- Value type in the case of success.public interface Try<T> extends Value<T>, Serializable
The following exceptions are considered to be fatal/non-recoverable:
Important note: Try may re-throw (undeclared) exceptions, e.g. on get()
. From within a
dynamic proxy InvocationHandler
this will lead to an
. For more information, please read
Dynamic Proxy Classes.
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
static class |
A failed Try.
static class |
A succeeded Try.
static class |
Try.WithResources1<T1 extends AutoCloseable>
Try -with-resources builder that operates on one AutoCloseable resource. |
static class |
Try.WithResources2<T1 extends AutoCloseable,T2 extends AutoCloseable>
Try -with-resources builder that operates on two AutoCloseable resources. |
static class |
Try.WithResources3<T1 extends AutoCloseable,T2 extends AutoCloseable,T3 extends AutoCloseable>
Try -with-resources builder that operates on three AutoCloseable resources. |
static class |
Try.WithResources4<T1 extends AutoCloseable,T2 extends AutoCloseable,T3 extends AutoCloseable,T4 extends AutoCloseable>
Try -with-resources builder that operates on four AutoCloseable resources. |
static class |
Try.WithResources5<T1 extends AutoCloseable,T2 extends AutoCloseable,T3 extends AutoCloseable,T4 extends AutoCloseable,T5 extends AutoCloseable>
Try -with-resources builder that operates on five AutoCloseable resources. |
static class |
Try.WithResources6<T1 extends AutoCloseable,T2 extends AutoCloseable,T3 extends AutoCloseable,T4 extends AutoCloseable,T5 extends AutoCloseable,T6 extends AutoCloseable>
Try -with-resources builder that operates on six AutoCloseable resources. |
static class |
Try.WithResources7<T1 extends AutoCloseable,T2 extends AutoCloseable,T3 extends AutoCloseable,T4 extends AutoCloseable,T5 extends AutoCloseable,T6 extends AutoCloseable,T7 extends AutoCloseable>
Try -with-resources builder that operates on seven AutoCloseable resources. |
static class |
Try.WithResources8<T1 extends AutoCloseable,T2 extends AutoCloseable,T3 extends AutoCloseable,T4 extends AutoCloseable,T5 extends AutoCloseable,T6 extends AutoCloseable,T7 extends AutoCloseable,T8 extends AutoCloseable>
Try -with-resources builder that operates on eight AutoCloseable resources. |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static long |
serialVersionUID |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default Try<T> |
andFinally(Runnable runnable)
Provides try's finally behavior no matter what the result of the operation is.
default Try<T> |
andFinallyTry(CheckedRunnable runnable)
Provides try's finally behavior no matter what the result of the operation is.
default Try<T> |
andThen(Consumer<? super T> consumer)
Shortcut for
andThenTry(consumer::accept) , see andThenTry(CheckedConsumer) . |
default Try<T> |
andThen(Runnable runnable)
Shortcut for
andThenTry(runnable::run) , see andThenTry(CheckedRunnable) . |
default Try<T> |
andThenTry(CheckedConsumer<? super T> consumer)
Passes the result to the given
consumer if this is a Success . |
default Try<T> |
andThenTry(CheckedRunnable runnable)
Runs the given runnable if this is a
Success , otherwise returns this Failure . |
default <R> Try<R> |
collect(PartialFunction<? super T,? extends R> partialFunction)
Collects value that is in the domain of the given
partialFunction by mapping the value to type R . |
boolean |
equals(Object o)
Clarifies that values have a proper equals() method implemented.
