Interface Propagation<K>

  • Type Parameters:
    K - Deprecated except when a String.
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    B3Propagation, BaggagePropagation, ExtraFieldPropagation

    public interface Propagation<K>
    Injects and extracts trace identifiers as text into requests that travel in-band across process boundaries. Identifiers are often encoded as messaging or RPC request headers.

    Propagation example: HTTP

    When using HTTP, the client (injector) and server (extractor) use request headers. The client injects the trace context into headers before the request is sent to the server. The server extracts a trace context from these headers before processing the request.

    • Method Detail

      • keys

        List<K> keys()
        Returns the key names used for propagation of the current span. The result can be cached in the same scope as the propagation instance.

        This method exists to support remote propagation of trace IDs:

        • To generate constants for all key names. ex. gRPC Metadata.Key
        • To iterate fields when missing a get field by name function. ex. OpenTracing TextMap
        • Detection of if a context is likely to be present in a request object
        • To clear trace ID fields on re-usable requests. ex. JMS message


        Depending on the format, keys returned may not all be mandatory.

        If your implementation carries baggage, such as correlation IDs, do not return the names of those fields here. If you do, they will be deleted, which can interfere with user headers. Instead, use BaggagePropagation which returns those names in BaggagePropagation.allKeyNames(Propagation).


        When a request is a single-use or immutable request object, there are no known edge cases to consider. Mutable, retryable objects such as messaging headers should be careful about some edge cases:

        When multiple headers are used for trace identifiers, ex B3Propagation.Format.MULTI, producers should be careful to clear fields here before calling TraceContext.Injector.inject(TraceContext, Object) when the input is a new root span. Otherwise, a stale TraceContext.parentIdString() could be left in the headers and be mistaken for a missing root span.

        Headers here should be cleared when invoking listeners in scope. Doing so prevents precedence rules that prefer the trace context in message headers from overriding the current span. Doing so would place any follow-up activity in the wrong spot in the trace tree.

        See Also: