API.Match.Pattern0<T> pattern
Function<T,R> f
API.Match.Pattern2<T,T1,T2> pattern
BiFunction<T,U,R> f
@GwtIncompatible(value="The Java serialization protocol is explicitly not supported") private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
- If an error occurs writing to the stream.Object value
Object obj
private Object readResolve()
Object _1
Object _1
Object _2
Object _3
Object _4
Object _5
Object _6
Object _7
Object _1
Object _2
Object _3
Object _4
Object _5
Object _6
Object _7
Object _8
long elements
int len
long elements1
long elements2
int len
long[] elements
int len
Object[] subNodes
int count
int size
private Object readResolve()
int bitmap
int size
Object[] subNodes
int hash
Object key
Object value
int size
HashArrayMappedTrieModule.LeafNode<K,V> tail
private Object readResolve()
io.vavr.collection.HashArrayMappedTrie<K,V> trie
@GwtIncompatible(value="The Java serialization protocol is explicitly not supported") private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws InvalidObjectException
method for the serialization proxy pattern.
Guarantees that the serialization system will never generate a serialized instance of the enclosing class.
- This method will throw with the message "Proxy required".@GwtIncompatible(value="The Java serialization protocol is explicitly not supported") private Object writeReplace()
method for the serialization proxy pattern.
The presence of this method causes the serialization system to emit a SerializationProxy instance instead of an instance of the enclosing class.
io.vavr.collection.HashArrayMappedTrie<K,V> tree
@GwtIncompatible(value="The Java serialization protocol is explicitly not supported") private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws InvalidObjectException
method for the serialization proxy pattern.
Guarantees that the serialization system will never generate a serialized instance of the enclosing class.
- This method will throw with the message "Proxy required".@GwtIncompatible(value="The Java serialization protocol is explicitly not supported") private Object writeReplace()
method for the serialization proxy pattern.
The presence of this method causes the serialization system to emit a SerializationProxy instance instead of an instance of the enclosing class.
LinkedHashMap<K,V> map
@GwtIncompatible(value="The Java serialization protocol is explicitly not supported") private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws InvalidObjectException
method for the serialization proxy pattern.
Guarantees that the serialization system will never generate a serialized instance of the enclosing class.
- This method will throw with the message "Proxy required".@GwtIncompatible(value="The Java serialization protocol is explicitly not supported") private Object writeReplace()
method for the serialization proxy pattern.
The presence of this method causes the serialization system to emit a SerializationProxy instance instead of an instance of the enclosing class.
private Object readResolve()
Comparator<T> comparator
Seq<T> forest
int size
Comparator<T> comparator
RedBlackTree.Color color
int blackHeight
io.vavr.collection.RedBlackTree<T> left
Object value
io.vavr.collection.RedBlackTree<T> right
RedBlackTreeModule.Empty<T> empty
int size
private Object readResolve()
@GwtIncompatible(value="The Java serialization protocol is explicitly not supported") private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws InvalidObjectException
@GwtIncompatible(value="The Java serialization protocol is explicitly not supported") private Object writeReplace()
@GwtIncompatible(value="The Java serialization protocol is explicitly not supported") private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws InvalidObjectException
@GwtIncompatible(value="The Java serialization protocol is explicitly not supported") private Object writeReplace()
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
- If the object's class read from the stream cannot be found.InvalidObjectException
- If the stream contains no stream elements.IOException
- If an error occurs reading from the stream.private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
- If an error occurs writing to the stream.private Object readResolve()
method for the serialization proxy pattern.
Returns a logically equivalent instance of the enclosing class. The presence of this method causes the serialization system to translate the serialization proxy back into an instance of the enclosing class upon deserialization.
private Object readResolve()
@GwtIncompatible(value="The Java serialization protocol is explicitly not supported") private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws InvalidObjectException
method for the serialization proxy pattern.
Guarantees that the serialization system will never generate a serialized instance of the enclosing class.
- This method will throw with the message "Proxy required".@GwtIncompatible(value="The Java serialization protocol is explicitly not supported") private Object writeReplace()
method for the serialization proxy pattern.
The presence of this method causes the serialization system to emit a SerializationProxy instance instead of an instance of the enclosing class.
io.vavr.collection.RedBlackTree<T> entries
private Object readResolve()
Comparator<T> keyComparator
io.vavr.collection.RedBlackTree<T> tree
private Object readResolve()
io.vavr.collection.BitMappedTrie<T> trie
Object value
Object value
private Object readResolve()
Object value
Throwable cause
Object value
Object error
Object value
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