default Try<Throwable> |
Success(throwable) if this is a Failure(throwable) , otherwise
a Failure(new NoSuchElementException("Success.failed()")) if this is a Success. |
static <T> Try<T> |
failure(Throwable exception)
Creates a
Try.Failure that contains the given exception . |
default Try<T> |
filter(Predicate<? super T> predicate)
Shortcut for
filterTry(predicate::test) , see filterTry(CheckedPredicate) }. |
default Try<T> |
filter(Predicate<? super T> predicate,
Function<? super T,? extends Throwable> errorProvider)
Shortcut for
filterTry(predicate::test, errorProvider::apply) , see
filterTry(CheckedPredicate, CheckedFunction1) }. |
default Try<T> |
filter(Predicate<? super T> predicate,
Supplier<? extends Throwable> throwableSupplier)
Shortcut for
filterTry(predicate::test, throwableSupplier) , see
filterTry(CheckedPredicate, Supplier) }. |
default Try<T> |
filterTry(CheckedPredicate<? super T> predicate)
this if this is a Failure or this is a Success and the value satisfies the predicate. |
default Try<T> |
filterTry(CheckedPredicate<? super T> predicate,
CheckedFunction1<? super T,? extends Throwable> errorProvider)
this if this is a Failure or this is a Success and the value satisfies the predicate. |
default Try<T> |
filterTry(CheckedPredicate<? super T> predicate,
Supplier<? extends Throwable> throwableSupplier)
this if this is a Failure or this is a Success and the value satisfies the predicate. |
default <U> Try<U> |
flatMap(Function<? super T,? extends Try<? extends U>> mapper)
Shortcut for
flatMapTry(mapper::apply) , see flatMapTry(CheckedFunction1) . |
default <U> Try<U> |
flatMapTry(CheckedFunction1<? super T,? extends Try<? extends U>> mapper)
FlatMaps the value of a Success or returns a Failure.
T |
Gets the result of this Try if this is a
Success or throws if this is a Failure . |
Throwable |
Gets the cause if this is a Failure or throws if this is a Success.
default T |
getOrElseGet(Function<? super Throwable,? extends T> other) |
default <X extends Throwable> |
getOrElseThrow(Function<? super Throwable,X> exceptionProvider) |
int |
Clarifies that values have a proper hashCode() method implemented.
default boolean |
Try 's value is computed synchronously. |
boolean |
Checks whether this Try has no result, i.e.
boolean |
Checks if this is a Failure.
default boolean |
Try 's value is computed eagerly. |
default boolean |
Try is a single-valued. |
boolean |
Checks if this is a Success.
default Iterator<T> |
Returns a rich
io.vavr.collection.Iterator . |
default <U> Try<U> |
map(Function<? super T,? extends U> mapper)
Shortcut for
mapTry(mapper::apply) , see mapTry(CheckedFunction1) . |
default Try<T> |
mapFailure(API.Match.Case<? extends Throwable,? extends Throwable>... cases)
Maps the cause to a new exception if this is a
Failure or returns this instance if this is a Success . |
default <U> Try<U> |
mapTry(CheckedFunction1<? super T,? extends U> mapper)
Runs the given checked function if this is a
Success ,
passing the result of the current expression to it. |
static <T> Try<T> |
narrow(Try<? extends T> t)
Narrows a widened
Try<? extends T> to Try<T>
by performing a type-safe cast. |
static <T> Try<T> |
of(CheckedFunction0<? extends T> supplier)
Creates a Try of a CheckedFunction0.
static <T> Try<T> |
ofCallable(Callable<? extends T> callable)
Creates a Try of a Callable.
static <T> Try<T> |
ofSupplier(Supplier<? extends T> supplier)
Creates a Try of a Supplier.
default Try<T> |
onFailure(Consumer<? super Throwable> action)
Consumes the throwable if this is a Failure.
default Try<T> |
onSuccess(Consumer<? super T> action)
Consumes the value if this is a Success.
default Try<T> |
orElse(Supplier<? extends Try<? extends T>> supplier) |
default Try<T> |
orElse(Try<? extends T> other) |
default void |
orElseRun(Consumer<? super Throwable> action) |
default Try<T> |
peek(Consumer<? super T> action)
Applies the action to the value of a Success or does nothing in the case of a Failure.
