Package io.vavr

Interface CheckedFunction8<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R>

  • Type Parameters:
    T1 - argument 1 of the function
    T2 - argument 2 of the function
    T3 - argument 3 of the function
    T4 - argument 4 of the function
    T5 - argument 5 of the function
    T6 - argument 6 of the function
    T7 - argument 7 of the function
    T8 - argument 8 of the function
    R - return type of the function
    All Superinterfaces:
    Functional Interface:
    This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

    public interface CheckedFunction8<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R>
    Represents a function with 8 arguments.
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default <V> CheckedFunction8<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​V> andThen​(CheckedFunction1<? super R,​? extends V> after)
      Returns a composed function that first applies this CheckedFunction8 to the given argument and then applies CheckedFunction1 after to the result.
      default CheckedFunction7<T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R> apply​(T1 t1)
      Applies this function partially to one argument.
      default CheckedFunction6<T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R> apply​(T1 t1, T2 t2)
      Applies this function partially to two arguments.
      default CheckedFunction5<T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R> apply​(T1 t1, T2 t2, T3 t3)
      Applies this function partially to three arguments.
      default CheckedFunction4<T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R> apply​(T1 t1, T2 t2, T3 t3, T4 t4)
      Applies this function partially to 4 arguments.
      default CheckedFunction3<T6,​T7,​T8,​R> apply​(T1 t1, T2 t2, T3 t3, T4 t4, T5 t5)
      Applies this function partially to 5 arguments.
      default CheckedFunction2<T7,​T8,​R> apply​(T1 t1, T2 t2, T3 t3, T4 t4, T5 t5, T6 t6)
      Applies this function partially to 6 arguments.
      default CheckedFunction1<T8,​R> apply​(T1 t1, T2 t2, T3 t3, T4 t4, T5 t5, T6 t6, T7 t7)
      Applies this function partially to 7 arguments.
      R apply​(T1 t1, T2 t2, T3 t3, T4 t4, T5 t5, T6 t6, T7 t7, T8 t8)
      Applies this function to 8 arguments and returns the result.
      default int arity()
      Returns the number of function arguments.
      static <T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R>
      constant​(R value)
      Returns a function that always returns the constant value that you give in parameter.
      default Function1<T1,​Function1<T2,​Function1<T3,​Function1<T4,​Function1<T5,​Function1<T6,​Function1<T7,​CheckedFunction1<T8,​R>>>>>>>> curried()
      Returns a curried version of this function.
      default boolean isMemoized()
      Checks if this function is memoizing (= caching) computed values.
      static <T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R>
      lift​(CheckedFunction8<? super T1,​? super T2,​? super T3,​? super T4,​? super T5,​? super T6,​? super T7,​? super T8,​? extends R> partialFunction)
      Lifts the given partialFunction into a total function that returns an Option result.
      static <T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R>
      liftTry​(CheckedFunction8<? super T1,​? super T2,​? super T3,​? super T4,​? super T5,​? super T6,​? super T7,​? super T8,​? extends R> partialFunction)
      Lifts the given partialFunction into a total function that returns an Try result.
      default CheckedFunction8<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R> memoized()
      Returns a memoizing version of this function, which computes the return value for given arguments only one time.
      static <T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R>
      narrow​(CheckedFunction8<? super T1,​? super T2,​? super T3,​? super T4,​? super T5,​? super T6,​? super T7,​? super T8,​? extends R> f)
      Narrows the given CheckedFunction8<? super T1, ? super T2, ? super T3, ? super T4, ? super T5, ? super T6, ? super T7, ? super T8, ? extends R> to CheckedFunction8<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, R>
      static <T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R>
      of​(CheckedFunction8<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R> methodReference)
      Creates a CheckedFunction8 based on method reference lambda expression Examples (w.l.o.g.
      default Function8<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R> recover​(java.util.function.Function<? super java.lang.Throwable,​? extends Function8<? super T1,​? super T2,​? super T3,​? super T4,​? super T5,​? super T6,​? super T7,​? super T8,​? extends R>> recover)
      Return a composed function that first applies this CheckedFunction8 to the given arguments and in case of throwable try to get value from recover function with same arguments and throwable information.
      default CheckedFunction8<T8,​T7,​T6,​T5,​T4,​T3,​T2,​T1,​R> reversed()
      Returns a reversed version of this function.
      default CheckedFunction1<Tuple8<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8>,​R> tupled()
      Returns a tupled version of this function.
      default Function8<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R> unchecked()
      Returns an unchecked function that will sneaky throw if an exceptions occurs when applying the function.
    • Method Detail

