
trait Bindings extends AnyRef

Linear Supertypes
Known Subclasses
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Bindings
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. implicit final class InlineStyleOps[T] extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final val CheckButtons: inputs.CheckButtons.type
  5. final val Checkbox: inputs.Checkbox.type
  6. final val FileInput: inputs.FileInput.type
  7. final val NumberInput: inputs.NumberInput.type
  8. final val PasswordInput: inputs.PasswordInput.type
  9. final val RadioButtons: inputs.RadioButtons.type
  10. final val RangeInput: inputs.RangeInput.type
  11. final val Select: inputs.Select.type
  12. final val TextArea: inputs.TextArea.type
  13. final val TextInput: inputs.TextInput.type
  14. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  15. def bind(property: properties.single.ReadableProperty[_]): Binding

    Use it to bind value of property into DOM structure.

    Use it to bind value of property into DOM structure. Value of the property will be rendered as text node. (Using .toString method.) If property value is null, empty text node will be added.


    Property to bind.


    property binding.

  16. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
  17. def emptyStringNode(): Node

    Creates empty text node, which is useful as placeholder.

  18. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  19. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  20. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
  21. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
  22. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  23. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  24. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
  25. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @native() @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate()
  26. def produce[T](property: properties.seq.ReadableSeqProperty[T, _ <: properties.single.ReadableProperty[T]], customElementsReplace: ReplaceMethod)(builder: (Seq[T]) => Seq[Node]): Binding

    Use it to bind sequence property into DOM structure, given builder will be used to generate DOM element on every value change.

    Use it to bind sequence property into DOM structure, given builder will be used to generate DOM element on every value change. Notice that on every property change, whole element representing property will be rendered again.


    Property to bind.


    takes root element, old children and new children. It should return true, if it did not replace elements in DOM. Is such a case the default implementation will replace the elements. Otherwise you have to replace elements in DOM manually.


    Element builder which will be used to create HTML element. Seq passed to the builder can not be null.


    property binding.

  27. def produce[T](property: properties.seq.ReadableSeqProperty[T, _ <: properties.single.ReadableProperty[T]])(builder: (Seq[T]) => Seq[Node]): Binding

    Use it to bind sequence property into DOM structure, given builder will be used to generate DOM element on every value change.

    Use it to bind sequence property into DOM structure, given builder will be used to generate DOM element on every value change. Notice that on every property change, whole element representing property will be rendered again.


    Property to bind.


    Element builder which will be used to create HTML element. Seq passed to the builder cannot be null.


    property binding.

  28. def produce[T](property: properties.single.ReadableProperty[T], customElementsReplace: ReplaceMethod, checkNull: Boolean)(builder: (T) => Seq[Node]): Binding

    Use it to bind property into DOM structure, given builder will be used to generate DOM element on every value change.

    Use it to bind property into DOM structure, given builder will be used to generate DOM element on every value change. If property value is null, empty text node will be added as placeholder.


    Property to bind.


    takes root element, old children and new children. It should return true, if it did not replace elements in DOM. Is such a case the default implementation will replace the elements. Otherwise you have to replace elements in DOM manually.


    if it is true, then null value of property will result in rendering empty text node. if it is false, then null value has to be handled by builder.


    Element builder which will be used to create HTML element.


    property binding.

  29. def produce[T](property: properties.single.ReadableProperty[T], checkNull: Boolean = true)(builder: (T) => Seq[Node]): Binding

    Use it to bind property into DOM structure, given builder will be used to generate DOM element on every value change.

    Use it to bind property into DOM structure, given builder will be used to generate DOM element on every value change. If property value is null, empty text node will be added as placeholder.


    Property to bind.


    if it is true, then null value of property will result in rendering empty text node. if it is false, then null value has to be handled by builder.


    Element builder which will be used to create HTML element.


    property binding.

  30. def produceWithNested[T](property: properties.seq.ReadableSeqProperty[T, _ <: properties.single.ReadableProperty[T]], customElementsReplace: ReplaceMethod)(builder: (Seq[T], NestedInterceptor) => Seq[Node]): Binding

    Use it to bind sequence property into DOM structure, given builder will be used to generate DOM element on every value change.

    Use it to bind sequence property into DOM structure, given builder will be used to generate DOM element on every value change. Notice that on every property change, whole element representing property will be rendered again.

    The builder takes nested bindings interceptor - it should be used if you want to create another binding inside this builder. This prevents memory leaks by killing nested bindings on property change.