default <X extends Throwable> |
recover(Class<X> exception,
Function<? super X,? extends T> f)
this , if this is a Success or this is a Failure and the cause is not assignable
from cause.getClass() . |
default <X extends Throwable> |
recover(Class<X> exception,
T value)
this , if this is a Success or this is a Failure and the cause is not assignable
from cause.getClass() . |
default Try<T> |
recover(Function<? super Throwable,? extends T> f)
this , if this is a Success , otherwise tries to recover the exception of the failure with f ,
i.e. |
default <X extends Throwable> |
recoverWith(Class<X> exception,
Function<? super X,Try<? extends T>> f)
this , if this is a Success or this is a Failure and the cause is not assignable
from cause.getClass() . |
default <X extends Throwable> |
recoverWith(Class<X> exception,
Try<? extends T> recovered) |
default Try<T> |
recoverWith(Function<? super Throwable,? extends Try<? extends T>> f)
this , if this is a Success, otherwise tries to recover the exception of the failure with f ,
i.e. |
static Try<Void> |
run(CheckedRunnable runnable)
Creates a Try of a CheckedRunnable.
static Try<Void> |
runRunnable(Runnable runnable)
Creates a Try of a Runnable.
static <T> Try<Seq<T>> |
sequence(Iterable<? extends Try<? extends T>> values)
Reduces many
Try s into a single Try by transforming an
Iterable<Try<? extends T>> into a Try<Seq<T>> . |
static <T> Try<T> |
success(T value)
Creates a
Try.Success that contains the given value . |
default Either<Throwable,T> |
Converts this
Try to an Either . |
String |
Clarifies that values have a proper toString() method implemented.
default <U> U |
transform(Function<? super Try<T>,? extends U> f)
Transforms this
Try . |
static <T1 extends AutoCloseable> |
withResources(CheckedFunction0<? extends T1> t1Supplier)
Creates a
Try -with-resources builder that operates on one AutoCloseable resource. |
static <T1 extends AutoCloseable,T2 extends AutoCloseable> |
withResources(CheckedFunction0<? extends T1> t1Supplier,
CheckedFunction0<? extends T2> t2Supplier)
Creates a
Try -with-resources builder that operates on two AutoCloseable resources. |
static <T1 extends AutoCloseable,T2 extends AutoCloseable,T3 extends AutoCloseable> |
withResources(CheckedFunction0<? extends T1> t1Supplier,
CheckedFunction0<? extends T2> t2Supplier,
CheckedFunction0<? extends T3> t3Supplier)
Creates a
Try -with-resources builder that operates on three AutoCloseable resources. |
static <T1 extends AutoCloseable,T2 extends AutoCloseable,T3 extends AutoCloseable,T4 extends AutoCloseable> |
withResources(CheckedFunction0<? extends T1> t1Supplier,
CheckedFunction0<? extends T2> t2Supplier,
CheckedFunction0<? extends T3> t3Supplier,
CheckedFunction0<? extends T4> t4Supplier)
Creates a
Try -with-resources builder that operates on four AutoCloseable resources. |
static <T1 extends AutoCloseable,T2 extends AutoCloseable,T3 extends AutoCloseable,T4 extends AutoCloseable,T5 extends AutoCloseable> |
withResources(CheckedFunction0<? extends T1> t1Supplier,
CheckedFunction0<? extends T2> t2Supplier,
CheckedFunction0<? extends T3> t3Supplier,
CheckedFunction0<? extends T4> t4Supplier,
CheckedFunction0<? extends T5> t5Supplier)
Creates a
Try -with-resources builder that operates on five AutoCloseable resources. |
static <T1 extends AutoCloseable,T2 extends AutoCloseable,T3 extends AutoCloseable,T4 extends AutoCloseable,T5 extends AutoCloseable,T6 extends AutoCloseable> |
withResources(CheckedFunction0<? extends T1> t1Supplier,
CheckedFunction0<? extends T2> t2Supplier,
CheckedFunction0<? extends T3> t3Supplier,
CheckedFunction0<? extends T4> t4Supplier,