      • constant

        static <T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R> CheckedFunction8<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R> constant​(R value)
        Returns a function that always returns the constant value that you give in parameter.
        Type Parameters:
        T1 - generic parameter type 1 of the resulting function
        T2 - generic parameter type 2 of the resulting function
        T3 - generic parameter type 3 of the resulting function
        T4 - generic parameter type 4 of the resulting function
        T5 - generic parameter type 5 of the resulting function
        T6 - generic parameter type 6 of the resulting function
        T7 - generic parameter type 7 of the resulting function
        T8 - generic parameter type 8 of the resulting function
        R - the result type
        value - the value to be returned
        a function always returning the given value
      • of

        static <T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R> CheckedFunction8<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R> of​(CheckedFunction8<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R> methodReference)
        Creates a CheckedFunction8 based on Examples (w.l.o.g. referring to Function1):
        // using a lambda expression
         Function1<Integer, Integer> add1 = Function1.of(i -> i + 1);
         // using a method reference (, e.g. Integer method(Integer i) { return i + 1; })
         Function1<Integer, Integer> add2 = Function1.of(this::method);
         // using a lambda reference
         Function1<Integer, Integer> add3 = Function1.of(add1::apply);

        Caution: Reflection loses type information of lambda references.

        // type of a lambda expression
         Type<?, ?> type1 = add1.getType(); // (Integer) -> Integer
         // type of a method reference
         Type<?, ?> type2 = add2.getType(); // (Integer) -> Integer
         // type of a lambda reference
         Type<?, ?> type3 = add3.getType(); // (Object) -> Object
        Type Parameters:
        R - return type
        T1 - 1st argument
        T2 - 2nd argument
        T3 - 3rd argument
        T4 - 4th argument
        T5 - 5th argument
        T6 - 6th argument
        T7 - 7th argument
        T8 - 8th argument
        methodReference - (typically) a method reference, e.g. Type::method
        a CheckedFunction8
      • lift

        static <T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R> Function8<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​Option<R>> lift​(CheckedFunction8<? super T1,​? super T2,​? super T3,​? super T4,​? super T5,​? super T6,​? super T7,​? super T8,​? extends R> partialFunction)
        Lifts the given partialFunction into a total function that returns an Option result.
        Type Parameters:
        R - return type
        T1 - 1st argument
        T2 - 2nd argument
        T3 - 3rd argument
        T4 - 4th argument
        T5 - 5th argument
        T6 - 6th argument
        T7 - 7th argument
        T8 - 8th argument
        partialFunction - a function that is not defined for all values of the domain (e.g. by throwing)
        a function that applies arguments to the given partialFunction and returns Some(result) if the function is defined for the given arguments, and None otherwise.
      • liftTry

        static <T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R> Function8<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​Try<R>> liftTry​(CheckedFunction8<? super T1,​? super T2,​? super T3,​? super T4,​? super T5,​? super T6,​? super T7,​? super T8,​? extends R> partialFunction)
        Lifts the given partialFunction into a total function that returns an Try result.
        Type Parameters:
        R - return type
        T1 - 1st argument
        T2 - 2nd argument
        T3 - 3rd argument
        T4 - 4th argument
        T5 - 5th argument
        T6 - 6th argument
        T7 - 7th argument
        T8 - 8th argument
        partialFunction - a function that is not defined for all values of the domain (e.g. by throwing)
        a function that applies arguments to the given partialFunction and returns Success(result) if the function is defined for the given arguments, and Failure(throwable) otherwise.
      • narrow

        static <T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R> CheckedFunction8<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R> narrow​(CheckedFunction8<? super T1,​? super T2,​? super T3,​? super T4,​? super T5,​? super T6,​? super T7,​? super T8,​? extends R> f)
        Narrows the given CheckedFunction8<? super T1, ? super T2, ? super T3, ? super T4, ? super T5, ? super T6, ? super T7, ? super T8, ? extends R> to CheckedFunction8<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, R>
        Type Parameters:
        R - return type
        T1 - 1st argument
        T2 - 2nd argument
        T3 - 3rd argument
        T4 - 4th argument
        T5 - 5th argument
        T6 - 6th argument
        T7 - 7th argument
        T8 - 8th argument
        f - A CheckedFunction8
        the given f instance as narrowed type CheckedFunction8<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, R>
      • apply

