Package brave.sampler

Class DeclarativeSampler<M>

  • Type Parameters:
    M - The type that uniquely identifies this method, specifically for tracing. Most often a trace annotation, but could also be a Method or another declarative reference such as
    All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class DeclarativeSampler<M>
    extends Object
    implements SamplerFunction<M>
    This is an implementation of how to decide whether to trace a request using annotations on a java method. It is not an implementation of aspect-oriented or otherwise declarative tracing. See the test cases for this class for example implementations.

    Example: A user defines an annotation, for example com.myco.Traced, and a lookup function for its rate (could be simple as reading a field, or even a constant). An interceptor uses this sampler on each invocation of a potentially annotated target. The result decides whether a new trace should be started or not.

    No runtime parameters are considered here, but that doesn't mean you can't achieve parameterized sampling using this. If your method is annotated such that it only accepts a fraction of requests, adding a custom @Traced annotation would apply to that subset. For example, if you have a JAX-RS method, it is already qualified by method and likely path. A user can add and inspect their own grouping annotation to override whatever the default rate is.

    Under the scenes, a map of samplers by method is maintained. The size of this map should not be a problem when it directly relates to declared methods. For example, this would be invalid if annotations were created at runtime and didn't match.