CheckedFunction0<? extends T5> t5Supplier,
CheckedFunction0<? extends T6> t6Supplier)
Creates a
Try -with-resources builder that operates on six AutoCloseable resources. |
static <T1 extends AutoCloseable,T2 extends AutoCloseable,T3 extends AutoCloseable,T4 extends AutoCloseable,T5 extends AutoCloseable,T6 extends AutoCloseable,T7 extends AutoCloseable> |
withResources(CheckedFunction0<? extends T1> t1Supplier,
CheckedFunction0<? extends T2> t2Supplier,
CheckedFunction0<? extends T3> t3Supplier,
CheckedFunction0<? extends T4> t4Supplier,
CheckedFunction0<? extends T5> t5Supplier,
CheckedFunction0<? extends T6> t6Supplier,
CheckedFunction0<? extends T7> t7Supplier)
Creates a
Try -with-resources builder that operates on seven AutoCloseable resources. |
static <T1 extends AutoCloseable,T2 extends AutoCloseable,T3 extends AutoCloseable,T4 extends AutoCloseable,T5 extends AutoCloseable,T6 extends AutoCloseable,T7 extends AutoCloseable,T8 extends AutoCloseable> |
withResources(CheckedFunction0<? extends T1> t1Supplier,
CheckedFunction0<? extends T2> t2Supplier,
CheckedFunction0<? extends T3> t3Supplier,
CheckedFunction0<? extends T4> t4Supplier,
CheckedFunction0<? extends T5> t5Supplier,
CheckedFunction0<? extends T6> t6Supplier,
CheckedFunction0<? extends T7> t7Supplier,
CheckedFunction0<? extends T8> t8Supplier)
Creates a
Try -with-resources builder that operates on eight AutoCloseable resources. |
collect, collect, contains, corresponds, eq, exists, forAll, forEach, getOrElse, getOrElse, getOrElseThrow, getOrElseTry, getOrNull, narrow, out, out, spliterator, stderr, stdout, stringPrefix, toArray, toCharSeq, toCompletableFuture, toEither, toEither, toInvalid, toInvalid, toJavaArray, toJavaArray, toJavaCollection, toJavaList, toJavaList, toJavaMap, toJavaMap, toJavaMap, toJavaOptional, toJavaParallelStream, toJavaSet, toJavaSet, toJavaStream, toLeft, toLeft, toLinkedMap, toLinkedMap, toLinkedSet, toList, toMap, toMap, toOption, toPriorityQueue, toPriorityQueue, toQueue, toRight, toRight, toSet, toSortedMap, toSortedMap, toSortedMap, toSortedMap, toSortedSet, toSortedSet, toStream, toTree, toTry, toTry, toValid, toValid, toValidation, toValidation, toVector
static final long serialVersionUID
static <T> Try<T> of(CheckedFunction0<? extends T> supplier)
- Component typesupplier
- A checked supplierSuccess(supplier.apply())
if no exception occurs, otherwise Failure(throwable)
if an
exception occurs calling supplier.apply()
.static <T> Try<T> ofSupplier(Supplier<? extends T> supplier)
- Component typesupplier
- A supplierSuccess(supplier.get())
if no exception occurs, otherwise Failure(throwable)
if an
exception occurs calling supplier.get()
.static <T> Try<T> ofCallable(Callable<? extends T> callable)
- Component typecallable
- A callableSuccess(callable.call())
if no exception occurs, otherwise Failure(throwable)
if an
exception occurs calling callable.call()
.static Try<Void> run(CheckedRunnable runnable)
- A checked runnableSuccess(null)
if no exception occurs, otherwise Failure(throwable)
if an exception occurs
calling runnable.run()
.static Try<Void> runRunnable(Runnable runnable)
- A runnableSuccess(null)
if no exception occurs, otherwise Failure(throwable)
if an exception occurs
calling runnable.run()
.static <T> Try<Seq<T>> sequence(Iterable<? extends Try<? extends T>> values)
s into a single Try
by transforming an
Iterable<Try<? extends T>>
into a Try<Seq<T>>
. If any of
the Try
s are Try.Failure
, then this returns a Try.Failure
- type of the Trysvalues
- An Iterable
of Try
of a Seq
of resultsNullPointerException
- if values
