be
         attached to `RespondWorkflowTaskCompletedRequest::query_results`
        map<string, .temporal.api.query.v1.WorkflowQuery> queries = 14;
      • addAllMessages

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder addAllMessages​(java.lang.Iterable<? extends Message> values)
         Protocol messages piggybacking on a WFT as a transport
        repeated .temporal.api.protocol.v1.Message messages = 15;
      • clearMessages

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder clearMessages()
         Protocol messages piggybacking on a WFT as a transport
        repeated .temporal.api.protocol.v1.Message messages = 15;
      • removeMessages

        public PollWorkflowTaskQueueResponse.Builder removeMessages​(int index)
         Protocol messages piggybacking on a WFT as a transport
        repeated .temporal.api.protocol.v1.Message messages = 15;
      • getMessagesBuilder

        public Message.Builder getMessagesBuilder​(int index)
         Protocol messages piggybacking on a WFT as a transport
        repeated .temporal.api.protocol.v1.Message messages = 15;
      • addMessagesBuilder

        public Message.Builder addMessagesBuilder()
         Protocol messages piggybacking on a WFT as a transport
        repeated .temporal.api.protocol.v1.Message messages = 15;
      • addMessagesBuilder

        public Message.Builder addMessagesBuilder​(int index)
         Protocol messages piggybacking on a WFT as a transport
        repeated .temporal.api.protocol.v1.Message messages = 15;
      • getMessagesBuilderList

        public java.util.List<Message.Builder> getMessagesBuilderList()
         Protocol messages piggybacking on a WFT as a transport
        repeated .temporal.api.protocol.v1.Message messages = 15;