    Property to bind.


    takes root element, old children and new children. It should return true, if it did not replace elements in DOM. Is such a case the default implementation will replace the elements. Otherwise you have to replace elements in DOM manually.


    Element builder which will be used to create HTML element. Seq passed to the builder can not be null.


    property binding.

  31. def produceWithNested[T](property: properties.seq.ReadableSeqProperty[T, _ <: properties.single.ReadableProperty[T]])(builder: (Seq[T], NestedInterceptor) => Seq[Node]): Binding

    Use it to bind sequence property into DOM structure, given builder will be used to generate DOM element on every value change.

    Use it to bind sequence property into DOM structure, given builder will be used to generate DOM element on every value change. Notice that on every property change, whole element representing property will be rendered again.

    The builder takes nested bindings interceptor - it should be used if you want to create another binding inside this builder. This prevents memory leaks by killing nested bindings on property change.


    Property to bind.


    Element builder which will be used to create HTML element. Seq passed to the builder can not be null.


    property binding.

  32. def produceWithNested[T](property: properties.single.ReadableProperty[T], customElementsReplace: ReplaceMethod, checkNull: Boolean)(builder: (T, NestedInterceptor) => Seq[Node]): Binding

    Use it to bind property into DOM structure, given builder will be used to generate DOM element on every value change.

    Use it to bind property into DOM structure, given builder will be used to generate DOM element on every value change. If property value is null, empty text node will be added as placeholder.

    The builder takes nested bindings interceptor - it should be used if you want to create another binding inside this builder. This prevents memory leaks by killing nested bindings on property change.

    For example:

    produceWithNested(property) { case (data, nested) =>
      div(data, nested(produce(anotherProperty) { innerData => span(innerData).render })).render

    Property to bind.


    takes root element, old children and new children. It should return true, if it did not replace elements in DOM. Is such a case the default implementation will replace the elements. Otherwise you have to replace elements in DOM manually.


    if it is true, then null value of property will result in rendering empty text node. if it is false, then null value has to be handled by builder.


    Element builder which will be used to create HTML element.


    property binding.

  33. def produceWithNested[T](property: properties.single.ReadableProperty[T], checkNull: Boolean = true)(builder: (T, NestedInterceptor) => Seq[Node]): Binding

    Use it to bind property into DOM structure, given builder will be used to generate DOM element on every value change.

    Use it to bind property into DOM structure, given builder will be used to generate DOM element on every value change. If property value is null, empty text node will be added as placeholder.

    The builder takes nested bindings interceptor - it should be used if you want to create another binding inside this builder. This prevents memory leaks by killing nested bindings on property change.

    For example:

    produceWithNested(property) { case (data, nested) =>
      div(data, nested(produce(anotherProperty) { innerData => span(innerData).render })).render

    Property to bind.


    if it is true, then null value of property will result in rendering empty text node. if it is false, then null value has to be handled by builder.


    Element builder which will be used to create HTML element.


    property binding.

  34. def queuedNode(component: => Seq[Node], timeout: Int = 0): Modifier[Element]

    Renders component with provided timeout.

    Renders component with provided timeout. It's useful to render heavy components after displaying the main view.

  35. def repeat[T, E <: properties.single.ReadableProperty[T]](property: properties.seq.ReadableSeqProperty[T, E], customElementsReplace: ReplaceMethod = DOMManipulator.DefaultElementReplace, customElementsInsert: InsertMethod = DOMManipulator.DefaultElementInsert)(builder: (E) => Seq[Node]): Binding

    Use it to bind sequence property into DOM structure.

    Use it to bind sequence property into DOM structure. This method cares about adding new elements which appears in sequence and also removes those which were removed. You only need to provide builder which is used to create HTML element for each sequence member.
    Note: This will handle only structure changes, if you want to handle concrete subproperties changes, you should use another binding method inside builder.


    Property to bind.


    takes root element, old children and new children. It should return true, if it did not replace elements in DOM. Is such a case the default implementation will replace the elements. Otherwise you have to replace elements in DOM manually.


    takes root element, ref node and new children. It should return true, if it does not insert elements in DOM. Is such a case the default implementation will insert the elements. Otherwise you have to insert elements in DOM manually.


    Builder which is used for every element.


    property binding.

  36. def repeatWithIndex[T, E <: properties.single.ReadableProperty[T]](property: properties.seq.ReadableSeqProperty[T, E], customElementsReplace: ReplaceMethod = DOMManipulator.DefaultElementReplace, customElementsInsert: InsertMethod = DOMManipulator.DefaultElementInsert)(builder: (E, properties.single.ReadableProperty[Int], NestedInterceptor) => Seq[Node]): Binding

    Use it to bind sequence property into DOM structure.