is nullstatic <T> Try<T> success(T value)
- Type of the given value
- A value.Success
.static <T> Try<T> failure(Throwable exception)
- Component type of the Try
- An exception.Failure
.static <T> Try<T> narrow(Try<? extends T> t)
Try<? extends T>
to Try<T>
by performing a type-safe cast. This is eligible because immutable/read-only
collections are covariant.T
- Component type of the Try
- A Try
instance as narrowed type Try<T>
.default Try<T> andThen(Consumer<? super T> consumer)
, see andThenTry(CheckedConsumer)
- A consumerTry
if this is a Failure
or the consumer succeeded, otherwise the
of the consumption.NullPointerException
- if consumer
is nulldefault Try<T> andThenTry(CheckedConsumer<? super T> consumer)
if this is a Success
The main use case is chaining checked functions using method references:
Try.of(() -> 100)
.andThen(i -> System.out.println(i));
- A checked consumerTry
if this is a Failure
or the consumer succeeded, otherwise the
of the consumption.NullPointerException
- if consumer
is nulldefault Try<T> andThen(Runnable runnable)
, see andThenTry(CheckedRunnable)
- A runnableTry
if this is a Failure
or the runnable succeeded, otherwise the
of the run.NullPointerException
- if runnable
is nulldefault Try<T> andThenTry(CheckedRunnable runnable)
, otherwise returns this Failure
The main use case is chaining runnables using method references:
Please note that these lines are semantically the same:
Try.run(() -> {
- A checked runnableTry
if this is a Failure
or the runnable succeeded, otherwise the
of the run.NullPointerException
- if runnable
is nulldefault <R> Try<R> collect(PartialFunction<? super T,? extends R> partialFunction)
by mapping the value to type R
If the element makes it through that filter, the mapped instance is wrapped in Try
R newValue = partialFunction.apply(value)
- The new value typepartialFunction
- A function that is not necessarily defined on value of this try.Try
instance containing value of type R
- if partialFunction
is nulldefault Try<Throwable> failed()
if this is a Failure(throwable)
, otherwise
a Failure(new NoSuchElementException("Success.failed()"))
if this is a Success.default Try<T> filter(Predicate<? super T> predicate, Supplier<? extends Throwable> throwableSupplier)
filterTry(predicate::test, throwableSupplier)
, see
filterTry(CheckedPredicate, Supplier)
- A predicatethrowableSupplier
- A supplier of a throwableTry
- if predicate
or throwableSupplier
is nulldefault Try<T> filter(Predicate<? super T> predicate, Function<? super T,? extends Throwable> errorProvider)
filterTry(predicate::test, errorProvider::apply)
, see
filterTry(CheckedPredicate, CheckedFunction1)
- A predicateerrorProvider
- A function that provides some kind of Throwable for TTry
- if predicate
or errorProvider
is nulldefault Try<T> filter(Predicate<? super T> predicate)
, see filterTry(CheckedPredicate)
- A predicateTry
- if predicate
is nulldefault Try<T> filterTry(CheckedPredicate<? super T> predicate, Supplier<? extends Throwable> throwableSupplier)
if this is a Failure or this is a Success and the value satisfies the predicate.
Returns a new Failure, if this is a Success and the value does not satisfy the Predicate or an exception
occurs testing the predicate. The returned Failure wraps a Throwable instance provided by the given
- A checked predicatethrowableSupplier
- A supplier of a throwableTry
- if predicate
or throwableSupplier
is nulldefault Try<T> filterTry(CheckedPredicate<? super T> predicate, CheckedFunction1<? super T,? extends Throwable> errorProvider)
if this is a Failure or this is a Success and the value satisfies the predicate.
