
package core

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait ContainerView extends View

    A io.udash.core.View which can render child view.

  2. trait Presenter[-S <: State] extends AnyRef

    The Presenter should contain all business logic of a view: user interaction callbacks, server communication.

    The Presenter should contain all business logic of a view: user interaction callbacks, server communication. It should not call any methods of a View class. The View and the Presenter should communicate via Model properties. When implementing Presenter, you should remember, that a handleState method can be called not only on view initialization.


    State for which this presenter is defined.

  3. trait State extends AnyRef

    The class which should be used to present the state for io.udash.routing.RoutingRegistry.

  4. abstract class StaticViewFactory[S <: State] extends ViewFactory[S]

    Creates view with io.udash.core.EmptyPresenter.

    Creates view with io.udash.core.EmptyPresenter. Used for static views.

    By default, instances of this class are compared by class name to prevent rerendering of static views. This behaviour can be opted out of by overriding equals/hashCode.

  5. final case class Url(value: String) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable

    Url wrapper - just for avoiding strings.

  6. trait View extends AnyRef

    Abstract view which should be used in order to implement View for io.udash.core.ViewFactory.

    Abstract view which should be used in order to implement View for io.udash.core.ViewFactory. The View implementation usually gets the model and the io.udash.core.Presenter as constructor arguments.

  7. trait ViewFactory[S <: State] extends AnyRef

    The ViewFactory has to prepare model, io.udash.core.View, io.udash.core.Presenter and link them together.

    The ViewFactory has to prepare model, io.udash.core.View, io.udash.core.Presenter and link them together.


    State for which this pair is defined.

  8. trait ViewFactoryRegistry[HierarchyRoot <: State] extends AnyRef

    The implementation of this trait should be injected to io.udash.Application.

    The implementation of this trait should be injected to io.udash.Application. It is used to map State to ViewFactory.

Value Members

  1. object EmptyPresenter extends Presenter[State]

    Ignores state changes.

    Ignores state changes. Useful for static views.

  2. object Url extends properties.HasModelPropertyCreator[Url] with Serializable