    Use it to bind sequence property into DOM structure. This method cares about adding new elements which appears in sequence and also removes those which were removed. You only need to provide builder which is used to create HTML element for each sequence member. This modifier provides also property with element index in sequence.
    Note: This will handle only structure changes, if you want to handle concrete subproperties changes, you should use another binding method inside builder.

    The builder takes nested bindings interceptor - it should be used if you want to create another binding inside this builder. This prevents memory leaks by killing nested bindings on property change.


    Property to bind.


    takes root element, old children and new children. It should return true, if it did not replace elements in DOM. Is such a case the default implementation will replace the elements. Otherwise you have to replace elements in DOM manually.


    takes root element, ref node and new children. It should return true, if it does not insert elements in DOM. Is such a case the default implementation will insert the elements. Otherwise you have to insert elements in DOM manually.


    Builder which is used for every element.


    property binding.

  37. def repeatWithNested[T, E <: properties.single.ReadableProperty[T]](property: properties.seq.ReadableSeqProperty[T, E], customElementsReplace: ReplaceMethod = DOMManipulator.DefaultElementReplace, customElementsInsert: InsertMethod = DOMManipulator.DefaultElementInsert)(builder: (E, NestedInterceptor) => Seq[Node]): Binding

    Use it to bind sequence property into DOM structure.

    Use it to bind sequence property into DOM structure. This method cares about adding new elements which appears in sequence and also removes those which were removed. You only need to provide builder which is used to create HTML element for each sequence member.
    Note: This will handle only structure changes, if you want to handle concrete subproperties changes, you should use another binding method inside builder.

    The builder takes nested bindings interceptor - it should be used if you want to create another binding inside this builder. This prevents memory leaks by killing nested bindings on property change.


    Property to bind.


    takes root element, old children and new children. It should return true, if it did not replace elements in DOM. Is such a case the default implementation will replace the elements. Otherwise you have to replace elements in DOM manually.


    takes root element, ref node and new children. It should return true, if it does not insert elements in DOM. Is such a case the default implementation will insert the elements. Otherwise you have to insert elements in DOM manually.


    Builder which is used for every element.


    property binding.

  38. implicit def seqFromElement(el: Element): Seq[Element]
  39. implicit def seqFromNode(el: Node): Seq[Node]
  40. implicit def seqNodeFromOpt[T](el: com.avsystem.commons.Opt[T])(implicit ev: (T) => Modifier[Element]): Modifier[Element]
  41. def showIf(property: properties.single.ReadableProperty[Boolean], customElementsReplace: ReplaceMethod)(elements: => Seq[Node]): Binding

    Shows provided DOM elements only if property value is true.

    Shows provided DOM elements only if property value is true.


    Property to check.


    takes root element, old children and new children. It should return true, if it did not replace elements in DOM. Is such a case the default implementation will replace the elements. Otherwise you have to replace elements in DOM manually.


    Elements to show if property value is true.


    property binding.

  42. def showIf(property: properties.single.ReadableProperty[Boolean])(elements: => Seq[Node]): Binding

    Shows provided DOM elements only if property value is true.

    Shows provided DOM elements only if property value is true.


    Property to check.


    Elements to show if property value is true.


    property binding.

  43. def showIfElse(property: properties.single.ReadableProperty[Boolean], customElementsReplace: ReplaceMethod)(elements: => Seq[Node], elseElements: => Seq[Node]): Binding

    Switches provided DOM elements depending on property value.

    Switches provided DOM elements depending on property value.


    Property to check.


    takes root element, old children and new children. It should return true, if it did not replace elements in DOM. Is such a case the default implementation will replace the elements. Otherwise you have to replace elements in DOM manually.


    Elements to show if property value is true.


    Elements to show if property value is false.


    property binding.

  44. def showIfElse(property: properties.single.ReadableProperty[Boolean])(elements: => Seq[Node], elseElements: => Seq[Node]): Binding

    Switches provided DOM elements depending on property value.

    Switches provided DOM elements depending on property value.


    Property to check.


    Elements to show if property value is true.


    Elements to show if property value is false.


    property binding.

  45. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  46. implicit def toAttrOps(attr: Attr): AttrOps
  47. implicit def toAttrPairOps(attr: AttrPair[Element, _]): AttrPairOps
  48. implicit def toPropertyOps[T](property: properties.single.ReadableProperty[T]): PropertyOps[T]
  49. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  50. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  51. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  52. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.Throwable]) @Deprecated

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