Returns a new Failure, if this is a Success and the value does not satisfy the Predicate or an exception
occurs testing the predicate. The returned Failure wraps a Throwable instance provided by the given
- A checked predicateerrorProvider
- A provider of a throwableTry
- if predicate
or errorProvider
is nulldefault Try<T> filterTry(CheckedPredicate<? super T> predicate)
if this is a Failure or this is a Success and the value satisfies the predicate.
Returns a new Failure, if this is a Success and the value does not satisfy the Predicate or an exception
occurs testing the predicate. The returned Failure wraps a NoSuchElementException
- A checked predicateTry
- if predicate
is nulldefault <U> Try<U> flatMap(Function<? super T,? extends Try<? extends U>> mapper)
, see flatMapTry(CheckedFunction1)
- The new component typemapper
- A mapperTry
- if mapper
is nulldefault <U> Try<U> flatMapTry(CheckedFunction1<? super T,? extends Try<? extends U>> mapper)
- The new component typemapper
- A mapperTry
- if mapper
is nullT get()
or throws if this is a Failure
IMPORTANT! If this is a Try.Failure
, the underlying cause
of type Throwable
is thrown.
The thrown exception is exactly the same as the result of getCause()
Throwable getCause()
- if this is a Successdefault boolean isAsync()
's value is computed synchronously.boolean isEmpty()
boolean isFailure()
default boolean isLazy()
's value is computed eagerly.default boolean isSingleValued()
is a single-valued.isSingleValued
in interface Value<T>
boolean isSuccess()
default Iterator<T> iterator()
.default <U> Try<U> map(Function<? super T,? extends U> mapper)
, see mapTry(CheckedFunction1)
in interface Value<T>
- The new component typemapper
- A checked functionTry
- if mapper
is null@GwtIncompatible default Try<T> mapFailure(API.Match.Case<? extends Throwable,? extends Throwable>... cases)
or returns this instance if this is a Success
If none of the given cases matches the cause, the same Failure
is returned.
- A not necessarily exhaustive sequence of cases that will be matched against a cause.Try
if this is a Failure
, otherwise this.default <U> Try<U> mapTry(CheckedFunction1<? super T,? extends U> mapper)
passing the result of the current expression to it.
If this expression is a Failure
then it'll return a new
of type R with the original exception.
The main use case is chaining checked functions using method references:
Try.of(() -> 0)
.map(x -> 1 / x); // division by zero
- The new component typemapper
- A checked functionTry
- if mapper
is nulldefault Try<T> onFailure(Consumer<? super Throwable> action)
- An exception consumerNullPointerException
- if action
is nulldefault Try<T> onSuccess(Consumer<? super T> action)
- A value consumerNullPointerException
- if action
is nulldefault <X extends Throwable> T getOrElseThrow(Function<? super Throwable,X> exceptionProvider) throws X extends Throwable
X extends Throwable
default Try<T> peek(Consumer<? super T> action)
in interface Value<T>
- A ConsumerTry
- if action
is null@GwtIncompatible default <X extends Throwable> Try<T> recover(Class<X> exception, Function<? super X,? extends T> f)
, if this is a Success
or this is a Failure
and the cause is not assignable
from cause.getClass()
. Otherwise tries to recover the exception of the failure with f
i.e. calling Try.of(() -> f.apply((X) getCause())
- Exception typeexception
- The specific exception type that should be handledf
- A recovery function taking an exception of type X
- if exception
is null or f
is null@GwtIncompatible default <X extends Throwable> Try<T> recoverWith(Class<X> exception, Function<? super X,Try<? extends T>> f)
, if this is a Success
or this is a Failure
and the cause is not assignable
from cause.getClass()
. Otherwise tries to recover the exception of the failure with f
which returns Try.
If isFailure()
returned by f
function is true
it means that recovery cannot take place due to some circumstances.X
- Exception typeexception
- The specific exception type that should be handledf
- A recovery function taking an exception of type X
and returning Try as a result of recovery.
