Interface ExponentialBackoffBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • maxDelay

        ExponentialBackoffBuilder maxDelay​(long maxDelay)
        Sets the maximum retry delay.

        Note that the jitter may push the retry delay over this maximum.

        Default is 5000ms.

        maxDelay - the maximum delay before retrying in ms
        the builder for this exponential backoff
      • minDelay

        ExponentialBackoffBuilder minDelay​(long minDelay)
        Sets the minimum retry delay.

        Note that the jitter may push the retry delay below this minimum.

        Default is 50ms.

        minDelay - the minimum delay before retrying is ms
        the builder for this exponential backoff
      • backoffFactor

        ExponentialBackoffBuilder backoffFactor​(double backoffFactor)
        Sets the backoff multiplication factor. The previous delay is multiplied by this factor. Default is 1.6.
        backoffFactor - the factor to multiply with the previous delay to determine the next delay
        the builder for this exponential backoff
      • jitterFactor

        ExponentialBackoffBuilder jitterFactor​(double jitterFactor)
        Sets the jitter factor. The next delay is changed randomly within a range of +/- this factor.

        For example, if the next delay is calculated to be 1s and the jitterFactor is 0.1 then the actual next delay can be somewhere between 0.9 and 1.1s.

        Default is 0.1

        jitterFactor - the range of possible jitter defined as a factor
        the builder for this exponential backoff
      • random

        ExponentialBackoffBuilder random​(Random random)
        Sets the random number generator used to add jitter to the next delay.

        Default is new java.util.Random().

        random - the random to use for jitter
        the builder for this exponential backoff