        R apply​(T1 t1,
                T2 t2,
                T3 t3,
                T4 t4,
                T5 t5,
                T6 t6,
                T7 t7,
                T8 t8)
         throws java.lang.Throwable
        Applies this function to 8 arguments and returns the result.
        t1 - argument 1
        t2 - argument 2
        t3 - argument 3
        t4 - argument 4
        t5 - argument 5
        t6 - argument 6
        t7 - argument 7
        t8 - argument 8
        the result of function application
        java.lang.Throwable - if something goes wrong applying this function to the given arguments
      • apply

        default CheckedFunction7<T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R> apply​(T1 t1)
        Applies this function partially to one argument.
        t1 - argument 1
        a partial application of this function
      • apply

        default CheckedFunction6<T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R> apply​(T1 t1,
                                                                                                T2 t2)
        Applies this function partially to two arguments.
        t1 - argument 1
        t2 - argument 2
        a partial application of this function
      • apply

        default CheckedFunction5<T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R> apply​(T1 t1,
                                                                                       T2 t2,
                                                                                       T3 t3)
        Applies this function partially to three arguments.
        t1 - argument 1
        t2 - argument 2
        t3 - argument 3
        a partial application of this function
      • apply

        default CheckedFunction4<T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R> apply​(T1 t1,
                                                                              T2 t2,
                                                                              T3 t3,
                                                                              T4 t4)
        Applies this function partially to 4 arguments.
        t1 - argument 1
        t2 - argument 2
        t3 - argument 3
        t4 - argument 4
        a partial application of this function
      • apply

        default CheckedFunction3<T6,​T7,​T8,​R> apply​(T1 t1,
                                                                     T2 t2,
                                                                     T3 t3,
                                                                     T4 t4,
                                                                     T5 t5)
        Applies this function partially to 5 arguments.
        t1 - argument 1
        t2 - argument 2
        t3 - argument 3
        t4 - argument 4
        t5 - argument 5
        a partial application of this function
      • apply

        default CheckedFunction2<T7,​T8,​R> apply​(T1 t1,
                                                            T2 t2,
                                                            T3 t3,
                                                            T4 t4,
                                                            T5 t5,
                                                            T6 t6)
        Applies this function partially to 6 arguments.
        t1 - argument 1
        t2 - argument 2
        t3 - argument 3
        t4 - argument 4
        t5 - argument 5
        t6 - argument 6
        a partial application of this function
      • apply

        default CheckedFunction1<T8,​R> apply​(T1 t1,
                                                   T2 t2,
                                                   T3 t3,
                                                   T4 t4,
                                                   T5 t5,
                                                   T6 t6,
                                                   T7 t7)
        Applies this function partially to 7 arguments.
        t1 - argument 1
        t2 - argument 2
        t3 - argument 3
        t4 - argument 4
        t5 - argument 5
        t6 - argument 6
        t7 - argument 7
        a partial application of this function
      • arity

        default int arity()
        Returns the number of function arguments.
        an int value >= 0
        See Also:
      • reversed

        default CheckedFunction8<T8,​T7,​T6,​T5,​T4,​T3,​T2,​T1,​R> reversed()
        Returns a reversed version of this function. This may be useful in a recursive context.
        a reversed function equivalent to this.
      • memoized

        default CheckedFunction8<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R> memoized()
        Returns a memoizing version of this function, which computes the return value for given arguments only one time. On subsequent calls given the same arguments the memoized value is returned.

        Please note that memoizing functions do not permit null as single argument or return value.

        a memoizing function equivalent to this.
      • isMemoized

        default boolean isMemoized()
        Checks if this function is memoizing (= caching) computed values.
        true, if this function is memoizing, false otherwise
      • recover

        default Function8<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R> recover​(java.util.function.Function<? super java.lang.Throwable,​? extends Function8<? super T1,​? super T2,​? super T3,​? super T4,​? super T5,​? super T6,​? super T7,​? super T8,​? extends R>> recover)
        Return a composed function that first applies this CheckedFunction8 to the given arguments and in case of throwable try to get value from recover function with same arguments and throwable information.
        recover - the function applied in case of throwable
        a function composed of this and recover
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if recover is null
      • unchecked

        default Function8<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​R> unchecked()
        Returns an unchecked function that will sneaky throw if an exceptions occurs when applying the function.
        a new Function8 that throws a Throwable.
      • andThen

        default <V> CheckedFunction8<T1,​T2,​T3,​T4,​T5,​T6,​T7,​T8,​V> andThen​(CheckedFunction1<? super R,​? extends V> after)
        Returns a composed function that first applies this CheckedFunction8 to the given argument and then applies CheckedFunction1 after to the result.
        Type Parameters:
        V - return type of after
        after - the function applied after this
        a function composed of this and after
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if after is null