If Try is isSuccess()
then recovery ends up successfully. Otherwise the function was not able to recover.Try
@GwtIncompatible default <X extends Throwable> Try<T> recoverWith(Class<X> exception, Try<? extends T> recovered)
@GwtIncompatible default <X extends Throwable> Try<T> recover(Class<X> exception, T value)
, if this is a Success
or this is a Failure
and the cause is not assignable
from cause.getClass()
. Otherwise returns a Success
containing the given value
- Exception typeexception
- The specific exception type that should be handledvalue
- A value that is used in case of a recoveryTry
- if exception
is nulldefault Try<T> recover(Function<? super Throwable,? extends T> f)
, if this is a Success
, otherwise tries to recover the exception of the failure with f
i.e. calling Try.of(() -> f.apply(throwable))
- A recovery function taking a ThrowableTry
- if f
is nulldefault Try<T> recoverWith(Function<? super Throwable,? extends Try<? extends T>> f)
, if this is a Success, otherwise tries to recover the exception of the failure with f
i.e. calling f.apply(cause.getCause())
. If an error occurs recovering a Failure, then the new Failure is
- A recovery function taking a ThrowableTry
- if f
is nulldefault Either<Throwable,T> toEither()
to an Either
default <U> U transform(Function<? super Try<T>,? extends U> f)
- Type of transformation resultf
- A transformationU
- if f
is nulldefault Try<T> andFinally(Runnable runnable)
- A runnableTry
- if runnable
is nulldefault Try<T> andFinallyTry(CheckedRunnable runnable)
- A runnableTry
- if runnable
is nullboolean equals(Object o)
int hashCode()
See Object.hashCode().
String toString()
See Object.toString().
static <T1 extends AutoCloseable> Try.WithResources1<T1> withResources(CheckedFunction0<? extends T1> t1Supplier)
-with-resources builder that operates on one AutoCloseable
- Type of the 1st resource.t1Supplier
- The supplier of the first resource.Try.WithResources1
instance.static <T1 extends AutoCloseable,T2 extends AutoCloseable> Try.WithResources2<T1,T2> withResources(CheckedFunction0<? extends T1> t1Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T2> t2Supplier)
-with-resources builder that operates on two AutoCloseable
- Type of the 1st resource.T2
- Type of the 2nd resource.t1Supplier
- The supplier of the 1st resource.t2Supplier
- The supplier of the 2nd resource.Try.WithResources2
instance.static <T1 extends AutoCloseable,T2 extends AutoCloseable,T3 extends AutoCloseable> Try.WithResources3<T1,T2,T3> withResources(CheckedFunction0<? extends T1> t1Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T2> t2Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T3> t3Supplier)
-with-resources builder that operates on three AutoCloseable
- Type of the 1st resource.T2
- Type of the 2nd resource.T3
- Type of the 3rd resource.t1Supplier
- The supplier of the 1st resource.t2Supplier
- The supplier of the 2nd resource.t3Supplier
- The supplier of the 3rd resource.Try.WithResources3
instance.static <T1 extends AutoCloseable,T2 extends AutoCloseable,T3 extends AutoCloseable,T4 extends AutoCloseable> Try.WithResources4<T1,T2,T3,T4> withResources(CheckedFunction0<? extends T1> t1Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T2> t2Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T3> t3Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T4> t4Supplier)
-with-resources builder that operates on four AutoCloseable
- Type of the 1st resource.T2
- Type of the 2nd resource.T3
- Type of the 3rd resource.T4
- Type of the 4th resource.t1Supplier
- The supplier of the 1st resource.t2Supplier
- The supplier of the 2nd resource.t3Supplier
- The supplier of the 3rd resource.t4Supplier
- The supplier of the 4th resource.Try.WithResources4
instance.static <T1 extends AutoCloseable,T2 extends AutoCloseable,T3 extends AutoCloseable,T4 extends AutoCloseable,T5 extends AutoCloseable> Try.WithResources5<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5> withResources(CheckedFunction0<? extends T1> t1Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T2> t2Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T3> t3Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T4> t4Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T5> t5Supplier)
-with-resources builder that operates on five AutoCloseable
- Type of the 1st resource.T2
- Type of the 2nd resource.T3
- Type of the 3rd resource.T4
- Type of the 4th resource.T5
- Type of the 5th resource.t1Supplier
- The supplier of the 1st resource.t2Supplier
- The supplier of the 2nd resource.t3Supplier
- The supplier of the 3rd resource.t4Supplier
- The supplier of the 4th resource.t5Supplier
- The supplier of the 5th resource.Try.WithResources5
instance.static <T1 extends AutoCloseable,T2 extends AutoCloseable,T3 extends AutoCloseable,T4 extends AutoCloseable,T5 extends AutoCloseable,T6 extends AutoCloseable> Try.WithResources6<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6> withResources(CheckedFunction0<? extends T1> t1Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T2> t2Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T3> t3Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T4> t4Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T5> t5Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T6> t6Supplier)
-with-resources builder that operates on six AutoCloseable
- Type of the 1st resource.T2
- Type of the 2nd resource.T3
- Type of the 3rd resource.T4
- Type of the 4th resource.T5
- Type of the 5th resource.T6
- Type of the 6th resource.t1Supplier
- The supplier of the 1st resource.t2Supplier
- The supplier of the 2nd resource.t3Supplier
- The supplier of the 3rd resource.t4Supplier
- The supplier of the 4th resource.t5Supplier
- The supplier of the 5th resource.t6Supplier
- The supplier of the 6th resource.Try.WithResources6
instance.static <T1 extends AutoCloseable,T2 extends AutoCloseable,T3 extends AutoCloseable,T4 extends AutoCloseable,T5 extends AutoCloseable,T6 extends AutoCloseable,T7 extends AutoCloseable> Try.WithResources7<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7> withResources(CheckedFunction0<? extends T1> t1Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T2> t2Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T3> t3Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T4> t4Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T5> t5Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T6> t6Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T7> t7Supplier)
-with-resources builder that operates on seven AutoCloseable
- Type of the 1st resource.T2
- Type of the 2nd resource.T3
- Type of the 3rd resource.T4
- Type of the 4th resource.T5
- Type of the 5th resource.T6
- Type of the 6th resource.T7
- Type of the 7th resource.t1Supplier
- The supplier of the 1st resource.t2Supplier
- The supplier of the 2nd resource.t3Supplier
- The supplier of the 3rd resource.t4Supplier
- The supplier of the 4th resource.t5Supplier
- The supplier of the 5th resource.t6Supplier
- The supplier of the 6th resource.t7Supplier
- The supplier of the 7th resource.Try.WithResources7
instance.static <T1 extends AutoCloseable,T2 extends AutoCloseable,T3 extends AutoCloseable,T4 extends AutoCloseable,T5 extends AutoCloseable,T6 extends AutoCloseable,T7 extends AutoCloseable,T8 extends AutoCloseable> Try.WithResources8<T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T7,T8> withResources(CheckedFunction0<? extends T1> t1Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T2> t2Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T3> t3Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T4> t4Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T5> t5Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T6> t6Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T7> t7Supplier, CheckedFunction0<? extends T8> t8Supplier)
-with-resources builder that operates on eight AutoCloseable
- Type of the 1st resource.T2
- Type of the 2nd resource.T3
- Type of the 3rd resource.T4
- Type of the 4th resource.T5
- Type of the 5th resource.T6
- Type of the 6th resource.T7
- Type of the 7th resource.T8
- Type of the 8th resource.t1Supplier
- The supplier of the 1st resource.t2Supplier
- The supplier of the 2nd resource.t3Supplier
- The supplier of the 3rd resource.t4Supplier
- The supplier of the 4th resource.t5Supplier
- The supplier of the 5th resource.t6Supplier
- The supplier of the 6th resource.t7Supplier
- The supplier of the 7th resource.t8Supplier
- The supplier of the 8th resource.Try.WithResources8
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